PSI Definition AHSD defines P-S-I as a student-driven, process-centered opportunity for learners to explore their own interests. Students will be giventime and spaceduring the school day to identify a challenge, problem or question. With the support of staff, peers and community resources, students will plan, manage and reflect upon their learning. Placing a focus on the process of inquiry fosters the development of a flexible mindset. It allows students the freedom to think independently and interdependently, take risks, and learn from their attempts. This experience is correlated with D25 Habits of Mind (HoM). The PSI approach originated from the district's Gifted Review Committee and was influenced by the research of James Boreland, Joseph Renzulli and Carol Dweck. It is designed to inspire all students to initiate their own learning experiences.
5 Components of PSI • Student Driven Students plan, manage and assess their own learning activities • Student Interest Students pose their own questions, problems or challenges to explore their own interests. • Time and Space Dedicated time and flexible space is provided for students to explore their interests • Reflect Through reflection, students are active processors of information and constructors of knowledge as they continually revise their process of learning • Process Students engage in a process of inquiry that encourages them to F.A.I.L. (First Attempt Iterate and Learn).
Convictions • Students will pose their own question, problem, or challenge of interest and then self-plan, direct, and assess the learning process with the support of staff. Their self-directed study and inquiry will be correlated with D25 Habits of Mind (HoM). • Students will publicly document and reflect on their learning process at multiple intervals of the experience and not just at the end. • Students will reflect on the unintended learning outcomes of their learning experience. • Students will receive, reflect, and act upon continuous teacher and peer formative feedback throughout the experience. • Students will engage in self-assessment throughout for the purpose of reviewing and revising their learning process. • Student documentation, reflection, and project artifacts will assist both students and teachers in continuously monitoring progress towards student-generated learning goals. • Students will complete steps of the process in different orders and at different times, sometimes skipping or repeating steps while learning how to persist and overcome challenges. • Students will work flexibly within the roles of learner and teacher/expert throughout the learning process.
Pilot Model and Goals • Not graded but feedback is given based on... • Goal setting • Achievement and effort • HOM • Process and product • Professional development will take place at the district level • The different school teams and pilot experiences will help inform the 14-15 PSI framework for the district implementation • This is an opportunity for teachers to also play and F.A.I.L. • The hope is that elements of the PSI hour will continue to extend across all areas of learning.
Habits of Mind 1. Persistence 2. Striving for accuracy 3. Thinking about thinking (metacognition) 4. Questioning and posing problems 5. Thinking and communicating with clarity and precision 6. Thinking interdependently 7. Applying past knowledge to new situations 8. Remaining open to continuous learning 9. Thinking flexibly and creatively
Professional Development 5-6 days of PD out of the building and 4-3 days of in classroom support • Student development of learning plan/goals • Questioning (teacher-to-student; student-to-student; student-to-self) • Management: classroom, documentation, space, time, etc. • Documentation & Reflection: strategies, resources, value of, co-creation process with students • Developing Habits of Mind • Self-assessment (teacher of self; student of self)