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Explore innovative materials for nuclear applications in the context of multinational cooperation and long-term research frameworks to enhance industrial advancements. Learn about novel materials resistant to high temperature, corrosion, and radiation, as well as the mechanisms of damage creation and mechanical analysis. Utilize predictive models, molecular dynamics, and structural analysis for industrial installations.

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  1. MATERIAL STUDIES AT NCBJ • dr inż. Łukasz Kurpaska as a replacement of prof. Jacek JAGIELSKI NUPECC Meeting, SLCJ UW, Warsaw, March 1, 2019 Mini-workshop on Nuclear Physics in Poland

  2. Horizon 2020 Teaming and MAB/IRA PLUS Programme NUPECC Meeting, SLCJ UW, Warsaw, March 1, 2019 Mini-workshop on Nuclear Physics in Poland

  3. BOUNDARY CONDITIONS • Development of nucleartechnologiesistooexpensive for medium-sizedcountriesalone • Allcountriesneed to combinetheirefforts in R&D activities • Multinationalcooperationisthusanobvioussolution • V4G4 • Balticcooperation • EU programs: JPNM, GEMMA, M4F, VINCO, BRILLIANT • NCBJ-CEA-CNRS-VTT-JAEA-UK agreements • Similarequipment and competencesneeded to develop materials for nuclear, power, chemical and general engineering ALFRED i ASTRID (2017-21) NUPECC Meeting, SLCJ UW, Warsaw, March 1, 2019 Mini-workshop on Nuclear Physics in Poland

  4. BOUNDARY CONDITIONS Novel materials resistant to high temperature, corrosion and radiation for industrial applications Nuclear materials High Temperature Irradiation Chemistry Power Corrosion Radiopharmaceuticals NUPECC Meeting, SLCJ UW, Warsaw, March 1, 2019 Mini-workshop on Nuclear Physics in Poland

  5. BOUNDARY CONDITIONS construction project licence PPEJ 4x / 6x1000-1600MWe preparation TSO Electricenergy HTR Heat Economyneeds 50-350 MWth LWR <250°C project licencing construction R&D NOMATEN 10 MWth TSO 250°C-550°C TSO 300-1000 MWth HTR concept project … DFR Heat 1000°C NUPECC Meeting, SLCJ UW, Warsaw, March 1, 2019 Mini-workshop on Nuclear Physics in Poland 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040

  6. BOUNDARY CONDITIONS • Real collaborationrequireslong-term (and FINANCED !) frames • Typicalgrantsareonly 1-3 yearslong: do not fitwell to this idea • Solution: apply for a big, longlastingprojectwhichmayconstitute a basis for typical, short-term, researchgrants, Ph.D. theses etc. • Only one possibilityfound: Teaming for Excellence projects NOMATEN NUPECC Meeting, SLCJ UW, Warsaw, March 1, 2019 Mini-workshop on Nuclear Physics in Poland

  7. NOMATEN Concept MSDA MECHANICAL PROPERTIES Summary: LONG TERM PREDICTIVE MODEL RBS/C EXPERIMENT MOLECULAR DYNAMIC TEM XRD Raman Monte Carlo NUPECC Meeting, SLCJ UW, Warsaw, March 1, 2019 Mini-workshop on Nuclear Physics in Poland

  8. NOMATEN Concept Constitutivemodels Finiteelements Functionalproperties Industrialinstallations Molecular Dynamics Structuralanalysis 10 m 1 cm 1 mm 1 nm NUPECC Meeting, SLCJ UW, Warsaw, March 1, 2019 Mini-workshop on Nuclear Physics in Poland 8

  9. Materials of interest • Nickelbasedalloys • Ferritic – martensiticsteels • Graphite • Al2O3 and hard coatings • Zirconiumbasedalloys • RAF ODS • NBR with Graphene • Plasmasprayedcoatings • Ceramics NUPECC Meeting, SLCJ UW, Warsaw, March 1, 2019 Mini-workshop on Nuclear Physics in Poland

  10. Mechanisms of damagecreation and mechanicalanalysis NUPECC Meeting, SLCJ UW, Warsaw, March 1, 2019 Mini-workshop on Nuclear Physics in Poland

  11. Someexamples: Mechanisms of damagecreation Comparison between experimental (top) and calculated (middle) dislocation density (rescaled to experimental dose rate) and uranium interstitials and vacancies concentration (bottom) as a function of dose (in dPU, displacement per uranium). NUPECC Meeting, SLCJ UW, Warsaw, March 1, 2019 Mini-workshop on Nuclear Physics in Poland

  12. Someexamples: Quantitativeassessment of damagelevel Quantitativeassessment of amount of damage: RBS/C + MC simulations NUPECC Meeting, SLCJ UW, Warsaw, March 1, 2019 Mini-workshop on Nuclear Physics in Poland

