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Rural Adolescent AOD Rehabilitation Programs Tender Briefing

Providing information on the tender for Rural Residential Adolescent AOD Rehabilitation programs in Dubbo and Coffs Harbour. Details on the RFT process, contact info, and requirements.

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Rural Adolescent AOD Rehabilitation Programs Tender Briefing

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  1. Rural Residential Adolescent AOD Rehabilitation Programs Tender Briefing

  2. General Information • The Request For Tender (RFT) is for the provision of Rural Residential Adolescent AOD Rehabilitation programs in Dubbo and Coffs Harbour • The RFT opened 26 November 2014 and will close 29 January 2015 at 12:00pm 2

  3. General Information • To ensure that the correct information is provided, all questions regarding the RFT must be provided by email to cfp@djj.nsw.gov.au • The Community Funding Unit will respond directly. Any additional relevant information provided in response to Tender enquiries may also be communicated to Tenderers generally, by means of an Addendum. • www.justice.nsw.gov.au/juvenile-justice 3

  4. General Information • No contact is to be made in relation to the RFT with other Juvenile Justice staff except at formal briefing/presentations arranged as part of the RFT process. Unauthorised communication with other Juvenile Justice staff or any representative of the NSW government may lead to disqualification from the RFT process 4

  5. General Information • Due to the Christmas and New Year period, no queries will be answered and no Addenda will be posted between 19 December 2014 and 5 January 2015 • Responses to questions emailed during that period will answered after 5 January 2015 5

  6. General Information • General responses will be provided at this briefing but specific questions will need to be provided in writing to cfp@djj.nsw.gov.au • Maps with the address for the site inspection will be handed out at the end of this session 6

  7. Description of Requirements • The services being purchased through this RFT are for the continued operation of the Rural Residential Adolescent Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Units in Dubbo and Coffs Harbour. • The programs will continue to be provided in the premises currently being used for this purpose. The successful Tenderer(s) will be responsible for the management of the program as well as the premises. • Tenderers may tender for one or both of the locations. Tenders will be evaluated separately for each location. 7

  8. Nature and duration of Agreement • Two Agreements will be established with organisation(s) to undertake the provision of the Rural Residential Adolescent AOD Rehabilitation Program in Dubbo and Coffs Harbour. • The Agreements will be for a term of three years. The Draft Standard Funding Agreement is provided at Part D of the RFT. • The terms of the Draft Standard Funding Agreement will form the basis of the Agreements that will be entered into with the successful Tenderer(s). 8

  9. Funding • The Rural Residential Adolescent AOD Rehabilitation Programs are jointly funded by the NSW and Commonwealth Governments. • There will be separate Agreements for the two locations with each location being funded for approximately $1,320,000 per annum over three years. 9

  10. Funding (Cont.) • SACS Award Supplementation will be provided where program staff are employed under the Social, Community, Home Care and Disability Service Award 2010. SACS Award Supplementation is calculated separately and the annual allocation will be added to each of the three years funding. • Juvenile Justice is not in the position to guarantee CPI increase from year to year, as this is a matter that is determined by NSW Treasury and the Commonwealth Government. • If CPI is approved by NSW Treasury and/or the Commonwealth Government then it will be passed on to the successful Tenderer(s) accordingly in the second and third years of the agreement. 10

  11. General Information • The RFT documents are made up of 4 parts: • RFT Part A (which includes 3 Attachments) contains the introduction and description of the Requirement • RFT Part A - Attachment 1 provides the detail of the Service Specifications for the program • RFT Part A - Attachments 2 and 3 are included because the reporting formats for the program are different to those outlined in the Juvenile Justice Community Funding Guidelines 11

  12. General Information • RFT Part A - Attachment 2 – ‘Rural Residential Adolescent Alcohol and Other Drug Rehabilitation Review/Exit Report’ replaces the ‘JSP Service Provider Review/Exit Report’ 12

  13. General Information • RFT Part A- Attachment 3 - ‘The Rural Residential Adolescent Alcohol and Other Drug Rehabilitation Program Quarterly Report’ replaces the ‘Service Delivery Summary Report’ 13

  14. General Information • RFT Part B details the terms, conditions and procedures governing the tender process. 14

  15. General information • RFT Part C embodies the offer which is to be submitted in accordance with instructions contained in Part B and which once submitted becomes the Tender. • Complete ALL of Part C, as this information will be used for evaluation purposes 15

  16. General Information • RFT Part D contains the Draft Standard Funding Agreement which contains the terms and conditions of the contractual arrangement proposed to be made between the successful Tenderer(s) and Juvenile Justice to enable the supply of the services to Juvenile Justice. 16

  17. Community Funding Guidelines • The Juvenile Justice Community Funding Guidelines can be found at http://www.juvenile.justice.nsw.gov.au/community_funding.htm 17

  18. Service Specifications • Target Group: Young people (both male and female) 13 to 18 years old who are clients of Juvenile Justice and who have a history of significant AOD use • Program Length: 12 week program plus a 12 week aftercare program • Program staffing: The facilities must provide 24 hour staffing and supervision of the young people 18

  19. Service Specifications • Program Management - Joint Advisory Committee and a Referral Committee will be established and will oversee the operation of the program. • Both committees will involve representatives from Juvenile Justice and the Agency 19

