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Explore the efficacy of finasteride and terazosin for symptom relief in a 65-year-old male with BPH, focusing on compliance with medication and impact on daily life.
Searching Ovid for an answer
Question from scenario • 65-year-old male had been waking frequently at night due to urgency to void. His urologist has diagnosed Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH). In reviewing the literature alpha-antagonists also called alpha-blockers are prescribed. The patient is getting more irritable at home and is suffering from concentration problems at his high–tech job. The physician is concerned with patient compliance with his medication.
PICO • P • I • C • O = = = = 65 year old male with Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia finasteride terasozin most efficacious relief of BPH symptoms
Keyword Searching • Keywords describe the main idea of your topic/concept • Keywords are located in the Title, Author, Subject/Descriptor, • Abstract, and Journal fields • Use keyword searching when articles have not been indexed with subject headings • Negative - Have to use synonyms (all the ways an author may have expressed and/or spelled the topic) Ex: back pain OR back pains OR backache OR backaches OR back ache OR back aches, OR pain, back etc. • Negative - More articles, tends to be less relevant
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Click Search “benign prostatic hyperplasia”
Results in the first search set finasteride Click Search
Results in the second search set finasteride Click Search
Select sets to Combine Click And
finasteride Boolean Logic - AND benign prostatic hyperplasia AND
Results of the AND combination
terazosin Click Search
Results of the third search set
Select sets to Combine Click And
Results of the AND combination
Select sets to Combine Click And
Results of the AND combination Results have narrowed to a manageable number of articles
Articles with answer to PICO question
Note that the results are sorted by database – in this case the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews Scrolling through the results
there are results from ACP Journal Club
results from Database of Reviews of Effects (DARE)
and results from Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews
What is a Systematic Review? Systematic review A review of a clearly formulated question that uses systematic and explicit methods to identify, select, and critically appraise relevant research, and to collect and analyze data from the studies that are included in the review. Statistical methods (meta-analysis) may or may not be used to analyze and summarize the results of the included studies. Meta-analysis The use of statistical techniques in a systematic review to integrate the results of included studies. Sometimes misused as a synonym for systematic reviews, where the review includes a meta-analysis. From: Cochrane Collaboration athttp://www.cochrane.org/resources/glossary.htm
Systematic Reviews assess randomized trials and provide a comprehensive summary of the available evidence. Over 800 international journals are searched to locate articles. a Systematic Reviews contain all known reference to trials on a particular intervention. Evidence is assessed with explicit quality criteria to minimize bias ensure reliability. Trials that meet assessment criteria can be combined to produce a more statistically reliable result. Data from studies are often combined statistically to increase the power of the findings of numerous studies, which on their own may be too small to produce reliable results. Authors, who participate with the Cochrane Collaboration, appraise and synthesize evidence from as many relevant scientific studies as possible.
The EBM Topic Review is a methodological summary of the complete systematic review article
Topic reviews are prepared by an author team including subject experts, peer reviewers, librarians, methodologists, and copy and content editors.
complete article 96 pages
ACP Journal Club is a joint online journal: ACP Journal Club by the American College of Physicians Evidence-Based Medicine by the British Medical Journal Group Over 100 clinical journals are screened for original studies that are methodologically sound & clinically relevant. Study categories include:a a Prevention or treatment Diagnosis Prognosis Etiology Economics Clinical prediction guides Differential diagnosis Information summarized in structured abstracts include:aA Study Selection Data Extraction Results Conclusions
Information summarized in structured abstracts include: Study Selection Data Extraction Results Conclusions
ACP Journal Club includes brief commentaries on:a aa Context Clinical applications of findings
DARE includes Over 3000 abstracts of systematic reviews that have been quality assessed Reviews answer questions about specific interventions
Authors’ conclusions Critical commentary Implications
Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials
The Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials 3/5th’s records are from PubMed Relevant records from Embase Other published and unpublished sources Reports from conference proceedings CCRT does not contain full text. Access full text through Gold Rush.
The Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials also searchable by PubMed’s Medical Subject Headings Subject Heading searches yield easier and more accurate search results