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“Jeopardy”. Animal Science Chapter 3. Vocab: 1 point. Meat from calves slaughtered before they are 3 months old. Veal. Vocab: 2 points. Operation that raises cattle that will be used in breeding programs. Purebred Operation. Vocab: 3 points.

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  1. “Jeopardy” Animal Science Chapter 3

  2. Vocab: 1 point Meat from calves slaughtered before they are 3 months old Veal

  3. Vocab: 2 points Operation that raises cattle that will be used in breeding programs. Purebred Operation

  4. Vocab: 3 points Breeds of agricultural animals that are used as bulls in a cross breeding program. Sire Breeds

  5. Vocab: 4 points Simmental, Charolais, and Chianina are also know as this. Exotics

  6. Vocab: 5 points A calf that as been weaned and is being conditioned prior to entering the feedlot. Stocker

  7. Beef Breeds: 1 point Know as the “Mothering” Breed Hereford

  8. Beef Breeds: 2 points Oldest breed of cattle in the world. Simmental

  9. Beef Breeds: 3 points Originated in Germany. Tend to be extra fleshy under the chin. Gelbvieh

  10. Beef Breeds: 4 points Originated in France. Cross of the Mancelle breed and Shorthorn breed. Maine Anjou

  11. Beef Breeds: 5 points Able to survive on very little, poor feed. Are also insect and heat resistant. Brahman

  12. Surprise: 1 point True or False. Cattle buyers prefer calves that have not been castrated or given vaccines. False

  13. Surprise: 2 points This beef breed was near extinction in 1927. Texas Longhorn

  14. Surprise: 3 points Cattle are used as the dams and sires in cow-calf operations. Purebred Operations

  15. Surprise: 4 points Country that exports the most amount of its beef. Brazil

  16. Surprise: 5 points This breed originated in Italy and is known for producing low amount of milk. Chianina

  17. Beef In Your Diet: 1 point Each year the average person eats _______ pounds of beef and veal. 63.5

  18. Beef In Your Diet: 2 points Food from animals supply 88% of this vitamin, which id difficult to obtain from plants. Vitamin B 12

  19. Beef In Your Diet: 3 points Currently there are over ____________ head of beef in the USA. 100,000,000

  20. Beef In Your Diet: 4 points This country supplies 25% of the worlds beef. USA

  21. Beef In Your Diet: 5 points Until this MAJOR event in US history, most beef was raised on family farms for the purpose of feeding the family. Civil War

  22. Location of the Beef Industry: 1 point This state produces the most beef. Texas

  23. Location of the Beef Industry: 2 points Nickname of the area in the Midwest where the majority of the feedlots are located. Corn Belt

  24. Location of the Beef Industry : 3 points Advantage of having calves in the winter. No Flies, Other Bugs, Parasites

  25. Location of the Beef Industry: 4 points This state produces the 2nd largest amount of beef. Nebraska

  26. Location of the Beef Industry: 5 points To produce 1 pound of beef it takes _____ pounds of feed to produce. 6-9 pounds

  27. Parts of the Industry: 1 point In this operation calves are sold upon weaning at 300-500 pounds. Cow-Calf Operation

  28. Parts of the Industry: 2 points In this operation animals are fed a high concentrate ration of feed. Feedlot Operation

  29. Parts of the Industry: 3 points In this operation producers are able to focus on developing specific breed characteristics. Purebred Operations

  30. Parts of the Industry: 4 points In this operation cattle are fed on a high roughage diet. Stocker Operation

  31. Parts of the Industry: 5 points Operation that involves weaning of calves. Cow-Calf Operation

  32. Daily Double! As a team, decide how many of the points you already have you wish to wager. If you get the question correct, you will earn double the points you wagered.If you get the question incorrect, you will lose the points you wagered. Good luck!

  33. Daily Double! As a team, decide how many of the points you already have you wish to wager. If you get the question correct, you will earn double the points you wagered.If you get the question incorrect, you will lose the points you wagered. Good luck!

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