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Lab #3

Lab #3 . The Protists. Diplomonads & Parabasalids. Giardia lamblia. Kinetoplastids. flagella. kinetoplastid. flagella. Trypanosoma cruzi. Trypanosoma brucei. Euglenoids - Euglena. stigma. Dinoflagellates. Apicomplexans - Plasmodium. sporozoites.

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Lab #3

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Lab #3 The Protists

  2. Diplomonads & Parabasalids Giardia lamblia

  3. Kinetoplastids flagella kinetoplastid flagella Trypanosomacruzi Trypanosomabrucei

  4. Euglenoids - Euglena stigma

  5. Dinoflagellates

  6. Apicomplexans - Plasmodium sporozoites Plasmodium falciparum - gametocyte Plasmodium sporozoites Plasmodium vivax- merozoite

  7. Ciliates

  8. Ciliates - Paramecium

  9. Diatoms Radial and pennate diatoms

  10. Oomycetes

  11. Golden Algae Dinobryon

  12. Brown Algae - Fucus Bladder wrack Fucus with air bladders

  13. Radiolarins

  14. Forams

  15. Cercozoans

  16. Amoebozoans Ameobaproteus Entamoebahistolytica

  17. Slime molds Plasmodial– Physarum Cellular – Dictyostelium sporangia

  18. Red Algae

  19. Red Algae

  20. Red Algae Red algae sporophytes with spores Pilota

  21. Unicellular Green Algae - Chlamydomonas

  22. Colonial Green Algae - Volvox

  23. Filamentous Green Algae – Spirogyra Spirogyra with spiral chloroplasts

  24. Multicellular Green Algae Ulva – sea lettuce Caulerpa

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