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Explore regional efforts for inclusion and sustainability in Asia-Pacific, featuring diverse economic models and resource management practices. Highlighting progress and challenges across subregions.
Pathways for Inclusion and Sustainability in Asia and the Pacific Ms. Armida Salsiah Alisjahbana United Nations Under-Secretary-General and ESCAP Executive Secretary Dialogue of the Executive Secretaries of the Regional Commissions with the UN General Assembly Second Committee, UNGA 74th session Inclusive societies based on new economic models and sustainable use of natural resources: perspectives from the regions 22 October 2019, UN Headquarters, New York
UN ESCAP: Asia-Pacific UN Regional Hub in Bangkok Intergovernmental platform covering 53 countries (members) and 9 territories (associate members), of which 12 least developed countries, 12 landlocked developing countries, 16 small island developing States, and all 5 permanent members of the UN Security Council. ESCAP Sub-regional Offices - Support implementation of UN ESCAP Work Programme including training and capacity-building. UN ESCAP HQ Bangkok (+South East Asia Office) Almaty, NCA SRO Tehran, APDIM Chiba, SIAP Beijing, CSAM Incheon, APCICT Incheon, ENEA SRO South & South-West Asia Office New Delhi, India North & Central Asia Office Almaty, Kazakhstan East & North-East Asia Office Incheon, Republic of Korea Pacific Office Suva, Fiji New Delhi, APCTT New Delhi, SSWA SRO ESCAP HQ Different subregions, different challenges but integrated framework UN ESCAP Bangkok Suva, Pacific SRO Engine of the world economy
Asia-Pacific Subregional Assessment in 2019SDG Progress Report Progress Stagnant Regress East and North-East Asia North and Central Asia Pacific South East Asia South and South West Asia Shading indicates insufficient evidence
SDGs: Asia-Pacific subregions are making progress on different Goals Diagnosis of Asia-Pacific Progress Natural resource management: Negative trends Economic growth: Slowed down Reducing inequalities: Limited progress Traditional economic & financial policy measures are NOT adequate
1 Population Dynamics, Poverty & Inequality • Track & analyse impact of rapid demographic change on economies and societies. • Focus on addressing poverty and inequalities through social protection, and other policies; and identifying those left farthest behind. • Promote gender equality and Empowerment of Women. International Conference on Population and Development [Fiji, Malaysia ] Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing [China, Japan, Republic of Korea, ASEAN] Beijing Platformfor Action [China, Pacific & SAARC] Incheon Strategy to “Make the Right Real” for Persons with Disabilities [Republic of Korea] Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration [Philippines, Bangladesh, Russian Federation]
2 Macroeconomic Policy & Financing for Development • Economic policy assessment of the region, in a manner that supports the 2030 Agenda and is consistent with its objectives. • Developing financing strategies to focus areas on: domestic resource mobilization; infrastructure financing; MSMEs financing & fintech; capital market development including leveraging private sector support for green bonds & climate financing. Domestic resource mobilization, focus on municipal finance and regional tax cooperation[Indonesia, Cambodia ] Economic policy assessment consistent with 2030 Agenda[Bangladesh] Capital Market Development & climate finance [Bhutan, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Philippines, Bangladesh, China, PNG, Fiji] MSMEs financing [Cambodia, Nepal, Samoa, Singapore, Hong Kong China, Bangladesh, Pacific] Infrastructure financing and Public-Private Partnership Network [China, Philippines, Kazakhstan, ASEAN secretariat]
