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NORDIC RUSSIAN GREEN GROWTH ARENA Session 1; Green planning instruments and strategies

NORDIC RUSSIAN GREEN GROWTH ARENA Session 1; Green planning instruments and strategies ”Management of climate change work in the municipalities- CHAMP approach” Mikko Jokinen Turku-Finland. Challenges….

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NORDIC RUSSIAN GREEN GROWTH ARENA Session 1; Green planning instruments and strategies

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  1. NORDIC RUSSIAN GREEN GROWTH ARENA Session 1; Green planning instruments and strategies ”Management of climate change work in the municipalities- CHAMP approach” Mikko Jokinen Turku-Finland

  2. Challenges… …on the way towards effective response to climate change and moresustainable Europe at municipal level…. • Complex work has often been delegated to (young) project workers • Commonly no resources/willingness to coordinate and support the implementation from top to down • No localised guidance materials for implementation • No follow-up, no feedback, no carrots, no sticks no motivation • Too many ‘signals’ without common coordination and support (Partly also at Regional, National and EU level!)


  4. MEMBERS National training hubs: Supporting cities &regions to implement EU policies and initiatives in a systematic way using IMS (EU 2020, CoM, AC, RFSC, …) Supporting members (Universities, etc.) Capacity Development Package Practical tools and contacts for trainers and cities to implement EU policies and initiatives Training, promotion, support CLIENTS / BENEFICIARIES City City City City City European Partnership for Integrated Sustainability ManagementThe mission: Mainstream integrated approach to build sustainable cities and regions.

  5. The Partnership Portalwww.localmanagement.eu • Support from National training hubs • Peer reviews • Coaching/consultation • Joint workshops • Experiences and practices from around EU27 • Capacity Development Package • Guidelines: IMS for Climate Change • Good practices • Indicators • Further resources • Train the trainers programme (EU27+) • Tools & Methods for trainers to be used in consultations and workshops • Links to other materials and guidance: • SEAP Guidebook, RFSC self evaluation and benchmarking tool, Aalborg Commitments, The Procura+ Manual, Stake holder involvement toolkit, …

  6. Partnership Portalwww.localmanagement.eu

  7. National Training Hubs

  8. Example of existing guidance • Screen capture from CDP

  9. Integrated Management System for Sustainability and Climate Change • a framework for organizing work • a systematic, continuous process • Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle but with 5th step and cross cutting elements included • Integrates different sectors, actors and all sustainability factors in the whole urban area • Based on and harmonized with EMAS /ISO 14.001 • To integrate different initiatives and to implement them systematically

  10. Train the trainers programme as part of the CDP and Partnership • Train the trainers workshops, new trainers for training hubs • Materials and methods for trainings • Knowledge exchage between the hubs • Trainings for external auditors • Is available in 6 different languages

  11. Union of the Baltic Cities City Network Established in 1991. Today 107 member cities in 10 countries around the Baltic Sea Region. Focusing on project cooperation in the field of Policy and Urban Sustainable development. UBC Commission on Environment located in Turku

  12. UBC: We are active in… • Meetings and workshops UBC Commission meetings,(Energy, Transport, Environment, Urban Planning) • Coordination and implementation of projects • Organising of conferences • European Cities and the Global Climate Challenge Conference 2009 • Swedish EU Presidency activity. 7 UBC cities presented • Solutions Local Together Conference 2011 • Policy statements • EU Strategy for BSR communication & Implementation • Involvement in the EU preparation for COP15, EUSBSR • Surveys etc

  13. www.ubcwheel.eu 600 Good Practices, 400 also in Russian

  14. UBC Environmental Commission in Turku-Coordination & Cooperation partner Multi-national 19 person team (Ger, Pol, Rus, Ukr, Blr, Fin…) Hosted by the city of Turku www.ubc-environment.net www.ubcwheel.eu

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