  20. Service Specifications • Program Referrals: • – will be made by Juvenile Justice and reviewed by the Referral Committee • – can be for young people who live anywhere in NSW • Program Capacity: up to 8 young people at a time 20

  21. Service Specifications • Program Requirements: • Individualised plans that include a minimum of 10 planned sessions per week which includes at least four AOD intervention sessions per week • Individual and family focussed counselling, as well as general health, recreational and other programs to facilitate reintegration 21

  22. Service Specifications • Program Requirements: • Relationships with local community agencies and groups (within Coffs Harbour or Dubbo) to ensure local referral pathways to address the needs of the young people and facilitate opportunities for the young people to engage in community activities 22

  23. Service Specifications • AOD Intervention Program Options:– • The Agency is required to provide an AOD and offence focussed treatment program for adolescents (AOD Intervention Program) in the facility 23

  24. Service Specifications • The Agency may provide the X Roads AOD Intervention Program under license from Juvenile Justice or may provide an alternative equivalent AOD Intervention Program, as agreed by Juvenile Justice 24

  25. Service Specifications • The X Roads AOD Intervention Program consists of 45 sessions • Requires a minimum of four AOD sessions each week with each young person in the facility • Each session is designed to be delivered in 30-45 minutes 25

  26. Service Specifications • X Roads AOD Intervention Program has three parts: • Establishing the Journey • Travelling the Journey • Staying on Track • A summary of the program which includes the topics covered is included in the handout 26

  27. Service Specifications • Aftercare Program • A 12 week aftercare program for young people who have completed the residential component is to be provided. • The aftercare program is a collaborative strategy (in consultation with Juvenile Justice and involving other relevant organisations and agencies) designed to support the young person when they return to their own environment. 27

  28. Service Specifications • Aftercare Program (cont) • The program will outline the frequency and type of follow-up support that will be provided. • The support must include face-to-face work with the young person in their own environment, work with their families (when possible), access to community-based group work programs as well as links to treatment and support services in their community. 28

  29. Service Specifications • Aftercare Program (cont.) • The aftercare program will also outline the grounds for the young person to be referred again in the future and detail a flexible re-entry period in cases of relapse. 29

  30. Service Specifications • Aftercare Program (cont) • The face-to-face component of the aftercare program may be provided by staff in the Agency who are based near where the young person is living. • The Agency can also engage other local agencies to provide this service as sub-contractors. 30

  31. Service Specifications • Aftercare Program (cont) • The expectation is that the young person will be contacted by phone at least weekly and that there will be at least three face-to-face contacts during the 12 weeks. 31

  32. Service Specifications • Aftercare Program (cont) • In cases where a young person exits the program prior to completion of the 12 week program, an after care component is to be considered on a case by case basis by the Referral Committee. • In such cases an aftercare program is to be completed for consideration by the Referral Committee prior to the young person’s exit from the program. 32

  33. Tender Responses • Tenderers that are offering to implement an equivalent alternative AOD intervention program for adolescents (i.e. box 1.3 b. in RFT C has been checked) are to provide information at Part C Item 4.4 to allow assessmentof the alternative program against criterion 4 in RFT Part A 33

  34. Agreement Compliance • Nominate all proposed amendments or non-compliance to Funding Agreement terms at time of tender. • Proposed amendments and non-compliances are considered as part of the evaluation. • If you are successful, no new variations to terms and conditions of Agreement will be considered after notification or award. 34

  35. Tender Lodgement • Tender MUST be lodged electronically through the NSW Government tenders website . • Recommend lodge the day prior to the closing date. • Recommend that you check for any Addenda prior to lodging. • Complete tender must be submitted by the Closing Date. 35

  36. Tender Evaluation • Information regarding the Tender Evaluation process is available at Part B of the RFT documents • As part of the Tender evaluation process Tenderers may be called upon to attend an interview or make a presentation of their proposal 36

  37. General Information • This presentation and handouts will be posted as an Addendum to the RFT within the next week • We can answer general questions at this time but specific/detailed questions will need to be provided in writing to cfp@djj.nsw.gov.au 37

  38. RFT Addendum No. 3 • Some references to the Attachments 2 and 3 in RFT Part A - Attachment 1 - Service Specifications (p.5-7), the numbering of the Attachments is incorrect 38

  39. RFT Addendum No.3 • The ‘Rural Residential Adolescent Alcohol and Other Drug Rehabilitation Review/Exit Report’ is Attachment 2 in the RFT documents • The ‘Rural Residential Adolescent Alcohol and Other Drug Rehabilitation Program Quarterly Report’ is Attachment 3 in the RFT documents 39

  40. RFTAddendum No. 4 • The Juvenile Justice web address has recently changed to http://www.justice.nsw.gov.au/juvenile-justice • There may be some references in the RFT documents to the previous web address http://www.djj.nsw.gov.au. However, this URL will redirect you to the new address 40

  41. Tender Response • CLOSING DATE: • Thursday, 29 January, 2015 • CLOSING TIME: 12:00 pm Sydney Time • All RFT Responses are to be lodged within the timeframe specified • Failure to lodge in time may result in no further consideration 41

  42. THANK YOUFOR ATTENDING This presentation has been provided only to assist tenderers. The Request for Tender documents should be relied upon for purposes of preparing your Tender and not information provided at this presentation. 42

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