3 Sustainable Connectivity • Transport & infrastructure connectivity. • Energy connectivity & transition to renewables (SDG 7). • Seamless digital connectivity and broadband for all. • Trade facilitation measures. Intergovernmental Agreement on the Asian Highway Network [Russian Federation, China, Uzbekistan, Mongolia] Intergovernmental Agreement on the Trans-Asian Railway Network [Bangladesh, Turkey, Viet Nam, Republic of Korea] Intergovernmental Agreement on Dry Ports [India, Kazakhstan, Russian Federation] North-East AsiaPower Interconnection & Cooperation [Mongolia] Asia-Pacific Information Superhighway [Bangladesh, India, China, Republic of Korea, Russian Federation] Framework Agreement on Facilitation of Cross-border Paperless Trade in Asia and the Pacific [Republic of Korea, Mongolia, Russian Federation, IBM]
4 Environment, Climate Change & Disaster Risk Reduction • Regional cooperation to tackle air pollution; and to combat sand and dust storms. • Strengthen support to conserve & sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources (SDG 14) [Theme Topic of the ESCAP in 2020]. • Invest in disasters risk reduction—Asia-Pacific is the most disaster impacted region in the world. • Focus on the development of regional and subregional early warning systems disaster risk reduction strategies. North-East Asia Clean Air Partnership platform [Republic of Korea, China] Combat Sand andDust Storms Alert Mechanism [Islamic Republic of Iran, India, Kazakhstan ESCAP Multi-Donor Trust Fund for Tsunami, Disaster and Climate Preparedness [ Japan, Islamic Republic of Iran, Pakistan] Plan of Action onSpace Applications [Japan, China, India, Thailand, Indonesia, Russian Federation Oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development [Pacific, Indonesia] Asia-Pacific Disaster Resilience Network [Philippines]
1 Mainstreaming of actions:Science, Technology & Innovation • Enable environment, investment and technological, individual and institutional capacity. • Provide forum for best practice exchange to harness digital technology, especially the Middle-income countries. • Smart cities, energy systems and transport solutions are offering alternatives to protect the environment through innovation. Artificial Intelligence & Public Policy [Cambodia, Mongolia, Google, Alibaba, CSOs-APRU] Smart Cities [Singapore, Malaysia, Cambodia] Social innovations [United Kingdom-British Council, Pakistan, Thailand] Inclusive Business [Cambodia, Viet Nam, Malaysia, Philippines, Indonesia]
2 Mainstreaming of actions:Data & Statistics • 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development - SDG monitoring and follow-up and review activities • Strengthening national statistical and data capacity, especially for the Countries with Special Needs • Asia-Pacific Civil Registration and Vital Statistics (CRVS) Decade 2015-2024 • Innovation and modernisation - geospatial and other big data for official statistics. Civil Registration and Vital Statistics 2015-2024 [Malaysia, Samoa, Philippines, Mongolia] Disaster & oceans -related Statistics Framework [Australia, New. Zealand, Japan, China, Indonesia, Republic of Korea] National Capacity-building [Samoa, Mongolia, Sri Lanka, Fiji, Bangladesh , Indonesia, Thailand] Asia-Pacific SDG Data Gateway [UNCTs & AFPs]
75th Session of the ESCAP, 2019 Resolutions 75/9: Data & Statistics 75/4: Regional cooperation to tackle Air pollution 75/1: LLDCs 75/2: National, regional and global follow-up and review of the 2030 Agenda 75/7: Information Superhighway 75/8: Science, technology, innovation 75/3: Partnerships for SDGs 75/5: Disaster risk reduction
Takeaways & Way Forward Policy Actions Key Priorities Population Dynamics, Poverty & Inequality Message 1 Empower people, promote gender equality, rights and social protection. Message 2 Provide economic policy assessment, develop financing strategies on tax, infrastructure, MSMEs, green bonds & climate financing. Macroeconomic Policy & Financing for Development Message 3 Sustainable Connectivity Enhance transport, energy, digital connectivity, & trade facilitation measures. Message 4 Partnerships for combatting air pollution, sand & dust storm, oceans & early warning systems. Environment, Climate Change & Disaster Risk Reduction Message 5 Harness inclusive business, social innovation , AI policies and smart cities. Science, Technology & Innovation Support SDGs monitoring, national capacity-building, CRVS, geospatial and other big-data solutions. Message 6 Data & Statistics