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Celebrating our Collaborative Efforts

Celebrating our Collaborative Efforts. http://www.jmu.edu/rmh-jmu/. Family Academy. The Family Academy will help parents raise their children to be healthy, happy, and ready for school by providing: Support Resources Education

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Celebrating our Collaborative Efforts

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  1. Celebrating our Collaborative Efforts http://www.jmu.edu/rmh-jmu/

  2. Family Academy • The Family Academy will help parents raise their children to be healthy, happy, and ready for school by providing: • Support • Resources • Education • Over 60 families are being served in the Family Academy. A database has been developed and implemented to track progress

  3. Cardiac Diagnostics Using Sophisticated Fluid Mechanics Techniques An analytical tool was developed to characterize cardiac flow. The tools measure various flow parameters including the propulsive efficiency of the mitral inflow as a means of describing cardiac health, cardiac disease stages and heart failure. This work could lead to a commercializable and sophisticated cardiac diagnostic tool.

  4. Chronic Illness Strategies Clinic The purpose of the Chronic Illness Strategies Clinic is to empower individuals with chronic illnesses to manage their disease, prevent acute exacerbations, delay further decline and maximize quality of life. It will be designed as an adjunct to primary care services, and will provide innovative, evidence-based multi-disciplinary strategies not feasible in primary care settings today.

  5. Creation of a Simulation Center A simulation center has the potential to provide regional services to enhance education/practice partnerships by providing staff development and continuing education for area health care providers.

  6. Development of an Immunoassay for Human Tear Lacritin Lacritin is a natural human tear protein being developed as a new topical therapeutic to treat dry eye, microbial infections, and corneal wound healing. In conjunction with this, a team is developing an ELISA-based immunoassay to detect lacritin and variants of lacritin in human tears. They are interested in obtaining tear samples from healthy individuals as well as individuals with ocular infections or diseases. a = tear gland / lacrimal glandb = superior lacrimal punctumc = superior lacrimal canald = tear sac / lacrimal sace = inferior lacrimal punctumf = inferior lacrimal canalg = nasolacrimal canal

  7. Energy Conservation - Alternative Fuel Showcase A power company may provide grant money dependent upon consumer education provided by RMH, perhaps in collaboration with JMU. The left pot is burning diesel fuel. The right is burning biodiesel fuel.

  8. Evidence Based Practice - Developing a Collaborative Model for Scholarship EBP promotes the collection, interpretation, and integration of valid and applicable patient-reported, clinician-observed, and research-derived evidence. Research/workshops linked to topics identified by clinical nurses include: • Foley catheters in the OR • Umbilical cord care • Pain management in the confused patient • Scopolamine patches and nauseaand more

  9. Functional Mapping of Hospital Costs Researchers would use mathematical modeling to calculate functional distances between various costs for a number of patients as the difference between the billed amounts. Multidimensional scaling would then reduce the complexity of those data to a two-dimensional graphical depiction. Result: insight into how costs accrue, and in the recognition of different patterns in different patients. Eventually this model should help predict what resources will be needed.

  10. Harrisonburg Community Health Center RMH and JMU, in collaboration with the Healthy Community Council, are providing support to a Federally Qualified Community Health Center (FQHC) in Harrisonburg and Rockingham County. The practice is busy and growing, with 3 physicians, 2 nurse practitioners and 10 other staff persons. They are currently engaged in a strategic planning process.

  11. Integrative Health • Goal: Collaborate in developing integrative health education and practice • Examples underway: • Continuing medical education session offered through RMH • Mindfulness based stress reduction collaborative research project

  12. Center for Voice and Swallowing Assessment and Treatment The center, a collaboration between physicians in the region, the RMH, and JMU faculty, will provide previously unavailable specialized services for the Shenandoah Valley region to serve patients with voice, speech and swallowing disorders

  13. Modeling Waiting Times in the Emergency Department Using Emergency Department data from RMH in a constructed cartography model to determine patient flow and ultimately reduce any bottlenecks.

  14. Training: Assessing and Managing Suicide Risk • Designed for RMH and college campus mental health clinicians • Goal: increase suicide prevention preparedness

  15. Video games for balance rehabilitation JMU researchers wish to collaborate with RMH by testing participants in a balance study using the Wii and Wii Fit video gaming system

  16. Workshops/Education sessions on environmental sustainability JMU Scholars are available for group discussion and education: • Wetland preservation • Water/soil management • Integrated medicine with healthy environment • Recycling wastes

  17. Learning Tour of RMH Hardware • Tour of RMH facilities by interested Computer Information Systems faculty in order to learn more about the computer hardware being used • Objectives include acquisition of outgoing RMH hardware for JMU student learning activities as well as identification of research possibilities

  18. Medical Imaging for JMU Athletics Onsite x-ray services for JMU’s student-athletes at athletic events

  19. Teaching/Learning Collaboration • Adjunct appointments • Guest lectures • Clinical teaching

  20. Touchscreen Computer Kiosks • Goal: help persons of low literacy by improving access to effective, high quality health information

  21. Recycling at RMH Collaborative effort of JMU’s Institute for Stewardship of the Natural World and RMH Surgical services

  22. Health Literacy Game Goal: Educate community health workers and others

  23. LEED Certification Educational DVD Helping to inform and enlighten the greater Harrisonburg population to understand the benefits for becoming LEED certified

  24. Human Resource Projects • Video on peer interviewing procedures • Video orientation for new hires at RMH

  25. Journal Club Focus on topics of interest to clinical nurses on units

  26. Chronic Illness Strategies Classes • A 6-week educational program for persons with chronic illnesses covers nutrition, exercise, use of medications, evaluating new treatment options, effective communication, and strategies for addressing problems. • Outcomes include: decreased days in the hospital, improvement in health behaviors and health status.

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