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INTASC Standards. Jennifer Meier BED-308 Special Topic Assignment. Overview. INTASC refers to Interstate Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium
INTASCStandards Jennifer Meier BED-308 Special Topic Assignment
Overview • INTASC refers to Interstate Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium • The INTASC Standards is a “set of model core teaching standards that outline what teachers should know and be able to do to ensure that every K-12 student reaches the goal of being ready to enter college or the workforce in today’s world.” (Council of Chief State School Officers) • These standards are meant to demonstrate the look of effective teaching and learning in the public education system in the United States. • According to CCSSO, the purpose of the INTASC Standards is to serve as a resource for states, districts, professional organizations, teacher education programs, teachers, and others as they develop policies and programs to prepare, license, support, evaluate, and reward today’s teachers to align with the nation’s common core standards.
Overview • There are 10 standards made up by the Council of Chief State School Officers. • The 10 INTASC Standards are grouped into four categories: • The Learner and Learning • Content Knowledge • Instructional Practice • Professional Responsibility • The categorizing of the standards are used to help users organize their thinking on INTASC in how the principles and foundations outlined cover all subjects and grade levels to improve student achievement
Standard #1: Learner Development. The teacher understands how children learn and develop, recognizing that patterns of learning and development vary individually within and across the cognitive, linguistic, social, emotional, and physical areas, and designs and implements developmentally appropriate and challenging learning experiences. • Standard #2: Learning Differences. The teacher uses understanding of individual differences and diverse communities to ensure inclusive learning environments that allow each learner to reach his/her full potential. • Standard #3: Learning Environments. The teacher works with learners to create environments that support individual and collaborative learning, encouraging positive social interaction, active engagement in learning, and self motivation. The Learner and the Learning The voki link below gives a description of the Standards found in The Learner and the Learning http://www.voki.com/pickup.php?scid=7130114&height=267&width=200
The Learner and the Learning Implementation Strategies Being a “kid-watcher” in which you interact, observe, and document how each student constructs and expresses knowledge and how he or she learns best. Detailed notes allow for personalized instruction. Owockiand Goodman’s, Kidwatching,offer assessments and techniques on observing development of child and how it can inform instruction Standard #1
The Learner and the Learning Implementation Strategies Differentiated instruction allows for the needs of each student to be met and for each student to reach his or her highest potential based on learning style. Standard #2
The Learner and the Learning Implementation Strategies Responsive classroom Guided discover/inquiry-based instruction Developing a community of learners “Break Ranks” for personalized learning and improved student achievement. (Breaking Ranks In the Middle, National Association of Secondary School Principals) Standard #3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ttO-nPfivu8
Standard #4: Content Knowledge. The teacher understands the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and structures of the discipline(s) he or she teaches and creates learning experiences that make these aspects of the discipline accessible and meaningful for learners. • Standard #5: Innovative Applications of Content. The teacher understands how to connect concepts and use differing perspectives to engage learners in critical/creative thinking and collaborative problem solving related to authentic local and global issues. Content A deep understanding of the concepts found within each discipline Transmitting content to students by using a variety of forms of communication (i.e. digital media, information technology Content is relevant and connects to local, national, and international issues and to the common core standards.
Content Implementation Strategies Standard #5 Prepare lessons well Study the material and lesson well enough to be knowledgeable in the content and to answer any questions related to the content prior to teaching students the material. Implement several forms of technology into classroom instruction Integrated curriculum Incorporation of Problem-Based Learning to make content relevant to real-world situations and connect to common core standards. Standard #4
Standard #6: Assessment. The teacher understands and uses multiple methods of assessment to engage learners in their own growth, to document learner progress, and to inform the teacher’s ongoing planning and instruction. • Standard #7: Planning for Instruction. The teacher draws upon knowledge of content areas, cross-disciplinary skills, learners, the community, and pedagogy to plan instruction that supports every student in meeting rigorous learning goals. • Standard #8: Instructional Strategies. The teacher understands and uses a variety of instructional strategies to encourage learners to develop deep understanding of content areas and their connections, and to build skills to access and appropriately apply information. Instructional Practice Use of multiple assessments to document student development and influence planning and instruction. Properly identifying objectives, lesson content and design, and aligning assessment to personalize learning. Effective implementation of several instructional strategies that meet the needs of each learner to develop understanding, build on knowledge, and apply appropriately.
