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In The Name of God. Remedies Duration of Action Dr.Sadeghi 2010/01/14. Class Five( v ) Remedies. the most long-continued action of all ; Ant crud. , Ars. , Bar.c , Calc. , Caust. , Graph. , Hepar. , Kali c. , Phos., Sepia., Silic., and Sulph. Class Five( v ) Remedies.
In The Name of God Remedies Duration of Action Dr.Sadeghi 2010/01/14
Class Five( v ) Remedies the most long-continued action of all ; Ant crud. , Ars. , Bar.c , Calc. , Caust. , Graph. , Hepar. , Kali c. , Phos., Sepia., Silic., and Sulph.
Class Five( v ) Remedies *Where these remedies, the real heroes of our medical treasury for the chronic diseases, are accurately suitable and are used, they will actually perform wonders, if they are only granted the necessary time to unfold their full powers.
Class Five( v ) Remedies **Fortunately, they all also belong to the anti-psoric polychrests and, therefore, they find the most frequent average use. ***But far more then even with the preceding we shall have to guard against causing premature disturbances, since the injury caused by them is not easily made good again.
Class Five( v ) Remedies ****What has been said above of Class IV applies here in double measure, and my journal contains many cases where a single dose continued to act beneficially for many months most manifestly, and eventually the many years chronic disease had disappeared with all its traces so completely that nothing more remained to be done.
Class Four( IV ) Remedies Alum., Am carb., Ars. , Aur., Bism., Carb an. , Carb veg., ferr., Flour ac. , Lyc., Magn. carb., Mang. , Natr. acrb., Nitrum (kali nitric), Petr. , Plat., Selen., Stann., Stront
Class Four( IV ) Remedies *the medicines of long duration. **These remedies belong to the so-called anti-psoric remedies, a designation which many are unwilling at this day to accept, but for which no more suitable term is known to me.
Class Four( IV ) Remedies ***With proper diet, and once brought into activity, their action will extend over several weeks and I have always observed disadvantageous results arising when during this period premature disturbance was caused by repetition of the same remedy or by giving another.
Class Four( IV ) Remedies ****Most of all we should guard against their action as extinct( off, finished ), when a second (or more rarely a third) primary action should develop itself.
Class Four( IV ) Remedies *****So long as the old ailments show a renewed aggravation, without the appearance of essentially new symptoms, which lie outside of the sphere of action of the remedy and mirrors itself in the total-image of the last medicine, so long we must carefully guard against giving another medicine or repeating the same medicine again, unless we would soon rule out our precipitancy (hurriedness).
Class Four( IV ) Remedies ******Such a course I have found most injurious among those remedies, which, like the anti-psorics, have many reciprocal actions, which in addition seem to be multiplied by being raised to higher potencies.
Class Three( III ) Remedies Agar., Ambr., Am- mur., Anac., Ang., Ant- tart., Arg-n, Asaf., Bell., Bor., Bov., Brom., Cic., Clem., Colch., Con., Cupr., Dig., Dulc., Euphorb., Guaic., Hell., Iod., Lach., Led., Mag - mur., Mercur., Mezer., Mur - ac., Nat -m , Nit -ac., Oleand., Ph - ac., Plum., Ran scel., Rhodo., Rhus.t, Sabin., Sars., Seneg., Spigel., Spong., Staph., Sul- ac., Thuja., Zinc .
Class Three( III ) Remedies *the medicines of medium duration of action. **The remedies here adducted may nearly all of them be used in acute as well as in chronic diseases with decided usefullness, if only with the former their course is not too rapid, or with the latter the ailment is not too inveterate and, therefore, too firmly rooted. ***
Class Three( III ) Remedies ***In my many years practice it has been as striking to me as curious, that substances combined with an acid such as, e.g, Am- mur., Ant- tart., Magn- mur., Natr- mur., Nitr-ac., Phos - ac., and Sulph- ac. had as it seemed to me, a much briefer duration of action than the simple basis ( Ammon- carb., Ant -crud., Magn- carb., Natr- carb., Phos., and Sulph. ).
Class Three( III ) Remedies I cannot, indeed, after so many careful observations, consider this a delusion; still it would be desirable if other careful observers would also express themselves about it.
Class Two( II ) Remedies Arn., Asar., Bry., Calad., Cann-i., Canth., Caps., Cham., Chel., Chin., Cina, Cocc., kreos., Croc., Cycl., Dros., Euphr., Hyos., Ign, Mgs., M. arct., M. aust., Mar., Men., Nux - mosch., Nux vom., Puls., Ran-b. bulb., Ruta, Sabad., Scil., Sec cor., Valer., Verat., Verb., Viola od., Viola tric.
Class Two( II ) Remedies *whose action is of brief duration . **Also from these remedies in properly chronic(psoric) diseases little result would be obtained. ***Only as intermediate remedies, or where the tedious invalidism has its ground in the abuse of medicines, we may, in lack of more suitable remedies, expect a partial amelioration from these remedies; e.g., from Bryonia in pulmonary patients, from cantharis. in Bright's Disease, from Drosera in the affections of larynx, from Nux vom. and Pulsat. in various ailments, which are not infrequently found in common life and are frequently protracted for a lengthy period.
Class Two( II ) Remedies e.g., from Bryonia in pulmonary patients, from cantharis. in Bright's Disease, from Drosera in the affections of larynx, from Nux vom. and Pulsat. in various ailments, which are not infrequently found in common life and are frequently protracted for a lengthy period.
Class One( I ) Remedies Acon., Camphor, Coffea, Ipecac., Laur., Mosch., Opium, Par., Rheum, Samb., Stram., and Tar *These have the briefest action. **Most corresponding to the acutest diseaes and a necessarily rapid aid in chronic diseases, no use can be made except only as rare intermediate remedies. References; http://www.hpathy.com/papersold/boenninghausen-duration-action1.asp,2010/01/14