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MRI at UTCVM The First Months

MRI at UTCVM The First Months. Presentation by: Silke Hecht, Dr. med. vet., DACVR, DECVDI Assistant Professor Radiology. Delivery and Hook-Up 04-04-08. MRI Setup. MRI Setup. MRI Setup. MRI Setup. Now we needed volunteers to test the system and establish imaging parameters….

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MRI at UTCVM The First Months

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Presentation Transcript

  1. MRI at UTCVMThe First Months Presentation by: Silke Hecht, Dr. med. vet., DACVR, DECVDI Assistant Professor Radiology

  2. Delivery and Hook-Up 04-04-08

  3. MRI Setup

  4. MRI Setup

  5. MRI Setup

  6. MRI Setup • Now we needed volunteers to test the system and establish imaging parameters…

  7. The First “Volunteer”

  8. The First “Volunteer” Normal Thoracolumbar Spine

  9. The First Clinical Patient • 7-year-old MC Weimaraner • One year long history of bilateral hind limb weakness that had progressively worsened • Recent onset seizures • Plan: MRI brain +/- MRI lumbar spine

  10. The First Clinical Patient • Neurologists eagerly awaiting results of the first scan

  11. The First Clinical Patient Intracranial contrast-enhancing mass Presumptive diagnosis: Cystic meningioma

  12. Other Patients • 1-year-old M Mastiff • Wobbly in hind limbs since birth, progressive • Hind limb paresis except when on prednisone • Plan: MRI thoracolumbar spine

  13. T2 FLAIR Diagnosis: Arachnoid cyst T 12/13 Good recovery after surgery

  14. More Neurology Patients 7-year old Shi Tsu with neck pain Diagnosis: Intervertebral disc extrusion C3/4; Incidental finding of a brain cyst (“quadrigeminal cistern cyst”) Good recovery after surgery

  15. The First Orthopedic Patient Partial rupture of the cranial cruciate ligament, degenerative joint disease, subchondral sclerosis and cyst

  16. The First Oncology Patient 9-year old American Bulldog; Known MCT on back MRI performed to evaluate margins Additional smaller mass found unexpectedly

  17. Arguably the cutest patient… • Approximately 4 month old Black Bear (8 lb) • Brought in from Appalachian Bear Center • Blindness, running in circles • Plan: MRI brain

  18. Diagnosis: Congenital dilation of lateral ventricles (Hydrocephalus)

  19. More Exotics – From Large… 2-year old F Tiger Ataxia Normal brain MRI

  20. More Exotics – … to small Rabbit, few months old 1 month history of seizures Normal limited brain MRI

  21. Initial Large Animal Experience • 4 month old Potbellied Pig • Fever (105°F) and rear leg weakness • Plan: MRI lumbar spine

  22. Imaging Diagnosis: Diffusely contrast enhancing areas in epaxial muscles -> Muscle biopsy: Myofiber necrosis and degeneration with secondary inflammation and regeneration Ddx: nutritional (white muscle disease), toxic, neurogenic, infectious or ischemic


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