The spoons behind the scenes By Brendan Kirwan
Now this is my first time doing it on computer so bear with me. Welcome , the spoons is basically a copy of the spoon bro.s and I don't get why the director Aaron port doesn't sue the spoons for copy but any ways getting on to it, the spoons is a comedy with a twist and has a few secrets like everyone must have a 11 drink min for every time they walk in the building (per day) witch they cant have a decent driver so they ether go home drunk or stay in the building. It is life threatening and dangerous!!! I just don't get how there alive...
Now on to the matter of D.J, this guy is an alcoholic and has a criminal record. But he's not the worst..... SPORK IS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes this spoon is an alcoholic a drug dealer a druger a con (7 months ago) and a disappointment to the father.... BUT!!! He's also a murderer..... (he killed postis) I'm so to all you people out there I’m Brendan Kirwan over and out! This is Spoony Spork and D.Js family
Credits Director: Brendan Kirwan Talken bout: Spoony Spork D.J and the spoon family AND ME!!!! BRENDAN KIRWAN HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!