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Explore the latest advancements in detector design and prototyping for the ILC project, focusing on PFA studies, prototype testing, and international collaboration at the CNRS workshop. Dive into grid utilization, Boson tagging, and Particle Flow Analysis developments, aiming for optimized detector performance. Discover the vital role of segmented calorimeters and cutting-edge technology like Pandora PFA to enhance jet energy resolution and achieve performance goals in ILC physics processes.
D_R/ D_1 A Common R&D on the new generation detector for the ILC FJPPL workshop @ CNRS 2008 May 15-16th J.-C. Brient LaboratoireLeprinceRinguet
France-Japan collaboration on ILC detector R&D : • Detector design (ILD) • PFA studies • GRID use (KEK-CCIN2P3) • Prototyping Ultra Segmented Calorimeter Toward the optimized detector for the final ILC project (LOI for March 09)
> Boson tagging in jets decay needs to optimise the di-jet mass resolution > Development of PFA from first tentative at LEP > Use of the GRID - to test the performances on designed detectors - to analyse the test beam data > Design calorimeter optimized on PFA performances ... Lead to ultra segmented device i.e. ECAL W-Si with 120 Mchannels > Design & build ultra segmented prototype tested with Beam ILD
ILD studies in D_R/D_1 LOI was announced last fall by ILCSC. Due date is 31 March, 2009. is a base for further developments and detail planning in accordance with the accelerator developments by GDE. Common feature of GLD and LDC: Particle Flow with a very fine grained calorimeter Gaseous tracker supplemented by SI trackers. GLD LDC • Detector concept study groups, LDC and GLD, agreed to write an ILC detector LOI jointly: • International Linear collider Detector (ILD)
ILD studies in D_R/D_1 • Global geometry and mechanical constraint • (i.e. Common mechanical design) • Low angle design and MDI • Assembling the detector • (and opening the detector)
ILD studies in D_R/D_1 g g g Design of the MDI region Deformation of the ECAL module 8 staves design ECAL-8-3 Fixing lines (3 rails) emax = 0.07 mm
PFA studies in D_R/D_1 Particle Flow Analysis: • Measure charged particle by trackers and neutral particles by calorimeter. • High grain calorimeter and sophisticated algorithm is crucial to achieve a • good jet energy resolution - Performance goal was set at 30%/√E (GeV) • Pandora PFA has achieved the goal:For E<100 GeV jets ( Z0 light quark pairs ) & LDC00 detector model ( ~ Tesla TDR detector ) • Next step: Can we achieve similar performance • - for ILC physics processes ? • - for a realistic and optimized detector model ? Summary of Pandora PFA performance w. LDC01 model – SiD meeting, RAL april08
PFA with 2x2cm pixels ATLAS expected b=3% (Barrel only) Full sim & rec : PANDORA w/ LDC 01 model ATLAS H1 H1 reach b=5% Ejet ( GeV) ALEPH Ejet ( GeV)
PFA studies in D_R/D_1 • Interoperability is a key for international collaboration: standard StdHep/LCIO • Now, Jupiter writes LCIO files for a reconstruction by MarlinReco Generators Analysis Strategy StdHep • According to a preliminary study, Jupiter-GLD data and Mokka-LDC data are compatible in jet energy resolution when analyzed by MarlinReco/Pandora PFA • Detailed comparison is in progress using GLDPrim and LDCPrim detector models. Jupiter Mokka LCIO Satellites MarlinReco Analysis Codes
GRID for D_R/D_1 studies Two VOs for the studies are in operation: • CALICE VO: • test beam data & MC are stored on GRID SE. O(100TB) • Standard data processing are performed on GRID • ILC VO: • Crucial for Geant4-based simulation studies in international framework • Huge CPU demand expected: + ex. 10~100 CPU years/detector configuration • ( by F.Gaede, TILC08 ) • Non-negligible data size: + O(10TB) even for generator data As a start up, a GRID system was prepared on the Japanese side and has been used for • Developments of GRID based software tools • Exchange of data through GRID: • - about 500 GB data have been transferred, which is limited by a local storage • capacity. Data transfer will increase significantly in coming months.