  13. Someexamples: Quantitativeassessment of damagelevel Quantitativeassessment of amount of damage: RBS/C + MC simulations • Twocontributions to the RBS/C spectra can be individuallyquantified: • Direct backscattering on randomlydisplacedatoms (RDA): ~amorphousfraction, σRDA = 2x10-15 cm2 • Defocusing of the analyzingbeam on bentchannels (BC): ~dislocations, σBC = 5x10-17 cm2 NUPECC Meeting, SLCJ UW, Warsaw, March 1, 2019 Mini-workshop on Nuclear Physics in Poland

  14. Someexamples: nanomechanicalstudies Structural and nanomechanicalproperties of the implantedODS steels NUPECC Meeting, SLCJ UW, Warsaw, March 1, 2019 Mini-workshop on Nuclear Physics in Poland

  15. Network of tangled dislocations Dislocation loops Relaxation of the elastic strain 220 Small defect clusters Long dislocations 100 nm Increase of the elastic strain 111 Someexamples: Modellization of damageaccumulation Multi-Step DamageAccumulation model (MSDA) 220 220 100 nm 100 nm 3 1 2 50 nm 15

  16. Someexamples: Modellization of damageaccumulation X-Ray diffraction spectra from MD simulations NUPECC Meeting, SLCJ UW, Warsaw, March 1, 2019 Mini-workshop on Nuclear Physics in Poland 16

  17. Someexamples: HT corrosion Zirconia grown on pure zirconium at 600 C Zr/ZrO2(t)//ZrO2(m) Interphase model NUPECC Meeting, SLCJ UW, Warsaw, March 1, 2019 Mini-workshop on Nuclear Physics in Poland

  18. Someexamples: HT mechanicalstudies of the materials NUPECC Meeting, SLCJ UW, Warsaw, March 1, 2019 Mini-workshop on Nuclear Physics in Poland

  19. Equipment: Many of the costly devices are available at NCBJ, VTT and CEA; need to complement them with analytical tools, withoutunnecessaryduplication • MARIA reactor • LBM Hot Cell Lab • Supercomputer Centre CIŚ • POLATOM facilities • CERAD projectinfrastructure • CentriXprojectinfrastructure • Access to XFEL via NCBJ • POLFEL project • Neutron lab build with HZB support NUPECC Meeting, SLCJ UW, Warsaw, March 1, 2019 Mini-workshop on Nuclear Physics in Poland 19

  20. Equipment: NUPECC Meeting, SLCJ UW, Warsaw, March 1, 2019 Mini-workshop on Nuclear Physics in Poland

  21. Equipment: Someexamples of CEA and VTT capabilities to be used in NOMATEN • JANNUS accelerators • Analytical devices • Mechanicaltests • LECI Hot Lab • Frederic Joliot Institute • Modelling of functionalproperties • Fracturemechanics • ProperTune software • APROS model • Biomedicallabs NUPECC Meeting, SLCJ UW, Warsaw, March 1, 2019 Mini-workshop on Nuclear Physics in Poland 21

  22. Somestatistics: +25 years of continuouscontacts with French institutions: CEA, CNRS-CSNSM, Univ. Claude Bernard Lyon, Ecole Centrale de Lyon, Univ. Evry, Univ. Aix-Marseille, Univ. Orleans, … +10 joint Ph.D. thesesincludingtheses in co-tutelle 4 HDR theses(+ 1 in the nearfuture) 35-50 high impactjournalpapers/year (only DFM) About 7 youngscientistsconductingexperimentsat the moment (perspective of a PhD) NUPECC Meeting, SLCJ UW, Warsaw, March 1, 2019 Mini-workshop on Nuclear Physics in Poland 22

  23. NOMATEN organization: Center of Excellence founded by NCBJ with CEA and VTT Legal form: Scientific-Industrial Centre established by NCBJ and ENEA Open for collaborationwith variousnational and foreignorganizations (CNRS, JAEA, JRC, Ciemat, HZB, HZDR, BEIS, Univ. of Lisbon, ORNL, …) Current status: SIC (CNP) established, nationalfinancementsecured (10 MEUR), proposal to TeamingPhase 2 submitted (15 MEUR), … Perspective: 10+ years NUPECC Meeting, SLCJ UW, Warsaw, March 1, 2019 Mini-workshop on Nuclear Physics in Poland 23

  24. We areofferingnew, challengingjob forambitiousscientistswilling to work in multinational environment. Alllevels: ResearchGroupLeaders, Ph.Ds., Ph.DStudents Maintopics: • Molecular Dynamics, • Constitutivemodelling, • Analyticalmethods, • Neutron diffraction and spectrometry, • Functionalproperties Nomaten.ncbj.gov.pl Jacek.Jagielski@ncbj.gov.pl Thankyou for yourattention NUPECC Meeting, SLCJ UW, Warsaw, March 1, 2019 Mini-workshop on Nuclear Physics in Poland 24

  25. Mechanical studies at LBM/NCBJ Standard/Macro scale big samples difficult to irradiate expensive to manufacture Valuable result, ASTM and PN-EN standards Micro scale Easy to manufacture No standards Difficult to interpret Possible neutron ion/neutron irradiation Atomic scale Nano scale New method Easy to irradiate Fast test Standards exist Big test data needs MC and FEM simulations

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