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Advocating for Gum in School

Explore the issue of gum not being allowed in school, discussing reasons, steps for change, research findings, and societal impact. Discover why advocating for chewing gum in school is crucial for improved learning and student rights.

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Advocating for Gum in School

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Whyis gum not allowed in school By: Michelle Porter and Taylor Bruyere

  2. The problem • The problem is that gum is not allowed in school because they think that we might put it in some bodies hair or stick it some place • When children chew gum in school they give dentition or they take points or some sort of punishment .

  3. The steps • The steps we can make to change them are we can start off letting a few people chew gum in school. • Then if that works we can start chewing gum in school. • We will need to contact the board of education to see if they will let us proceed with the law and is they do then we can start. • A group of people have all been saying that the law should be changed and they are willing to do something about it .

  4. Research • Teachers have tried to not allow gum in school. • One other good reason is when kids ask for gum they are distracted from learning but you can just ask your neighbor what you have missed. • Students have tried to go to the board and tried and talk to the board and tried to talk to the board but the board said no. • It did not work out very well because the problem was not solved because we can not chew good in school.

  5. Why is the problem important to society • This is important to society because if we chew gum in school then half the stuff people do know they probably won’t do know or some of the stuff people say they probably won’t say. • If we don’t chew gum in school then we will get in trouble

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