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The 7 Habits: Teen Success Guide

Discover how the 7 habits can transform your life, relationships, and decisions. Overcome stress, improve self-confidence, and find balance between school, work, and friends.

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The 7 Habits: Teen Success Guide

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  1. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens Adapted from the book 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens by Sean Covey

  2. Get in the Habit “We first make our habits, then our habits make us.” -English Poet

  3. The 7 Habits Habit 1: Be Proactive Habit 2: Begin with an End in Mind Habit 3: Put First Things First Habit 4: Think Win-Win Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, Then to be Understood Habit 6: Synergize Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw

  4. The Tree Diagramby Sean Covey

  5. “ There’s too much to do and not enough time. I’ve got school, homework, job, friends, parties, and family on top of everything else. I’m totally stressed out.” • “My family is a disaster. If I could only get my parents off my back, I might be able to live my life. It seems they’re constantly nagging, and I can’t ever seem to satisfy them.” • “I feel as if my life is out of control.” Words of Stressed Teen

  6. The 7 Habits can help you: • Get control of your life • Improve your relationships with your friends • Make smarter decisions • Get along with your parents • Overcome addiction • Define your values and what matters most to you • Get more done in less time • Increase your self-confidence • Be happy • Find balance between school, work, friends, and everything else

  7. Top 10 All-Time Stupid Quotes: 10. “There is no reason for any individual to have a computer in their home.” KENNETH OLSEN, PRESIDENT AND FOUNDER OF DIGITAL EQUIPMENT CORPORATION, IN 1977 9. “Airplanes are interesting toys but of no military value.” MARSHAL FERDINAND FOCH, FRENCH MILITARY STRATEGIST AND FUTURE WORLD WAR I COMMANDER, IN 1911

  8. 8. “[Man will never reach the moon] regardless of all future scientific advances.”DR. LEE DE FOREST, INVENTOR OF THE AUDION TUBE AND FATHER OF RADIO, ON FEBRUARY 25, 1967 7. “[Television] won’t be able to hold on to any market it captures after the first six months. People will soon get tired of staring at a plywood box every night.” DARRYL F. ZANUCK, HEAD OF 20TH CENTURY-FOX, IN 1946 6. “We don’t like their sound. Groups of guitars are on the way out.” DECCA RECORDS REJECTING THE BEATLES, IN 1962

  9. 5. “For the majority of people, the use of tobacco has a beneficial effect.” DR. IAN G. MACDONALD, LOS ANGELES SURGEON, AS QUOTED IN NEWSWEEK, NOVEMBER 18, 1969 4. “This ‘telephone’ has too many shortcomings to be seriously considered as a means of communication. The device is inherently of no value to us.” WESTERN UNION INTERNAL MEMO, IN 1876 3. “The earth is the center of the universe.” PTOLEMY, THE GREAT EGYPTIAN ASTRONOMER, 200 A.D.

  10. 2. “Nothing of importance happened today.” WRITTEN BY KING GEORGE III OF ENGLAND ON JULY 4, 1776 1. “Everything that can be invented has been invented.” CHARLES H. DUELL, U.S. COMMISSIONER OF PATENTS, IN 1899 Covey, Sean (2011). The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective Teens (p. 12). Touchstone. Kindle Edition.

  11. “No one in my family has ever gone to college. I’d be crazy to think I could make it” • “It’s no use. My parents and I will never get along. We’re just too different.” • “My teacher is out to get me.” • “You can’t get ahead in life unless you know the right people.” Some More Stupid Quotes

  12. “Better keep yourself clean and bright; you are the window through which you see the world.” -George Bernard Shaw Paradigms and Principals

  13. What is a Paradigm? A paradigm is the way you see something, your point of view, frame of reference, or belief.

  14. Friend-centered • Stuff-centered • Boyfriend/Girlfriend-centered • School-centered • Parent-centered • Enemy-centered • Self-centered Paradigms of Life

