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ePortfolios and Web Services

The ePortfolio e-strategy aims to provide an integrated online personal support space for learners, with components such as Philosophy, Data, Qualification, and Achievements. It allows for data transfer and aggregation across systems for various applications, including assessment, goal setting, and application systems like UCAS. The e-Learning Framework ensures personalized applications, diverse access permissions, and seamless data storage and transfer solutions. Let's start building your personalized ePortfolio today!

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ePortfolios and Web Services

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  1. ePortfolios and Web Services Clive Church CETIS and Edexcel

  2. Student Learning Space (ePortfolio): E-strategy aim ‘to ensure integrated online personal support for learners’: a personalised learning space with the potential to support e-portfolios available to every school and college by 2007-8. Component Philosophy Data components can be stored on different systems Components can be transferable from system to system.Different Authentication and Authorisation for different components Qualification Success Work for Assessment Work Space Interests ID Goals Achievements School Home/ Pen Drive?

  3. Appropriate components can be aggregated and accessed for an infinite number of different applications Work for Assessment Assessment Marking ID Qualification Success Work Space Interests Goals Achievements

  4. ID Qualification Success UCAS Application System Goals Interests Achievements Other Work for Assessment Work Space

  5. ID Qualification Success College Application System Goals Interests Achievements Other Work for Assessment Work Space

  6. How do we allow different systems to recognise the data? XML XML XML ID Qualification Success College Application System Goals Interests Achievements Other XML XML XML Work for Assessment Work Space XML XML

  7. Some XML for a telephone number <contactinfo> <typename> <tysource sourcetype="standard">UKLeaP</tysource> <tyvalue>Private</tyvalue> </typename> <telephone> <areacode>01234</areacode> <indnumber>567890</indnumber> </telephone> </contactinfo>

  8. And a web service www.college.ac.uk XML XML XML ID Qualification Success Goals College Application System Interests Achievements Other XML XML XML Work Space Work for Assessment XML XML

  9. And accessing it www.college.ac.uk XML XML XML ID Qualification Success Goals College Application System Interests Achievements Other XML XML XML www.application.college.ac.uk Work for Assessment Work Space XML XML

  10. The e-Learning Framework

  11. Implications • Avoids one size fits all • Personalised applications can be provided • Accommodates different access permissions • Solves problems of data storage and data transfer. • Communities need to agree XML definitions and vocabularies LET’S GET GOING

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