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July 8, 2003/UCLA. Archives of Nuclear Fusion Research in Japan. Junji FUJITA National Institute for Fusion Science (NIFS) The Graduate University for Advanced Studies. Archives of NFR in Japan. July 8, 2003/UCLA. Collaborators. Nisio, S., Uematsu, E, Kojima, E. (Nihon Univ.)
July 8, 2003/UCLA Archives of Nuclear Fusion Research in Japan Junji FUJITA National Institute for Fusion Science (NIFS) The Graduate University for Advanced Studies
Archives of NFR in Japan July 8, 2003/UCLA Collaborators • Nisio, S., Uematsu, E, Kojima, E. (Nihon Univ.) ----- major in History of Science • Fujita, J. (NIFS, SOKENDAI, Prof. Emeritus), Kawakami, I. (Nihon Univ. Professor Emeritus), Obayashi, H. (NIFS, Professor Emeritus), Namba, C. (NIFS), Sato K. N. (Kyushu Univ.), Sato, N. (Tohoku Univ. Professor Emeritus), Takeda, T. (The University of Electro-Communications), Terashima, Y. (Nagoya Univ. IPP, Professor Emeritus), +Wakatani, M. (Kyoto Univ.) ----- Nuclear Fusion, Plasma Physics • Takaiwa, Y. (KEK, IPNS)----- High Energy Physics • Kimura, K. (Secretary) ------ Cross-cultural Study + passed away on January 9, 2003.
Archives of NFR in Japan July 8, 2003/UCLA Background-1 • Nuclear fusion research (NFR) initiated in 1950s. • NFR has been conducted at universities under Monbusho and Japan Atomic Energy Research Inst. (JAERI), etc. under Science and Technology Agency (STA) in Japan. • NFR is one of big projects: good example from the viewpoint of science history. • Important historical documents tend to be scattered and lost away, especially in the case the institutions were reorganized. • It is urgently necessary to furnish database for archives. • Collaborative works have been carried out at NIFS with some publications.
Archives of NFR in Japan July 8, 2003/UCLA Background-2 • Nagoya is a sister city to Los Angeles. • UCLA and IPP Nagoya Univ. carried out collaborative research under academic exchange agreement. • US/Japan cooperation program has brought fruitful results in the activity of nuclear fusion research. • IPP Nagoya U, PPL Kyoto Univ. and Inst. for Fusion Theory of Hiroshima Univ. have been reorganized to establish National Institute for Fusion Science (1989). • Science and Technology Agency and Monbusho have been reorganized to be MEXT(Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology) (2001).
Archives of NFR in Japan July 8, 2003/UCLA Reorganization of MOE and STA
Archives of NFR in Japan July 8, 2003/UCLA Objectives • 温故知新(wen gu zhi xin)/Confucius (Kongzi,孔子); By exploring the old, one becomes able to understand the new) • Explore documents and records of meetings and committees which are stored in NIFS. • Provide database of these records for archives so that any scientists can access for retrieval. • Circulate these database through INTERNET. • Furnish the database through interviews with key persons (oral history technique).
Archives of NFR in Japan July 8, 2003/UCLA NIFS Nuclear Fusion Database • Database management software: FileMaker Pro (personal computer-based operation). • The number of records: approximately 10,000. • Each record has its own ID, and is stored in an envelope: 033-13, for example. • Several records are kept in a cardboard box; each box has its own box number: B033. • The number of boxes: approximately 300. • In future, planned to be stored in NIFS library in order to release to the public.
July 8, 2003/UCLA Nuclear Fusion Archives Database-1
July 8, 2003/UCLA Nuclear Fusion Archives Database-2
Archives of NFR in Japan July 8, 2003/UCLA Some features of the database • Sources are localized, highly dependent on the contribution from individuals. • Temporal fluctuations are observed, coincident with establishment of institutions or initiation of big projects. • Decrease in the number of very recent records.
Archives of NFR in Japan Record source distribution July 8, 2003/UCLA
Archives of NFR in Japan July 8, 2003/UCLA IPP Nagoya Univ. NIFS
Archives of NFR in Japan July 8, 2003/UCLA Interviews • Prof. Sekiguchi, T. was invited to deliver a talk on “The historical review of the early days on nuclear fusion research in Japanese universities” at Informal colloquiums. [8, 9] • Prof. Shafranov, V. D. was also invited to deliver a talk with a title of "First Period of Fusion History in Kurchatov Institute." [7]
Archives of NFR in Japan July 8, 2003/UCLA Chronological Table • A table has been edited to include dates of events, meetings, committees, period of projects, etc. at IPP. • The work is being extended further to cover those at other institutions in Japan.
Archives of NFR in Japan Problems July 8, 2003/UCLA 1) To complement the archives by collecting systematically more materials in a nation-wide scale. 2) To further extend the activities by interviewing scientists to record their recollections and commentaries. 3) To find appropriate location for depository as well as inspection of archival materials. 4) To establish the archiving system with permanent staff and archivists.
Archives of NFR in Japan July 8, 2003/UCLA Publications-1(in English) [1] “Archival Studies on the Nuclear Fusion Research at Universities in Japan” Nisio, S. et al., Annual Report April 1999-March 2000, p. 379. [2] “Archival Studies on the Nuclear Fusion Research at Universities in Japan” Nisio, S. et al., Annual Report April 2000-March 2001, p. 397. [3] “Archival Studies on the Committees for Nuclear Fusion Research at the Science Council in Japan” Terashima, Y., et al., Annual Report April 2000-March 2001, p. 398. [4] “Plan A and the Establishment of the Institute of Plasma Physics” Uematsu, E., et al., Annual Report April 2000-March 2001, p. 399. [5] “Archival Studies on the Nuclear Fusion Research at Universities in Japan” Nisio, S. et al., Annual Report April 2001-March 2002, p. 385. [6] “History of Nuclear Fusion Research in Japan” Uematsu, E., Takeda, T., Nisio, S., Historia Scientiarum 2nd Series, Vol. 10, No. 1 (2000), p.16. [7] “First Period of Fusion History in Kurchatov Institute” Shafranov, V.D. Seminar in NIFS, Dec. 2000.
Archives of NFR in Japan July 8, 2003/UCLA Publications-2 (in Japanese) [8] NIFS-MEMO-33 “An Archival Study on the Fusion Researches in Japan from 1965 to 1986---An Interview with Sekiguchi Tadashi” Dec.2001. [9] NIFS-MEMO-40 “An Archival Study on the Fusion Researches in Japan Later Half of 1980’s---An Interview with Sekiguchi Tadashi, Professor Emeritus at The University of Tokyo” May 2003. [10]Archival studies on the nuclear fusion research at universities in Japan, Fujita, J., Kimura, K., Namba, C., Obayashi, H., Terashima, Y., The 56th Annual Meeting of the Physical Society of Japan, March 2001. [11] On the discussions of the Committees for Nuclear Fusion Research at JSC, Terashima, Y., Obayashi, H., Kimura, K. The 56th Annual Meeting of the Physical Society of Japan, March 2001. [12] History of Establishing the Institute of Plasma Physics at Nagoya University, Uematsu, E., Nisio, S., Takaiwa, Y., Takeda, T., The 57th Annual Meeting of the Physical Society of Japan, March 2002. [13] Archival studies on the nuclear fusion research at universities in Japan II, Fujita, J., Kimura, K., Namba, C., Obayashi, H., Terashima, Y., The 58th Annual Meeting of the Physical Society of Japan, March 2003.