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till. 12 th MAY – MONDAY We welcome the Swedish group with ten host pupils at the airport at 16:45 and take them to our town . It might take about 2 hours by bus as it is a rush hour . At about 8 p.m. h ost families welcome the pupils and take them home . 13 th MAY – TUESDAY
12 th MAY – MONDAY WewelcometheSwedishgroupwith ten hostpupils at theairport at 16:45 andtakethemtoourtown. Itmighttakeabout 2 hoursbybus as it is a rushhour. At about 8 p.m. hostfamilieswelcomethepupilsandtakethemhome.
13 th MAY – TUESDAY 8:30 - Allthepupilscometoschoolandplay a gametorememberoneanother’snamesandthenewmembersintroducethemselves. TurkishpupilsshowtheSwedishgrouparoundtheschool. 9:30 - Torkelremindsthepupils of thetheme of ourprojectandthefirstThemeWorkstarts. Boysandgirlsseperatelymakesomegroupsandboysprepare an advertisement of a jobthat is not usuallychosenbygirls. Andtheytrytoconvincethegirlstochoosethejobtheyadvertised. Thegirls do thesamethingbyadvertising a jobthat is not seensuitableforthe men bythepublic. 12:00 – 13:30 - Lunch Break 13:30 - 16:00 - Afterlunch, pupils film theiradvertisementvideosormaketheirpresentationsusingpowerpointsandpostcards.
14 th MAY – WEDNESDAY 8:30 - AllthepupilscometoschoolandthesecondThemeWorkstarts. Mixedgroupstrytodramatisethe modern family of theirdreamsthat is freefromnorms. Thegroups can prepareslideshows, shortplaysorposterstopresenttheir modern family. 12:00 – 13:30 - Lunch Break 13:30 - 16:00 - Afterlunch, TurkishpupilsandSwedishpupilsmakesomegroupsseperatelyandTurkishpupilstrytopresent a woman in theirhistorywhobrokethenormsanddid a jobthat is seen as a man’sjob. AndtheSwedishgroupspresentsomeSwedishwomen in theirhistory. Then, thepupilscreate a bignotice board on thewall of theschoolusingtheirpostersandcallthisnotice board, ‘Iftheycould, Whycan’twe?’
15 th MAY – THURSDAY 7:30 - WeheadtoIstanbulbybus. Wevisit a bigmediacenterandthepupils interview a femaleviolencephotographer at themediacenter.Andthejournalistscreate a video usingtheGreenBoxtechnologywith a background view of thepupils’ choice. 12:30 – Lunch break at themediacenter 13:00 Headingtoone of thebiggestAquarium in Europe.ThepupilsvisittheAquariumand interview a femalediverwhodiveswith thesharks in thatAquarium.
IstanbulAquarium Thegreenboxfilming Themediacenter
16 th MAY – FRIDAY 8:30 - Inthemorning ,girlstryto do woodwork.Theymakesometeacoastersusingmanualjigsawandwood. They can do otherthingslikeornaments,too. Boystrytomakesomejewelslikebraceletsornecklacesusingevileyebeadsandfishingline. 12:00 – 13:30 – Lunch break 13:30 – 15:30 - Intheafternoon, girlstrytouse ‘TurkishWriting Art’ on porcelainplatesthat is done mostlyby men andtheymake a souvenirfortheirfamily. Boys do a kind of sawingor a kind of handcraft. (This is not certain yet) 15:30 ----- A contest is carriedout in theschoolgardenthatconsists of severalstations at whichboyspeelpotatos, do thewashingup, trytomake a jewelwithbeadsandgirlshammersomenails on wood, screwsomestuds on woodorcut a piece of woodwith a sawetc. Let’ssee, whowill be fasterand be thewinner?
ManualJigsaw TurkishWriting Art WoodenTeacoasters JewelswithEvilEyeBeads
17 th MAY – Saturday 08:30 - GoingtoPrincesIslandsbyferry WegototheBig Island andiftheweatherpermitswegoswimming in theisland. Andforlunchwehave a picnicand a person in chargecook ‘döner’ Turkishkebabfor us.
Picnic at thelunch break Swimming in the Island PrincesIslands
18th MAY – Sunday Hostfamilies do someactivitieswiththepupils.
19th MAY – Monday 8:00 - GoingtoIstanbulforfun. WegotoIstanbulVialandAmusement Park . 16:00 or 17:00 - WeturnbacktoBosphorusStraitandrent a boat.Andwetake a boatcruise on theBosphorusandseeallthehistoricsitesfromtheferry. Andwegetofftheferry on theotherside of thestraitandgobackhome.
VialandAmusement Park BosphorusBoatCruise BoatCruise VialandAmusement Park
20th MAY – Tuesday 9:00 - Inthemorning, girlsandboyslearnhowto do ‘Art of Marbling’ : in Turkish ‘Ebru’. 13:30 - Intheafternoon , girlsandboyslearntheTurkish folk dances but girlslearnhowtodancelikeboysandviceversa. Intheevening, wehold a culturalshow in theopenair at a placelike a castle in ourtown. Turkish folk dances, musicwithTurkishinstrumentsandsomesongsarepresented.Iftheyvolunteer, Swedishpupils can present a showorsing .(May be theshowthatWilma,JosefinandKatrinadidwiththeglasses in yourculturalshow)
Turkish folk dancecourse Art of Marbling Turkish folk dancecourse Art of Marbling Theplaceforourculturalshow
21st MAY – Wednesday 10 :30 - Wegive a late start after a busyday. Intheschoolgarden, whileboysplantingsomeflowers as thesign of ourfriendship in flowerpots, thegirls plaster a part of thewallandpaintthewallwhitelikerealpainters. Aftertheypaint it white , wedividethewallintosomepartsandmakemixedgroupsandwantthepupilsdrawandpaint a picturethatreflectsourproject’stheme. And it will be a product of theproject. Ifwehave time we can pay a visittothezoo of ourtown. (optional)
22nd MAY – Thursday HistoricTour of Istanbul
BlueMosque Hagiasophia TopkapiPalace IstiklalStreet Galata Tower
23rd MAY – Friday A greatpicnic - Having a barbecue 24th MAY – Saturday 12 : 00 - Weseeoffourguests at theairport.