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Monday, December 3. - Choose your seats for the week – if there is a problem I will choose for you, so be sure to pick WISELY. - Copy down your assignments – get your assignment book signatures ready to show me. - Make your lunch count and make it legibly.
Monday, December 3 - Choose your seats for the week – if there is a problem I will choose for you, so be sure to pick WISELY. - Copy down your assignments – get your assignment book signatures ready to show me. - Make your lunch count and make it legibly. - Get your Monday folders signed! - Spelling test will be on FRIDAY this week – be sure to complete your vocab and STUDY!
RW (Mon): We will evaluate the perspective of texts and hypothesize the influence a different point of view would have on the story. • Opening: What IS perspective/point of view? • Mentor text: The True Story of the Three Little Pigs • Notes/discussion • Work Period: Read Giverch12, taking notes in your journal as you read • When finished, answer the following questions INDEPENDENTLY including text evident to support your thoughts: • Pg 21 – how do Lily and her mother’s perspectives on being “birth moms” vary? • Pg 89 – compare the point of views of the other students on THEIR training vs. Jonas’ POV (TEXT EVIDENCE!). • Pg 75 – what is The Giver’s perspective on Jonas? DO NOT JUST COPY THE TEXT! • Based on ALL you have read up to this point, how is Jonas’ POV changing? From what to now? • Prediction – what will be his reaction to a rainbow? Base your answer ON TEXT EVIDENCE! • Closing: Share out
WW (mon): We will recallspecial memories of the WINTER holidays. • Opening: Mentor text, The Screaming Mean Machine • Sourcebook: notes, observations • Share out, discuss – what can we learn from this narrative? • Work Period: Write a narrative of a winter holiday memory, being sure to include at least FOUR examples of figurative language in your writing. • Circle map, memories of the winter holidays • Closing: Share out
Math (Monday): Final assessment, ch 3 • Opening: Review, 5 minutes • Work Period: Test • SHOW YOUR WORK • Independent • Finished? Turn in, read silently. • Closing: Time – grade
SS (M): We will analyze almanac facts of Southwest & Central Asia. • Opening: https://youtu.be/vlc2hTbfB_E • WorkPeriod: “The World Almanac: Facts About Countries” pg 112, 113 • Explain what each category at the “top” of the chart (i.e. “flag” “population” “area”, etc) means. • Based on “per capita”, what are the 3 most wealthy countries? • Create THREE inequalities using the GDP category. • Which country is the largest? • Which country’s people live the longest? • Which country has the most TVs? • Why do you feel this is included? • What is the difference between Southwest/Central Asia’s oil reserve compared to the rest of the world? • Answer the other questions on pages 112/113. • Grade - **SS FA** • Closing: Share/Assess/Record Grades
SS (M): We will analyze almanac facts of Southwest and Central Asia. • Opening: https://youtu.be/vlc2hTbfB_E • WorkPeriod: “The World Almanac: Facts About Countries” pg 112, 113 • Explain what each category at the “top” of the chart (i.e. “flag” “population” “area”, etc) means. • Based on “per capita”, what are the 3 most wealthy countries? • Create THREE inequalities using the GDP category. • Which country is the largest? • Which country’s people live the longest? • Which country has the most TVs? • Why do you feel this is included? • What is the difference between Southwest/Central Asia’s oil reserve compared to the rest of the world? • Answer the other questions on pages 112/113. • **SS FA** • Closing: Share/Assess/Record Grades
Tuesday, December 4: • Same seats as yesterday. • Copy down your assignments. • Work on and study for your spelling test – it will be on Friday this week. • Make your lunch count and make it legibly. • Anything to be passed out today?
