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Arsenic Transforming Groundwater Bacteria: Role in Arsenic Release

Explore the arsB and arsC genes from Rhizobium sp. strain KAs5-8, studying their role in arsenic release from sediment. Research conducted by Angana Sarkar, Sufia Kazy, and Pinaki Sar.

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Arsenic Transforming Groundwater Bacteria: Role in Arsenic Release

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Presentation Transcript

  1. , arsB a sp. KAs5-8, arsB , arsB sp. KAs5-8, arsB , arsB sp. KAs5-8, arsB , arsB , arsB sp. KAs5-8, arsB sp. KAs5-8, arsB , arsB sp. KAs5-8, arsB , arsB sp. KAs5-8, arsB , arsB sp. KAs5-8, arsB , arsB sp. KAs5-8, arsB , arsB sp. KAs5-8, arsB , arsB sp. KAs5-8, arsB , arsB sp. KAs5-8, arsB , arsB sp. KAs5-8, arsB , arsB sp. KAs5-8, arsB , arsB sp. KAs5-8, arsB , arsB sp. KAs5-8, arsB , arsB sp. KAs5-8, arsB , arsB sp. KAs5-8, arsB

  2. b Supplementary Fig 1. ClustalW multiple alignment of arsB (a) and arsC (b) genes from Rhizobium sp. strain KAs5-8 with the arsoperon of E. coli (X80057). Studies on arsenic transforming groundwater bacteria and their role in arsenic release from subsurface sediment Angana Sarkar1, Sufia K Kazy2 and Pinaki Sar1* 1Department of Biotechnology, Indian institute of Technology Kharagpur, 721302. 2Department of Biotechnology, National institute of Technology Durgapur, 713209. *Corresponding author: Tel: +91 3222 283754, Fax: +91 3222 278707, 25553 E-mail: psar@hijli.iitkgp.ernet.in, sarpinaki@yahoo.com , arsC sp. KAs5-8, arsC , arsC sp. KAs5-8, arsC , arsC sp. KAs5-8, arsC , arsC sp. KAs5-8, arsC , arsC sp. KAs5-8, arsC , arsC sp. KAs5-8, arsC , arsC sp. KAs5-8, arsC

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