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Julington Creek Church Newsletter: Predestination and Collective Updates

Volume 2, Issue 23 - Stay updated on collective activities at the Julington Creek Church of Christ. Explore the concept of predestination according to Ephesians 1:5 and the growth of faith like seeds. Discover the importance of adoption into God's family through faith and obedience. Check out the latest updates on individuals and families within the congregation.

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Julington Creek Church Newsletter: Predestination and Collective Updates

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  1. Julington Creek NEWSLETTER News about the collective work at the Julington Creek church of Christ and updates on individuals and families. Volume 2 Issue 23 June 23, 2013 PREDESTINATION “He predestined us to adoption as sons through Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the kind intention of His will” (Eph. 1:5). Foy Short told of a man in southern Africa who had a simple but powerful explanation of biblical predestination. He said it is like a man who sows seed which yields a crop. If the seed of a certain grain was sown in the ground, it was “predestined” that a crop of that grain would be grown. If one sows an apple seed, it is predestined that apples will grow from that seed. If peach seeds are sown, peaches are predestined to grow as a result. (FOY SHORT, A LIFE IN SOUTHERN AFRICA, Gardner Hall). That explanation, with its child-like simplicity, demonstrates how the gospel works according to the predetermined counsel of God. When the word of God, i.e., the “seed of the kingdom,” (Luke 8:11), is planted in a receptive human heart (good soil, 8:15), it will grow a child of God. God has decreed it. "For as the rain and the snow come down from heaven, And do not return there without watering the earth And making it bear and sprout, And furnishing seed to the sower and bread to the eater; 11So will My word be which goes forth from My mouth; It will not return to Me empty, Without accomplishing what I desire, And without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it” (Isaiah 55:10-11). Much to the chagrin of many religious people today, God has not unconditionally predestined individuals to heaven or hell. As the apostle Paul says above, God has predestined people to be adopted into His family, but the adoption process calls for faith and obedience on the part of every prospective adopted child (Eph. 1:13). Every person who believes in Christ (Jno. 8:24), repents of his sin (Acts 3:19), and is baptized into Christ (Rom. 6:4) has been predestined to be saved. That is as unequivocal as planting an apple seed and growing an apple! The opposite is also true: If poor soil refuses to accept the apple seed, no apple tree will grow. If an unresponsive heart refuses the seed of the gospel, no salvation will occur. God has decreed that unbelief and disobedience will result in condemnation (Mark 16:16). Those people have been predestined to eternal punishment. dlf

  2. BIBLE CLASSES: Sick & confined SUNDAY AM CLASS: Sunday: The Gospel of Mark. Chapters 1-2. Teacher: Denny. WEDNESDAY NIGHT BIBLE CLASS: Course: “The Flesh and the Spirit.” C. V. Alexander – Due to a recent fall is in Southlake Nursing. Room A-3. Eddie Goff – At Westminster, Alzheimer's center. David Evors– Kidney dialysis; doing much better. Karen Gemind– Please continue prayer for Karen’s Dad, Ed. Carol Martindale – Recovering at home. Nita McCain – Making good progress. James Taylor – Pray for brother Jim’s overall health. Lavonne Turner’s Dad , Lorenzo - Kidney treatment. GROUP MEETINGS: BAPTIZED: Lawrence Teneris an inmate that this church has sent Bible studies to for the past year. He was baptized recently. Why not drop a card to your new brother in Christ? Lawrence Tener R55345, Jackson CI, 5563 10th St., Malone,FL 32445. Group 2 is scheduled to meet after evening service. Everyone is needed to participate in this work. SUNDAY SERMONS: AM – Things Jonah Could Not Run From Reading: Psalm 139:7-12 PM – SINGING TONIGHT! LADIES BIBLE CLASS dis-continued for the summer. Lynn Johnson - My summer address is 595 Sugar Tree Hollow rd Eagle Rock VA 24085 PowerPoint slides are available for viewing/download on church website. CONTACT US Julington Creek Church Of Christ 1630 State Road 13 N. St. Johns, FL 32259 Phone: 904-230-3332 Or, Denny Freeman @ 904-703-2277 Email: dlf100@aol.com Website: julingtoncreekchurchofchrist.net GATHERING TIMES SUNDAY Bible Classes --------------- 9:30 AM Morning Worship --------- 10:30 AM Evening Worship ---------- 6:00 PM WEDNESDAY Bible Classes --------------- 7:00 PM We love visitors!

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