RW (Tues): We will read chapter 13 of the Giver, applying text evidence to illustrate our comprehension. • Opening: discuss chapter 12 • WorkPeriod: Read chapter 13, independently or with a partner, your choice, taking notes in your journal as you (be on the lookout for the rest of this week’s vocab!). • Upon completion, answer the following prompts carefully, being sure to apply text evidence to your thinking and answering: • Three emotions Jonas is feeling at the end of this chapter and WHY he is feeling them – PUSH YOURSELF TO THINK DEEPLY AND CREATIVELY OF “EMOTION WORDS.” • Pg 100 – draw and color the memory Jonas receives that day. Throughout your paper, include the TEXT EVIDENCE which caused you to draw/color what you did. • If you were to lose “choice” – what would be one choice you would MISS the MOST and why? • Finished? Study for this week’s spelling test/read silently. • Closing: Thoughts? Questions?
WW (Tue): We will analyze OUR MEMORIES AND NARROW THEM TO MOMENTS. • Opening: Watermelon vs. slice vs. seed • Amazing Grace • Brace map of Amazing Grace • Work Period: Choose a moment • Create a brace map, narrowing down YOUR “watermelon” to a “seed” Closing: Share/Compare/Discuss/Suggest
SS (M): We will analyze almanac facts of Southwest and Central Asia. Pg B: Why is the “empty quarter” uninhabited? What does the word “vast” mean? Pg 106: Write three inequalities that are factual based upon this map Pg 107: How much rain would fall in Yemen in 7 years? What is the difference in height between the highest and lowest point? Write an inequality showing how much of the Dead Sea IS NOT SALT. Pg 108: What is the definition of landlocked? Pg 109: What is the definition of “concentrated? In which industry would you want a job? Why? Pg 110/111: Using the regional and climate map IN CONNECTION TOGETHER, which region would you most want to live? Why? • WorkPeriod: “The World Almanac: Facts About Countries” pg 112, 113 • Explain what each category at the “top” of the chart (i.e. “flag” “population” “area”, etc) means. • Based on “per capita”, what are the 3 most wealthy countries? • Create THREE inequalities using the GDP category. • Which country is the largest? • Which country’s people live the longest? • Which country has the most TVs? • Why do you feel this is included? • What is the difference between Southwest/Central Asia’s oil reserve compared to the rest of the world? • Answer the other questions on pages 112/113. • **SS FA** • Closing: Share/Assess/Record Grades
RW (wed): We will read chapter 13 of the Giver, applying text evidence to further our comprehension. • Opening: Class discussion – chapter 13, vocab definitions • Work Period: Reading Chapter 14 • Prediction: BEFORE READING – WHAT WILL BE DIFFERENT ABOUT THIS MEMORY? Write your prediction – BASED ON TEXT EVIDENCE – in your journal. • Pg109: Do you think the loss of “choice” was worth the loss of “pain”? • Pg 112: “When people had destroyed others in haste, in fear, and had brought about their own destruction.” Describe a time you reacted in haste and regretted the results. • Pg 113/117: Prediction – what do you PREDICT will happen with Gabriel?
Ww (Wed): We will design a rough draft of our “seed moment.” • Opening: Mentor text A Chair For My Mother • brace map: Who, what, where, when, why, how • Figurative language • WorkPeriod: rough draft • Add to YOUR brace map – who, what, where, when, why, how • Figurative language • Begin your rough draft: • Skip lines • Circle words whose spelling you are unsure of or who you want to try to replace with stronger words. • Remember to focus on adding figurative language. • Closing: Status check
Sci (Wed): We will work together to study energy and heat. • Opening: Pg 138 – Group Review • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=khZrs-UBq28 • In groups, create a skit and/or song to review your class of the facts found in your assigned section • Work Period: pg 140, 141, #1-10 • Grade, FA • Closing: Questions?
RW (Thurs): We will read chapters 15,16 of the Giver, applying text evidence to further our comprehension. : • Work Period: Chapter 16 • Read chapter 16 TOGETHER • Create a venn-diagram comparing Jonas’ former life before the Ceremony of 12 to now. • “Although he had through the memories learned about the pain of loss and loneliness, now he gained, too, an understanding of solitude and its joy.” (pg 122). Define in your own words what Lowry is trying to tell us. • Does the good outweigh the bad? Or make the bad worth it? Explain your POINT OF VIEW. Support it WITH TEXT EVIDENCE? • Prediction: what will become …? • Opening: Discuss chapter 14 • Work Period: Read chapter 15 together: • Define the following words as we come to them: • contorted • Carnage • Grotesquely • Crimson • Drenched • Imploring • As we read page 119, predict – about what are we reading? • Pg 120 – “Forgive me” – for what? • Prediction – in the next chapter, The Giver is going to give away “his favorite” memory. What do you predict it will be? • Define their two perspectives – Jonas vs. The Giver – on chapter 15. TEXT EVIDENCE!