GRID for D_R/D_1 studies CALICEjobs submitted from IN2P3 had been failing at KEK since last fall. • The issue was discussed in a visit in January and TV meetings afterward. • It turned out that it was caused by a time out for a transfer of large size data through a slow network. • The time out was turned off and the error of CALICE jobs were gone. But the data transfer rate is not satisfactory yet. Thetransfer speedfrom IN2P3 to KEK is typically~200kB/sec recently. - Speeds to other sites in Europe are similar. - Short term solution: Use a multi-port transfer: According to a test, the speed improved linearly up to about 20 ports and could be ~30MB/sec using >100 ports. Drawback: clients in a local network can not use the multi-port transfer. - Long term solution: More systematic monitoring to pin down a bottle neck of data transfer Tuning of network parameters should be considered if effective Lesson:Real use and frequent communication is crucial for a ready-to-use GRID
The need of largely segmented calorimeter for ILC leads to the development of a new generation of calorimeter → R&D on mechanics, on VFE electronics, on DAQ, on analysis, but also on Photocounter (MPPC), on silicon , etc... Generic R&D leading to Many application outside the ILC domain Two ECAL projects Czech – French – Korea – UK Tungsten- silicon PIN diodes sampling calorimeter 13 countries 45 institutes 225 phys/eng. ECAL & HCAL Japan – Korea Tungsten- Scintillator read by MPPC (photocounter) • Common DAQ • Common VFE electronics (developed by LAL OMEGA group) • Common test beam infrastructure (Counting room, Drift Ch., Trigger counter, etc...) • Common test beam program , in order to compare the performances
Results from DESY TB First test of linearity First test of noise (100ns gating) First look for performances of different config. (scint. Strip – MPPC) casted extruded extruded w TiO2 reflector sheet reflector sheet
Results from DESY TB Measured energy spectra + 1% 1 23456 GeV linearity deviation Leakage
pi-zero pi+ proton further R&D Fermilab Beam Test with CALICE Fall 2008 2007 FNAL version DESY version pi+n>p+pi0
Installation at MTBF-FNAL DAQ , counting room, services, trigger, etc... First test with very low energy pions We foresee comparison with Scint-W R.Poeschl (LAL) Goal of the ECAL 2008 TB > Going down to 1 GeV pion > Debuging the brand New Scintillator – tungsten ECAL > Comparing for Scint-W and Si-W performances on - electron - pion at low and mid energy
8 GeV pion beam Hadronic shower of single pion Simultaneous particle arrival
Main members • Japan K. Kawagoe (Kobe-U) T. Takeshita (Shinshu-U) S. Yamashita, T. Yoshioka (U-Tokyo) A. Miyamoto, S. Kawabata, T. Sasaki, G. Iwai (KEK) • France M.Anduze, C.Clerc, J.C. Brient, H. Videau (LLR) M.Joré, C. de la Taille, R. Poeschl (LAL) D. Boutigni (CC-IN2P3) Main meetings and contacts * ’08/01/13~17 (ILD Workshop, DESY/Zeuthen ) Converging from GLD/LDC to ILD ‘08/01/17~21 (LLR, Paris) Discuss issues related to the detector optimization and GRID ‘08/01/21~’08/01/25 (LAL, Paris) Discussing problems in GRID and action plans ’08/03/07 (ILD meeting just after SENDAI workshop, March 08) ‘08/05/15 (CNRS, Paris) Calorimetry integration in ILD *In addition to telephone weekly (almost) meetings
D_R/ D_1 Conclusion The Japanese-French collaboration in D_R/D_1has been very useful (mandatory in some case ) > To start to common work on simulation, on PFA reconstruction, but also to establish limitation on the GRID use > To create a single detector concept collaboration ILD > To optimise the use of manpower and money for the detector R&D in test beam > It will be essential in the mid-term comparing different possible ECAL for the PFA approach detector > It will be mandatory for the common LOI (2009) and beyond to start a common detector collaboration
SPARE Towards LOI • GLD and LDC are based on the similar detector concepts. But practically, there are many differences in detector parameters: • B Field: 3 Tesla vs 4 Tesla • Shape of return yoke: Dodecagonal vs Octagonal • Inner radius of Barrel ECAL: 2.1m vs 1.6m • TPC inner radius: 0.45m vs 0.3m • Number of barrel Silicon layers: 4 layers vs 2 layers • … a lot more • A strategy for a unified detector model: Detector Optimization • Detector model will be optimized by using physics benchmark processes. • Benchmark processes, such as ZH, SUSY particles, top, etc, are studied using Geant4 based full simulators and realistic reconstruction packages. • Intermediate detector models, GLDPrim and LDCPrim, are defined as a first step to see performances as a function of detector parameters.In terms of size, GLD > GLDPrim~ LDCPrim > LDC 17 March 2008, KEK Acc. Meeting
SPARE Jet energy range of interest for a good Jet energy resolution Distribution of the jets energy For some physics processes √s = 1 TeV H(2jets) t tbar W ̶ W + √s = 0.5 TeV ZH(120) But which physics need a good Jet energy resolution for this process ? qqbar at 1 TeV Ejet ( GeV)