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This experiment investigates the growth of different classes of Neurospora crassa mutants in a minimal medium. Results show the effect of mutations in genes A, B, and C on cell growth. The study concludes that class II mutants (gene B mutation) have impaired growth compared to wild-type and class I mutants (gene A mutation) and class III mutants (gene C mutation).
EXPERIMENT No growth: Mutant cells cannot grow and divide Growth: Wild-type cells growing and dividing Minimal medium RESULTS Classes of Neurospora crassa Wild type Class I mutants Class III mutants Class II mutants Minimal medium (MM) (control) MM + ornithine Condition MM + citrulline MM + arginine (control) CONCLUSION Class II mutants (mutation in gene B) Class I mutants (mutation in gene A) Class III mutants (mutation in gene C) Wild type Precursor Precursor Precursor Precursor Gene A Enzyme A Enzyme A Enzyme A Enzyme A Ornithine Ornithine Ornithine Ornithine Gene B Enzyme B Enzyme B Enzyme B Enzyme B Citrulline Citrulline Citrulline Citrulline Gene C Enzyme C Enzyme C Enzyme C Enzyme C Arginine Arginine Arginine Arginine
DNA TRANSCRIPTION mRNA Ribosome TRANSLATION Polypeptide (a) Bacterial cell Nuclear envelope DNA TRANSCRIPTION Pre-mRNA RNA PROCESSING mRNA TRANSLATION Ribosome Polypeptide (b) Eukaryotic cell
Gene 2 DNA molecule Gene 1 Gene 3 DNA template strand TRANSCRIPTION mRNA Codon TRANSLATION Protein Amino acid
Second mRNA base First mRNA base (5 end of codon) Third mRNA base (3 end of codon)
(a) Tobacco plant expressing a firefly gene (b) Pig expressing a jellyfish gene
Promoter Transcription unit 5 3 3 5 DNA Start point RNA polymerase Initiation Nontemplate strand of DNA 1 Elongation RNA nucleotides 5 3 RNA polymerase 5 3 Template strand of DNA RNA transcript Unwound DNA 3 Elongation 2 3 end Rewound DNA 5 3 5 3 5 3 5 5 Direction of transcription (“downstream”) RNA transcript Template strand of DNA Termination 3 Newly made RNA 3 5 5 3 5 3 Completed RNA transcript
A eukaryotic promoter includes a TATA box 1 Promoter Template 5 3 3 5 TATA box Template DNA strand Start point Several transcription factors must bind to the DNA before RNA polymerase II can do so. 2 Transcription factors 5 3 3 5 Additional transcription factors bind to the DNA along with RNA polymerase II, forming the transcription initiation complex. 3 RNA polymerase II Transcription factors 3 5 5 5 3 RNA transcript Transcription initiation complex
Polyadenylation signal Protein-coding segment 5 3 … G AAA AAA P P P AAUAAA 5 Cap Poly-A tail Start codon 5 UTR 3 UTR Stop codon
Exon Exon Intron 5 Exon Intron 3 Pre-mRNA Poly-A tail 5 Cap 146 31 104 1 105 30 Introns cut out and exons spliced together Coding segment mRNA 5 Cap Poly-A tail 1 146 5 UTR 3 UTR
RNA transcript (pre-mRNA) 5 Exon 1 Intron Exon 2 Protein Other proteins snRNA snRNPs Spliceosome 5 Spliceosome components Cut-out intron mRNA 5 Exon 2 Exon 1
Gene DNA Exon 1 Intron Exon 2 Intron Exon 3 Transcription RNA processing Translation Domain 3 Domain 2 Domain 1 Polypeptide
Amino acids Polypeptide tRNA with amino acid attached Ribosome Trp Phe Gly tRNA Anticodon Codons 5 3 mRNA
3 Amino acid attachment site 5 Hydrogen bonds Anticodon (a) Two-dimensional structure Amino acid attachment site 5 3 Hydrogen bonds 3 5 Anticodon Anticodon (c) Symbol used in this book (b) Three-dimensional structure
Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase (enzyme) Amino acid P P P Adenosine ATP P Adenosine tRNA P P i Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase P i P i tRNA P Adenosine AMP Computer model Aminoacyl-tRNA (“charged tRNA”)
Growing polypeptide Exit tunnel tRNA molecules Large subunit E P A Small subunit 5 3 mRNA (a) Computer model of functioning ribosome P site (Peptidyl-tRNA binding site) A site (Aminoacyl- tRNA binding site) E site (Exit site) E Large subunit A P mRNA binding site Small subunit (b) Schematic model showing binding sites Growing polypeptide Amino end Next amino acid to be added to polypeptide chain E tRNA mRNA 3 Codons 5 (c) Schematic model with mRNA and tRNA
Large ribosomal subunit 3 U 5 C A P site Met Met 5 3 A G U Initiator tRNA GDP GTP E A mRNA 5 5 3 3 Start codon Small ribosomal subunit Translation initiation complex mRNA binding site
Amino end of polypeptide E 3 mRNA P site A site Ribosome ready for next aminoacyl tRNA 5 GTP GDP E E P A A P GDP GTP E P A
Release factor Free polypeptide 5 3 3 3 2 GTP 5 5 Stop codon (UAG, UAA, or UGA) 2 GDP
Completed polypeptide Growing polypeptides Incoming ribosomal subunits Polyribosome Start of mRNA (5 end) End of mRNA (3 end) (a) Ribosomes mRNA (b) 0.1 µm
Ribosome mRNA Signal peptide ER membrane Signal peptide removed Signal- recognition particle (SRP) Protein CYTOSOL Translocation complex ER LUMEN SRP receptor protein
Wild-type hemoglobin DNA Mutant hemoglobin DNA C T T C 3 3 A T 5 5 T 5 A G G A A 3 5 3 mRNA mRNA G A A 5 G U A 3 5 3 Normal hemoglobin Sickle-cell hemoglobin Val Glu
Wild-type DNA template strand 3 5 3 5 mRNA 5 3 Protein Stop Amino end Carboxyl end A instead of G Extra A 5 3 5 3 5 5 3 3 U instead of C Extra U 5 5 3 3 Stop Stop Silent (no effect on amino acid sequence) Frameshift causing immediate nonsense (1 base-pair insertion) T instead of C missing 3 3 5 5 5 5 3 3 A instead of G missing 5 3 5 3 Stop Missense Frameshift causing extensive missense (1 base-pair deletion) missing A instead of T 5 3 5 3 5 3 5 3 U instead of A missing 5 3 5 3 Stop Stop Nonsense No frameshift, but one amino acid missing (3 base-pair deletion) (a) Base-pair substitution (b) Base-pair insertion or deletion
RNA polymerase DNA mRNA Polyribosome 0.25 µm Direction of transcription RNA polymerase DNA Polyribosome Polypeptide (amino end) Ribosome mRNA (5 end)
DNA TRANSCRIPTION 3 Poly-A RNA polymerase RNA transcript 5 RNA PROCESSING Exon RNA transcript (pre-mRNA) Intron Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase Poly-A NUCLEUS Amino acid AMINO ACID ACTIVATION CYTOPLASM tRNA mRNA Growing polypeptide 3 Cap A Poly-A Activated amino acid P Ribosomal subunits E Cap 5 TRANSLATION E A Anticodon Codon Ribosome