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Welcome. to. Jeopardy!. Final Jeopardy. Round 1. Round 2. Furtrade. En/FrConfl. USA Rev. ConstAct 1791. Round 2. Final Jeopardy. $100. $100. $100. $100. $200. $200. $200. $200. Scores. $300. $300. $300. $300. $400. $400. $400. $400. $500. $500. $100.
Welcome to Jeopardy!
FinalJeopardy Round 1 Round 2
Furtrade En/FrConfl USA Rev ConstAct 1791 Round 2 Final Jeopardy $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 Scores $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500
$100 What Fashion item did europeans embrace?
$100 Beaver hat Scores
$200 What was the name of Canada’s first company?
$200 HBC Scores
$300 HBC created by King Charles and …
$300 Prince Rupert Scores
$400 In an effort to break the monopoly of the HBC Scottish and American capitalists started this company?
$400 NWC Scores
$500 Name of the first settlement by Europeans in CDN territory?
$500 New France Scores
$100 The government in New France was known as
$100 Seigneurial System Scores
$200 This group expelled from their home after they refused allegiance to Britain
$200 Acadians Scores
$300 Decisive battle of the 7 years war took place here
$300 Plains of Abraham Scores
Daily Double
$400 Who were the generals at the end of the 7 year war
$400 Wolfe and Montcalm Scores
$500 This treaty ended the 7 years war giving France to Britain.
$500 Treaty of Paris (1763) Scores
$100 The British upset the American colonists by forcing them to pay which taxes for the 7 year war
$100 Molasses Act, Stamp Act, Sugar Act, Tea Act. Scores
$200 Which group was responsible for the Boston Tea Party
$200 Sons of liberty Scores
$300 In 1774, _____decided to boycott British goods
$300 1rst continental congress Scores
$400 Number of loyal British subjects which emmigrated to Canada?
$400 50,000 Scores
$500 Name the 5 intolerable acts passed by Britain in response to the Boston Tea Party?
$500 Boston Port Act, MasschusettsGovt Act, Quartering Act, Admin Justice Act, Quebec Act, Scores
$100 What did the constitutional act do?
$100 Divide old colony of Quebec into upper and lower canada. Organize a new system of gov’t Scores
$200 Why did the act divide the colony of Quebec into two?
$200 To separate loyalists from french Canadians. Scores
$300 Who held the power in Upper and Lower Canada?
$300 Wealthyu landowners, businessmen and church officials. Scores
$400 Although the corrupt government ignored the interests of settlers nearly _____ people risked many hardships to cross the Atlantic and live in BNA between 1800-1815
$400 800,000 Scores
$500 Scores
$100 Three parts of the National Policy
$100 A system of protective tariffs Western settlement The CPR Scores
$200 Describe a system of protective tariffs
$200 Americans sold cheap goods in Canada. Tariffs increased the costs of goods exported from the US and protect Canadian manufacturing and agriculture. Scores
$300 Explain western settlement within the National Policy
$300 Government wanted west to be settled by farmers to produce crops for export. Scores