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https://optimise-home.com/ :- Optimise Home Guide 2019<br>
A unique and affordable service to deal with all your extension & renovation requirements FOR ONLY €2250 Plus VAT Give yourself some space.
4. You take it from here The package provides you with all of the information necessary to take the project forward yourself. 2. Design 3. Handover 1. Call Out We will then return to the office and compileyourreport, whichconsistsof: On completion of the report, which usually takes 3-4 weeks, we will meet you again in our offices to go through our proposals and recommendations personally. One of our architects will call out to your home, where we will carry out a survey and take some photographs. During the visit we will discuss the areas of your home that youwouldlike to change,talkaboutyour“wishlist” is, and discover how you would like to live in your home. 1.Fullydimensioned A3designlayout plans for each option 2.3D illustrations If you would like us to be further involvedintheprojectpleasegive us a call on 01 661 9020. If you have any questions, we will be happytogothroughthemwithyouon the day. 3.A look and feel guide you can call on to help you take your project further with supplier & builder recommendations Please Note: 1.We require at least 24 hours for cancellations of this service. 2.Travel costs may apply if outside of the greater Dublin area Recommendations: Questions and Reference Material: We send a briefing document for youtojot down any questions before our visit tomake sure we address all of the points that youwish togo through. If you have any magazine clippings or inspiration images please let us know. Drawings: If youhaveanydrawingsofyourhomeitisveryusefultohavethesetohandonthedayofthevisitastheycanprovideaverygoodformofreference.Wewillalsocarry out a brief survey ourselves. Optimise Design | 34 Fitzwilliam St. Upper | Dublin 2 | info@optimise-design.com | +353 01 661 9020 | optimise-design.com
Will I get a kitchen design? We will give you a layout design for your new kitchen, this will indicate locations of appliances and kitchen style.Wehaverecommendedkitchen suppliersthatwouldbehappytomeet with you to design the details of the kitchen. Do you give advice on insulation? Wecanadviseoninsulationandpoint youinthedirectionofrecommended companies. The Optimise Home servicedoesnotspecifyinsulationfor yourproject,thisisusuallydealtwithat Tender stage. Will I get drawings to take away? Yes, you will receive printed CAD drawings of all options and a USB key with screenshots of your 3D model. We also provide a look and feel booklet with helpful tips and tricks within the package. How long does the call out take? We allow 1 hour for the call out. During which we will discuss your requirements with you while looking at the areas you want to focus on. We then take a dimensional survey of those areas. Will I need a structural engineer? Depending on the scope of works youarelookingtoundertakeitcanbe useful/essentialtoemployastructural engineer. In our handover meeting we can advise you on this and recommend a suitable engineer. Can I ask for changes to the drawings? The drawings you receive are based on the brief you give us on the day of the call out. We will prepare up to 3 options. If you would like a further option having seen our proposals therewouldbeafurtherchargeforthis design work. Can I build from the plans given in the Optimise Home report? The drawings you will receive are not construction drawings, they are suitable for initial discussions with a builder. Optimise Designcan provide a full set of construction drawings for an additional fee. When do I need to pay? The full fee is payable on the day by cash or cheque or prior to the call out by bank transfer. Do you recommend builders? Wehaveanumberofbuildersthatwe can recommend. Please ask at the Is there any follow up? Can I use the drawings to form Optimise Design | 34 Fitzwilliam St. Upper | Dublin 2 | info@optimise-design.com | +353 01 661 9020 | optimise-design.com FAQ The Optimise Home service is a one off package intended to give you the tools you would need to take the project on yourself. It includes 1 call out visit and a further meeting in our offices to hand over the report . Any furtherfollowupordesignworkwould be subject to additional fees. Will I get advice on interior design? The 3Dsincluded in your package are suggestive to use of materials but no specification is provided. Optimise Design provide a turn key Interior Design service, please give us a call if youwishtodiscussthisservicefurther. handover meeting if you would like us to put you in touch with the most appropriate builder for your job. Do you recommend suppliers? The Optimise Home package includes our recommended look and feel, we can recommend suppliers thatweuseonaregularbasiswhowill help you achieve this. How long does the handover take? Thehandovermeetingtypicallytakes 1 hour. We meet you in our office and present you with your designs. We will fully explain the design and can answer any questions that you have. part of a planning application? No, an application for Planning Permisson requires a particular set of drawings and documents in accordance with your local council. Optimise Design can provide this service for you at an additional cost. What if I would like to go ahead with the project? If you wish to take the project further but need a helping hand, please give us a call and we can speak to you about our architectural services. We candraftupafeeproposaltosuityour specific requirements. What does the survey involve? Thisisadimensionalsurveywherewe measure the floor area of the house you wish to focus on. How many options will we get? Usuallyweprovide 2-3 options, these arebasedontheinformationyougive us on the day of the call out. How long does it take to return the finished Optimise Home Report? You will get your Optimise Home reportwithin3-4weeksofthecallout. We will call you to arrange a suitable time for the presentation in our office at 34 Fitzwilliam Street Upper.