  15. King Louis had been taken from his throne and imprisoned. His young son, the prince, was taken by those who dethroned the king. They thought that inasmuch as the king’s son was heir to the throne, if they could destroy him morally, he would never realize the great and grand destiny that life had bestowed upon him. They took him to a community far away, and there they exposed the lad to every filthy and vile thing that life could offer. They exposed him to foods the richness of which would quickly make him a slave to appetite. They used vile language around him constantly. They exposed him to lewd and lusting women. They exposed him to dishonor and distrust. He was surrounded twenty-four hours a day by everything that could drag the soul of a man as low as one could slip. For over six months he had this treatment—but not once did the young lad buckle under pressure. Finally, after intensive temptation, they questioned him. Why had he not submitted himself to these things— why had he not partaken? These things would provide pleasure, satisfy his lusts, and were desirable; they were all his. The boy said, “I cannot do what you ask for I was born to be a king.” Covey, Sean (2011). The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective Teens (p. 15). Touchstone. Kindle Edition. KING LOUIS XVI of FRANCE

  16. Principal-Centered • Honesty • Hard work • Respect • Integrity • Responsibility • Loyalty • Moderation • Gratitude The Real Thing Biblically-Centered

  17. As someone once said, “If you could envision the type of person God intended you to be, you would rise up and never be the same again.” Covey, Sean (2011). The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective Teens (p. 16). Touchstone. Kindle Edition. The famous evangelist Dwight L. Moody had a favorite saying that he borrowed from Henry Varley. It was this: “The world has yet to see what Almighty God can and will do with, for, through, in, and by a man wholly and fully yielded to Him and to His service.” Moody would then add: “By God’s grace, may I be that man!”Romans 12:1-2

  18. Beth Moore The Hair Brush http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xtk5WgzZcYA

  19. 1. The next time you look in the mirror say something positive about yourself. 2. Show appreciation for someone’s point of view today. Say something like “Hey, that is a cool idea.” 3. Think of a limiting paradigm you might have of yourself, such as “I’m not outgoing.” Now, do something today that totally contradicts that paradigm. Baby Steps

  20. 4. Think of a loved one or close friend who has been acting out of character lately. Consider what might be causing them to act that way. 5. When you have nothing to do, what is it that occupies your thoughts? Remember, whatever is most important to you will become your paradigm or life-center. What occupies my time and energy? Baby Steps

  21. 6. The Golden Rule rules! Begin today to treat others as you would want them to treat you. Don’t be impatient, complain about leftovers, or bad-mouth someone, unless you want the same treatment. 7. Sometime soon, find a quiet place where you can be alone. Think about what matters most to you. Baby Steps

  22. 8. Listen carefully to the lyrics of the music you listen to most frequently. Evaluate if they are in harmony with the principles you believe in. 9. When you do your chores at home or work tonight, try out the principle of hard work. Go the extra mile and do more than is expected. Baby Steps

  23. 10. The next time you’re in a tough situation and don’t know what to do, ask yourself, “What principle should I apply (i.e., honesty, love, loyalty, hard work, patience)?” Now, follow the principle and don’t look back. Covey, Sean (2011). The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective Teens (p. 27-28). Touchstone. Kindle Edition. Baby Steps

  24. Break Time

  25. Covey, Sean (2011). The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective Teens (p. 35). Touchstone. Kindle Edition. The Personal Bank Account

  26. • You cave in to peer pressure easily. • You wrestle with feelings of depression and inferiority. • You’re overly concerned about what others think of you. • You act arrogant to help hide your insecurities. • You self-destruct by getting heavily into drugs, pornography, vandalism, or gangs. Covey, Sean (2011). The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective Teens (p. 34). Touchstone. Kindle Edition. Possible Symptoms of a Poor PBA

  27. • You stand up for yourself and resist peer pressure. • You’re not overly concerned about being popular. • You see life as a generally positive experience. • You trust yourself. • You are goal driven. • You are happy for the successes of others. Covey, Sean (2011). The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective Teens (p. 34). Touchstone. Kindle Edition. Possible Symptoms of a Healthy PBA

  28. Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else. JUDY GARLAND SINGER-ACTRESS Covey, Sean (2011). The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective Teens (pp. 38-39). Touchstone. Kindle Edition.

