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Parts of speech. Verb - Tenses. Introduction. English verbs can show two tenses, present and past. The future can be expressed in different ways. English verbs can show two forms of tenses, simple and progressive. Present Tenses. Present Simple . I work here . Present Continuous .
Parts of speech Verb - Tenses
Introduction • English verbs can show two tenses, present and past. • The future can be expressed in different ways. • English verbs can show two forms of tenses, simple and progressive.
Present Tenses • PresentSimple. I workhere. • PresentContinuous. Sheisworkingin London. • PresentPerfect. Theyhaveleft.
Past Tenses • Past Simple. I workedhere last year. • Past Continuous. Shewasworkingin thegardenallday. • Past Perfect. Theyhad workedwell.
Ways of expressingthefuture • PresentProgressive (Continouos). I’m expectingyou on Sundaymorning. • Begoing to + infinitive. Weare going to getmarried. • Beabout to + infinitive. Weare about to leave.
Ways of expressingthefuture • Be on the point of + gerund. Look! They are on the point of starting. • Be to + infinitive. OPEC representatives are to meet in Geneva. • Be due to. The train is due to arrive from Prague at 6.
Literatura ALEXANDER, L. G. LongmanEnglishGrammar.1. vyd. London and New York: Longman, 1988. ISBN 0-582-55892-1. CARTER, R., McCARTHY, M. Cambridge Grammar of English. 1. vyd. Cambridge: CUP, 2006. ISBN 0-521-67439-5. SVOBODA, A., KUČERA, K. English Parts of Speech. 1. vyd. Opava: SU v Opavě, 2005. ISBN 80-7248-199-1.
Task • Give some examples of Present/Past tenses. • Give some examples of Simple/Progressive tenses. • Give some examples of expressing the future.