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BELLRINGER MONDAY, OCTOBER 20, 2008. 1. What were your favrite folk tales when you was a child 2. “Beauty and the beast,” “the three little pigs,” “the frog prince, and “the silkie are a few classic tales handed down from the past. BELLRINGER TUESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 2008.
BELLRINGERMONDAY, OCTOBER 20, 2008 • 1. What were your favrite folk tales when you was a child • 2. “Beauty and the beast,” “the three little pigs,” “the frog prince, and “the silkie are a few classic tales handed down from the past.
BELLRINGERTUESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 2008 • 1. You may have noticed recuring elements such as the following things in threes, kwests, talking animal, and magic spels. • 2. Other elements or motifs include magical changes of people into animals and of animals into people. • 3. In a tipical folk tale, a good looking person of roial birth fall in love with a poor but simpathetic peasant.
BELLRINGERWEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 22, 200`8 • 1. The plot of a folk tale might contain these events a princess sufers a witchs curse goes on a quest and befriends some animals. • 2. Them animals are grateful for her kindness moreover they have magic powers.
BELLRINGERTHURSDAY, OCTOBER 23, 2008 • 1. A wise animal whom is really a wizard gives the princess three wishs and tells her that only a true lovers kiss can break the witchs spell. • 2. Soon an intelligent and brave animal turns into an handsome peasant boy then he kisses the princess and imediately breaks the spell. • 3. The princess marries the peasant and the wicked witch who casted the spell is eksiled from the kingdom.
BELLRINGER JOURNAL RESPONSEFRIDAY, OCTOBER 24, 2008 • I was most angry when... • (One paragraph; 5-7 sentences)
BELLRINGER QUIZFRIDAY, OCTOBER 24, 2008 • DIRECTIONS: Choose the sentence that is written correctly.
1. • A. The princess marries the peasant and the wicked witch who casted the spell is eksiled from the kingdom. • B. The princess marries the peasant, and the wicked witch, who cast the spell, is exiled from the kingdom.
2. • A. Soon, an intelligent and brave animal turns into a handsome peasant boy; the he kisses the princess and immediately breaks the spell. • B. Soon an intelligent and brave animal turns into an handsome peasant boy then he kisses the princess and imediately breaks the spell.
3. • A. A wise animal whom is really a wizard gives the princess three wishs and tells her that only a true lovers kiss can break the witchs spell. • B. A wise animal, who is really a wizard, gives the princess three wishes and tells her that only a true lover’s kiss can break the witch’s spell.
4. • A. The animals are grateful for her kindness; moreover, they have magic powers. • B. Them animals are grateful for her kindness moreover they have magic powers.
5. • A. The plot of a folk tale might contain these events a princess sufers a witchs curse goes on a quest and befriends some animals. • B. The plot of a folk tale might contain these events: a princes suffers a witch’s curse, goes on a quest, and befriends some animals.
6. • A. In a typical folk tale, a good looking person of royal birth falls in love with a poor, but sympathetic peasant. • B. In a tipical folk tale, a good looking person of roial birth fall in love with a poor but simpathetic peasant.
7. • A. Other elements, or motifs, include magical changes of people into animals, and of animals into people • B. Other elements or motifs include magical changes of people into animals and of animals into people.
8. • A. You may have noticed recuring elements such as the following things in threes, kwests, talking animal, and magic spels. • B. You may have notice recurring elements, such as the following: things in threes, quests, talking animals, and magic spells.
9. • A. “Beauty and the Beast,” “The Three Little Pigs,” “The Frog Prince,” and “The Silkie” are a few classic tales handed down from the past. • B. “Beauty and the beast,” “the three little pigs,” “the frog prince, and “the silkie are a few classic tales handed down from the past.
10. • A. What were your favrite folk tales when you was a child • B. What were your favorite folk tales when you were a child?