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Patrick Ogle (Caltech, Spitzer Science Center) R. Antonucci, C. Leipski, Phil Appleton, Francois Boulanger. Impact of Jet Feedback on H 2 and Star Formation in Radio Galaxies. Normal Star-Forming Galaxies. Spitzer SINGS survey of nearby galaxies (Smith 07).
Patrick Ogle (Caltech, Spitzer Science Center) R. Antonucci, C. Leipski, Phil Appleton, Francois Boulanger Impact of Jet Feedback on H2 and Star Formation in Radio Galaxies
Normal Star-Forming Galaxies • Spitzer SINGS survey of nearby galaxies (Smith 07). • Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon (PAH) dust is excited by UV in stellar photodissociation regions. • PAH emission is useful for estimating star-formation rates in AGN hosts. The 7.7 um feature is not excited by AGN activity. • H2 emission is weak. H2 PAHs
Spitzer IRS radio galaxy survey: 17/57 (30%) of 3C radio galaxies at z<0.2 have strong H2! Environment: • 14/17 have close or interacting companions. • 6/17 live in cool-core clusters. (Ogle et al. 08, in prep.) Radio Galaxies with Extreme H2
Radio Galaxy 3C 326 (z=0.089) WSRT 21cm 1.9 Mpc radio lobes (Leahy). • Spitzer IRS spectrum dominated by pure-rotational H2 lines: • L(H2)=81041 erg/s • L(H2)/LIR~0.05-0.1 • M(H2)=1.1109 M (Ogle et al. 2007) Spitzer IRAC: galaxy pair (sep. 42 kpc), connected by tidal bridge.
H2 Emission dominates cooling in C-type shocks (Le Bourlot 02) H2 Shock-Excitation in 3C 326 • T(H2)=150-1000 K • Magnetic (C-type) shock model: 2 velocities: v=4, 20 km/s • nH=104 cm-3, B=100 G (Guillard 08, in prep)
MOHEGs = H2 Emission Galaxies L(H2)/L(IR)>210-3 • Stephan's Quintet shock (Appleton et al. 06). • Zw 3146 cool-core cluster cD (Egami et al. 06). • SINGS AGNs (Roussel et al. 07) • Radio Galaxies (Ogle et al. 07,08) Infrared Luminosity
Shocks vs. Star Formation • H2and PAH dust occupy same ISM phase. • Star forming galaxies have L(H2)/L(7.7 m PAH)~810-3 • Larger H2/PAH indicates shock heatedH2 in: -Radio galaxies (Ogle 08) -LINERs, Seyferts (Roussel 07) -Dusty ellipticals (Kaneda 08). Infrared Luminosity (Ogle et al. 2008)
Shocks vs. AGN X-ray Heating • AGN X-ray luminosities from Chandra (Evans 06; Hardcastle 06; Balmaverde 06; Ho 01) • XDR maximum theoretical X-ray to H2 conversion ~ 5% (Maloney 1996) • Most of the AGN are not strong enough X-ray emitters to power the H2. AGN X-ray Luminosity
Radio Jet Mechanical Heating? • Radio jet cavity powers are measured for 6/17 MOHEGs. (Rafferty 06; Bîrzan 04) • P(jet cavity) = 4pV/t(bouyant) p,V, t estimated via Chandra. • L(H2)/P(jet)=10-4 -- 210-3 • Jet-driven H2 outflow or fountain? (FWHM ~ 500 km/s seen in some sources.) • H2 cooling time ~104 yr. --Requires sustained heating Radio Jet Cavity Power
Perseus A-- Multiphase ISM H H2 CO (2-1) • M(cold H2)=41010 M from CO (2-1) (Salome 06) • M(4.0,0.6 keV)~(1011,109 M) (Chandra, Fabian 06) • M(warm H2)>7107 M(Johnstone 07) • M(H II)= 3107 M(Conselice 01)
1000 km/s H I and [O II] outflows (Morganti 03; Emonts 05). • Possible jet/CO interaction. • M(H2 cold)=1.51010 M (A. Evans et al. 1999) • M(H2 warm)=1109 M (Ogle 2008) 3C 293 Jet-Induced Outflow . M(HI)=20 M/yr M(HI)=107 M Mion=0.1 M/yr .
3C 31 Rogues Gallery 3C 315 3C 310 3C 436 3C 326 3C 386 3C 433 3C 338 3C Credit: DRAGN Atlas
Star Formation Rates • MOHEG star formation rates are modest: 0.01-3 M/yr (from PAH inside 3.7” slit) Will add little to ~ 1011M stellar bulge in a Hubble time. • SFR does not correlate with warm H2 mass. • H2 depletion timescales: 3107--71010 yr Ogle et al. 2008
Star Formation Efficiency • 3C 326 and 293 fall below Schmidt law for star formation in normal galaxies. • 3C 326 SFR~0.1M/yr at R<3.1 kpc. Our PdB CO observations indicate (H2)>350 M/pc2 • Jets may suppress disk formation by driving H2 outflows or fountains with large velocity dispersion and low volume filling factors. 293 ? PdB 326 Kennicutt 1998
Future Directions COMING SOON: • Spitzer IRS spectra of more radio galaxies with H I outflows. • Spitzer spectra of compact (CSS/GPS) radio sources • Spitzer spectral map of MRC 1138 (z=2) radio galaxy. • VLT/SINFONI IFU spectral maps of near-IR rovibrational H2 • CO maps and cold H2 masses, ’s with PdB interferometer. ALSO NEEDED: • More AGN X-ray fluxes (Chandra) • Jet power estimates for non-cavity radio sources. • THEORY! How do jets gently heat 1109 M of H2 to 200 K??