Instructional PracticeImplementation Strategies Standard #7 Use of both formative and summative assessment Assessing learning formatively through probing questions, exit slips, observations, running records, and inquiry-based tasks to influence instruction. Assessing summatively to analyze the effectiveness of curriculum and instruction in order to make change and improve student achievement Using formative assessment to “mind the gap” Find where students are struggling and fill the gap through instruction Creation and effective collaboration of intra- and interdisciplinary teacher teams to allow for integrated curriculum Standard #6
Instructional Practice Implementation Strategies Direct Instruction Structured overview Lectures Drill and practice Interactive Instruction Debates & Role Playing Cooperative Learning Groups Conferencing Indirect Instruction Problem solving (PBLs) Case Studies Inquiry & Reflective Discussion Independent Study Essays & Reports Computer Assisted Instruction Learning Centers Experiential Learning Field Trips (physical and virtual) Narratives and Surveys Conducting Experiments & Model Building Instructional Skills Explaining Demonstrating Questioning Standard #7 *This link provides a variety of lessons and activities for each instructional strategy: http://olc.spsd.sk.ca/DE/PD/instr/index.html
Standard #9: Reflection and Continuous Growth. The teacher is a reflective practitioner who uses The teacher is a reflective practitioner who uses evidence to continually evaluate his/her practice, particularly the effects of his/her choices and actions on others (students, families, and other professionals in the learning community), and adapts practice to meet the needs of each learner. • Standard #10: Collaboration. The teacher collaborates with students, families, colleagues, other professionals, and community members to share responsibility for student growth and development, learning, and well-being. Professional Responsibility Constant reflection and evaluation of lessons and assessments. Collaboration with students, families, colleagues, and community members.
Professional Responsibility Implementation Strategies Reflecting on lesson plans based on student performance within each lesson Analyzing what succeeded and what failed in each lesson and where instruction must go from there. Standard #9 • Standard #10 • Working with colleagues, parents, students, community members, other schools for the benefit of the students • Using technological tools and communication strategies to build local/global learning communities • Participation and organization of professional development workshops ENLARGED IMAGE: http://jasonrenshaw.typepad.com/files/lesson_planning_reflection_1a.jpg
The INTASC Standards: http://jasonrenshaw.typepad.com/files/lesson_planning_reflection_1a.jpg Summary The 10 INTASC Standards offer educators in the nation guidelines on proper forms of teaching that allow for optimal student performance and growth. The standards are guidelines in that they allow for teachers to be flexible and creative in implementing their own strategies that follow the guidelines. These strategies are available to help teachers understand best practice and should look like.
References CCSSO. "INTASC: Model Core Teaching Standards." INTASC. Council of Chief State School Office, Apr. 2011. Web. 28 Nov. 2012. <http://www.ccsso.org/documents/2011/intasc_model_core_teaching_standards_2011.pdf>. "A Concept Map for Differentiating Instruction." Demystifying Educational Jargon. educationaljargonschs.wikispaces, 2012. Web. 28 Nov. 2012. <http://educationaljargonschs.wikispaces.com/Differentiation>. "A Listing of Instructional Strategies and Methods." Instructional Strategies Online. Saskatoon Public Schools, 2009. Web. 28 Nov. 2012. <http://olc.spsd.sk.ca/DE/PD/instr/categ.html>. "Professional Standards and Learning." State of New Jersey Department of Education. NJ Department of Education, 2010. Web. 28 Nov. 2012. <http://www.nj.gov/education/profdev/profstand/>. Responsive Classroom. Northeast Foundation for Children, 2012. Web. 28 Nov. 2012. <http://www.responsiveclassroom.org/>. Responsive Classroom. In a Responsive Classroom. Youtube. Youtube, 12 July 2010. Web. 28 Nov. 2012. <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ttO-nPfivu8>. "Teachers Journal." English Raven. TypePad, 29 May 2010. Web. 28 Nov. 2012. <http://jasonrenshaw.typepad.com/jason_renshaws_web_log/2010/05/without-reflection-we-may-be-planning-to-stand-still.html>.