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Review of project policies and mission criteria for successful encounters. Compliance assessment, lessons learned, residual risk analysis for Comet P/WILD-2 encounter. Design principles and implementation risks discussed.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. STARDUST Project CRITICAL EVENTS READINESS REVIEW COMET P/WILD 2 ENCOUNTER Design Principals Compliance Robert Ryan JPL: 303-411 AM / 301-427 PM LMA: MSA +1 818 354-1275 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM PST 20 Nov 2003 CERR - Ryan

  2. PFPD PRINCIPALS COMPLIANCE Project policies and mission success criteria relevant to encounter Documentation has been reviewed and updated Mission Plan, Mission Success Criteria Requirements reviewed with applicable subsystems Encounter operations defined by regular STARDUST operations • Multiple opportunities for all uplinks Exercised our TCM GO/NOGO and Last Update at Annefrank Successful ORT to review TCM file transfer and turn-around time on 11/5 Additional ORT in early December for final TCM and Update CERR - Ryan 1 of 5

  3. PFPD PRINCIPALS COMPLIANCE • Design Principles compliance assessment • Compliance exception due to Spacecraft/Mission Design • 3.3.1 Continuous Telecommunications Capability during Events • Fixed design of the spacecraft means that the bank turn during flyby could cause loss of comm. In the Mission Plan; does not impact prime science • 9.3.1 Powering off the RF downlink • Insufficient solar power beyond 2 AU for continuous operation • Possible risk of db loss due to continuous SSPA operation • Flight Project Practices compliance assessment • Three potential non-compliances, related to Discovery class small organization • 5.4.2 Organizational positions • 5..9.3.3 Earned value not used in Phase E • 7.8.5 No Project Safety Steering committee CERR - Ryan 2 of 5

  4. PFPD PRINCIPALS COMPLIANCE Results of review of lessons learned data base • Reviewed Master Lessons Learned data base • Developed SDU Lessons Learned Matrix • 39 Significant Items • Reviewed Cassini and MER Lessons Learned • No additional items applied • Developed Annefrank Lessons Learned Matrix • 38 Action Items • Closed in June 2003 • Reviewed during August Workshop CERR - Ryan 3 of 5

  5. Mission Assurance Stardust RESIDUAL RISK LIST for WILD-2 CERR - Ryan 4 of 5

  6. Mission Assurance Stardust RESIDUAL RISK LIST (cont.) • Mission Design Risk • 23. Updated Comet Dust Production model changes dust distribution • Mitigation Activity • Flyby moved from planned 150 km to 300 km to mitigate risk of a large particle hit. • STATUS • Plan at NASA Headquarters for approval CERR - Ryan 5 of 5

  7. Preparation for Wild 2 BACKUP MATERIAL B-1 of 8 CERR - Ryan

  8. 5 L I K 4 E L I 3 H A lm o s t c e r t a i n O M o r e lik e l y t han no t O 2 Si gn ifi can t l i k e li ho o d D Un l ik e l y V er y u n li ke ly 1 1 2 3 4 5 CONSEQUENCE Project Residual Risk Methodology R isk As sess m e n t C r i te r ia f o r L ike l ih o od an d C o n seq u e n ce R isk T y p e ( e i t her o r bo t h ma y a pp ly to e a c h r i sk )  M issi o n R i sk  Im pl emen t at i on Risk L i keli h o o d o f Oc c u r re n ce Le v e l L ik e li hood Le v e l De fi n i t i o n 5 V er y Hi gh 4 H i g h 3 M ode r a t e 2 Lo w 1 V er y L ow C o n se q ue n ce o f Oc c u r re n ce Le v e l Mi s si on R i s k Lev el D ef i n iti on s 5 Mi s si on fa il u r e 4 Si gn i f ic an t r edu c t io n i n mi s si on re t u r n 3 M ode r a t e r edu c t io n i n mi s si on re t ur n 2 S m al l r e du c t i on i n m i s s io n r e t urn 1 Mi n im a l ( or no ) im pa c t t o mis s i o n S e v er i ty Le v e l I m pl e m en t at i o n Ri s k L e ve l De fi n it i o n 5 O v err u n budge t and c o nt in gen c y , c ann o t m ee t l a u nch w it h c u rr e nt r e sou r ce s 4 C o nsu m e a ll c on ti ngen c y , budg e t or s che d u l e B- 5 of 8 I mp l em e n t n e w p r o c e s s ( e s) 3 Si gn i f ic an t r edu c t io n i n c on t i n gen c y or l au n ch s l a c k o r c h an g e b a s e l i n e p l an (s ) 2 S m al l r e du c t i on i n co n t i n g enc y or l aun c h sl a c k 1 Mi n im a l r edu c t io n i n c on t i n gen c y or l aun c h s l a c k A g g r e s s i v e l y m a n a g e ; c o n s i d e r a l t e r n a ti ve p r o c e s s CERR - Ryan M o n i t o r

  9. Stardust RESIDUAL RISK LIST B-6 of 8 CERR - Ryan

  10. Stardust RESIDUAL RISK LIST (cont.) B-7 of 8 CERR - Ryan

  11. Stardust RESIDUAL RISK LIST (cont.) B-8 of 8 CERR - Ryan

  12. Lessons Learned Annefrank Lessons Learned Action Items B-2 of 8 CERR - Ryan

  13. Lessons Learned Annefrank Lessons Learned Action Items (continued) B-3 of 8 CERR - Ryan

  14. Lessons Learned Annefrank Lessons Learned Action Items (continued) B-4 of 8 CERR - Ryan

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