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Success story template

Success story template. How to use the success story template.

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Success story template

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  1. Success story template

  2. How to use the success story template The aim here isn’t just to capture the big, company-wide success stories. It’s to highlight the small wins too. We want to know about the marketing department adopting Webex, and the impact it’s had on their everyday working lives. And about how Webex helped an HR campaign achieve its goal to have people home in time for dinner each day. • Rather than a check box exercise, this template is more a guide to sharing your stories and helping others learn from them. We’re using the story "spine" method to help you be the best storyteller you can be. • First, think about these questions: • Why must you tell THIS story? • What makes this the most compelling story you have to tell? • What greater purpose does this story serve? • What can others learn from it? • Don’t try to tell the story of everyone at your company, or describe all the use cases. Focus on one team, one department, and talk about their efforts. Or concentrate on a group of people with one specific problem, and say how the technology solved it.

  3. Success story spine

  4. Success story spine

  5. Success story spine

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