WW (THUR): We will create a rough draft of our small moment. • Opening: Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day; discuss • Work Period: Applying what you have learned and following your flow map, continue working on your rough draft. • Skip lines • Circle words whose spelling you are unsure of or who you want to try to replace with stronger words. • Remember to focus on adding figurative language. • Closing: Meet with a partner: Strengths/suggestions
sCI(Thur): We will demonstrate independently our knowledge of heat and energy • Opening: Review • Work Period: Heat and Energy Summative Assessment, pg 142 • Independent, SA • Finished? Turn in, work silently and independently • Closing: Grade/Discuss
Friday, December 7: • Same seats as yesterday. • Copy down your assignments • Make your lunch count and make it legibly • Anything to be passed out today? • Work on and study for your spelling test – it will be today! • Also today – stations, spelling bee at 8:15,
It is hard to _________the fact that my son is already reading so well. • The police were confused by the _________ between the testimonies of the two witnesses who saw the same event. • The store offers an _________of neckties for sale, of every color, stripe and texture. • The teacher’s harsh _________applied to all of the students who refused to do their work and were at risk of failing. • We will not allow the students to play outside for recess unless they have dressed in a _________outfit. • When the man’s pain hit a _________, he passed into unconsciousness. • A sniper must have extreme _________while on a mission, since he must often hit a very small target from very far away. • The magician’s _________act included fireworks and a live tiger. • Once the terrorists were cornered, the special agents surrounded them and they _________their weapons. • Because I am not a football fan, I feel _________to the fact my husband met a popular football player yesterday. Felicitous: Crescendo: Discrepancy: Flamboyant: Admonition Precision: Relinquished Indifferently Array Assimilated
It is hard to assimilate the fact that my son is already reading so well. • The police were confused by the discrepancy between the testimonies of the two witnesses who saw the same event. • The store offers an array of neckties for sale, of every color, stripe and texture. • The teacher’s harsh admonition applied to all of the students who refused to do their work and were at risk of failing. • We will not allow the students to play outside for recess unless they have dressed in a felicitous outfit. • When the man’s pain hit a crescendo, he passed into unconsciousness. • A sniper must have extreme precision while on a mission, since he must often hit a very small target from very far away. • The magician’s flamboyant act included fireworks and a live tiger. • Once the terrorists were cornered, the special agents surrounded them and they relinquishedtheir weapons. • Because I am not a football fan, I feel indifferentlyto the fact my husband met a popular football player yesterday.
Science (F): Transfer of Energy Question: Can potatoes conduct electricity and light a bulb? ? Hypothesis: I predict that ________________. Materials: Steps: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Observations: Conclusion:
Questions – Giver, ch. 17 • Read ch. 17 with your station group. • As you read, track thoughts, connections, questions, vocab you have. • After reading, answer the following questions in your giver journals; INCLUDE TEXT EVIDENCE WITH YOUR ANSWERS • From a “harmless pastime” to “game of war” – contrast the two perspectives - what has made the difference? Anything like that for you? That you used to find fun and/or harmless but now find completely opposite? • Top of pg 134 – contrast the point of views between Jonas and his friends – “then they were all silent, standing awkwardly, and the only sound was the sound of Jonas’s shuddering breaths. He was struggling not to cry.” • Pg 136 – explain at least THREE ways in which Jonas’ POV has changed over this last past year.
Stations (Fri): We will work cooperatively to design and evaluate, using the concepts we have learned this week. • Station 1: Readers/Writers: 1) Read chapter 17 of The Giver. • Station 2: Computer: Study Island, AR test, free-rice • Station 3: Math: pg 114-115, #23-35