  29. Keep Promises to Yourself 1. Get up when you planned to for 3 days in a row. 2. Identify one easy task that needs to be done today, like putting in a batch of laundry, or reading a book for an English assignment. Decide when you will do it. Now, keep your word and get it done. Baby Steps

  30. Do Random Acts of Service 3. Sometime today, do a kind anonymous deed, like writing a thank-you note, taking out the trash, or making someone’s bed. 4. Look around and find something you can do to make a difference, like cleaning up a park in your neighborhood, volunteering in a senior citizens center, or reading to someone who can’t. Baby Steps

  31. Tap Into Your Talents 5. List a talent you would like to develop this year. Write down specific steps to get there. Talent I want to develop this year:_______How do I get there:________ 6. Make a list of the talents you most admire in other people. Baby Steps

  32. Be Gentle with Yourself 7. Think about an area of life you feel inferior in. Now breathe deeply and tell yourself, “It’s not the end of the world.” 8. Try to go an entire day without negative self talk. Each time you catch yourself putting yourself down, you have to replace it with three positive thoughts about yourself. Renew Yourself Baby Steps

  33. Be Gentle with Yourself 9. Decide on a fun activity that will lift your spirits and do it today. For example, turn up the music and dance. 10. Feeling lethargic? Get up right now and go for a fast walk around the block. Baby Steps

  34. Be Honest 11. The next time your parents ask you about what you’re doing, share the complete story. Don’t leave out information meant to mislead or deceive. 12. For one day, try not to exaggerate or embellish! Covey, Sean (2011). The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective Teens (pp. 45-47). Touchstone. Kindle Edition. Baby Steps

  35. People are just about as happy as they make up their mind to be. ABRAHAM LINCOLN, U.S. PRESIDENT Covey, Sean (2011). The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective Teens (p. 48). Touchstone. Kindle Edition.

  36. Proactive means that you have taken control of your life. You control your actions and attitudes. You are not controlled by your circumstances. Habit : Be Proactive

  37. Romans 14:12 So then, each of us will give an account of himself to God. Habit : Be Proactive

  38. James 1:5-8 5 If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him. 6 But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. 7 That man should not think he will receive anything from the Lord; 8 he is a double-minded man, unstable in all he does. Habit : Be Proactive

  39. Galatians 2:20 I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. Habit : Be Proactive

  40. not I but Christ who lives within me Proactive means that you have taken control of your life. You control your actions and attitudes. You are not controlled by your circumstances. Habit : Be Proactive

  41. not I but Christ who lives within me Listen to Your Language Covey, Sean (2011). The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective Teens (p. 51). Touchstone. Kindle Edition.

  42. REACTIVE PEOPLE… Which One Are You? • Are easily offended • Blame others • Get angry and say things they later regret • Whine and complain • Wait for things to happen to them • Change only when they have to Covey, Sean (2011). The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective Teens (p. 52-53). Touchstone. Kindle Edition.

  43. PROACTIVE PEOPLE… Which One Are You? • Are not easily offended • Take responsibility for their choices • Think before they act • Bounce back when something bad happens • Always find a way to make it happen • Focus on things they can do something about, and don’t worry about things they can’t Covey, Sean (2011). The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective Teens (p. 53). Touchstone. Kindle Edition.

  44. Being proactive really means two things. First, you take responsibility for your life. Second, you have a “can-do” attitude. Covey, Sean (2011). The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective Teens (p. 63). Touchstone. Kindle Edition.

  45. Covey, Sean (2011). The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective Teens (p. 63). Touchstone. Kindle Edition.

  46. 1. The next time someone flips you off, give them the peace sign back. 2. Listen carefully to your words today. Count how many times you use reactive language, such as “You make me …” “I have to …” “Why can’t they “I can’t…” Reactive language I use most:____________________ Baby Steps

  47. 3. Do something today that you have wanted to do but never dared. Leave your comfort zone and go for it. Raise your hand in class, or join a team. 4. Write yourself a Post-it note: “I will not let________decide how I’m going to feel.” Place it in your locker, on your mirror, or in your planner and refer to it often. Baby Steps

  48. 5. At the next party, don’t just sit against the wall and wait for excitement to find you, you find it. Walk up and introduce yourself to someone new. 6. The next time you receive a grade that you think is unfair, don’t blow it off or cry about it, make an appointment with the teacher to discuss it and then see what you can learn. Baby Steps

  49. 7. If you get in a fight with a parent or a friend, be the first to apologize. 8. Identify something in your circle of no control that you are always worrying about. Decide now to drop it. Thing that I can’t control that I always worry about: ________________ Baby Steps

  50. 9. Push the pause button before you react to someone who bumps into you in the hall, calls you a name, or cuts in line. 10. Use your tool of self-awareness right now by asking yourself, “What is my most unhealthy habit?” Make up your mind to do something about it. Covey, Sean (2011). The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective Teens (pp. 71-73). Touchstone. Kindle Edition. Baby Steps

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