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Blogging has long been a great way to build business and make an online income. If done right you can, generate traffic, build your income and make massive profits. However, there is a problem? Not everyone knows how to start a blog that is going to do all of these things. You see so many people starting blogs, posting a few times and then giving up due to lack of traffic, content, comments etc. This happens because these people are doing it wrong! You cannot do it right!!! Yes, believe it or not there is a formula for creating a great blog! You may not have realized it, but there are some rules you need to follow to create a great blog and build a solid foundation to build your business on. As much as the so called gurus may tell you. It’s not as simple as putting up a new blog and seeing floods of traffic. Your blog must be worked on to get long term results. Let me tell you that all the hard work has been done for you: I’m going to help you ‘up’ your blogging game today by letting you into a new release eBook that is literally going to knock your socks off! Dan Sumner has poured all his blogging knowledge into this amazing eBook and brought it to you, so you can benefit from all of his knowledge and blogging expertise. Dan explains in his book everything it takes to become a blog success. He leaves no stones unturned, he reveals al of his blogging secrets to success for you to duplicate. So instead of going through weeks of trial and error, Dan has mapped it all out for you in this amazing eBook. Check it out in the detailed review here. I guarantee Dan will change the way you blog online FOREVER! Don't miss it or you will miss out. Bloggers Roadmap? - What's it all about? Everyone should have a blog online, it’s the most important site you will ever create bar none. It helps your readers connect with you and find out what you’re really about. If done right you can generate traffic, build your income and make massive profits while creating an army of followers. However, there is a problem? Not everyone knows how to start a blog that is going to bring these sort of results. You see so many people starting blogs, posting a few articles and then giving up due to lack of traffic, content, comments etc. This happens because those people are doing it wrong. So when I found out that blogging expert, Dan Sumner had put together a comprehensive guide called The Bloggers Roadmap I had to find out more. After reading The Bloggers Roadmap from cover to cover here are my thoughts.
First of all let’s look at the product. The Bloggers Roadmap is a complete guide to setting up and profiting from your very own blog. It’s a 27,000 word eBook that Daniel has poured everything he knows about blogs and blogging into a single guide. It’s very well written and covers everything you need to know. Throughout the guide Dan has added tons of ‘blog tips’ to give you more ideas and I must say these are great little additions. There is also a collection of video tutorials created by Dan which you can access as an extra investment. Again, these are well presented and walk you through the actual physical process of setting up your own blog, although the videos are not a requirement, if you feel you are a beginner in the blogging world they would probably help you get more from the product. So I must say they are more than worth the investment. How Does Bloggers Roadmap Work? [demo video link] https://vimeo.com/171993596 What Can The Bloggers Roadmap do For You? With your own blog you can: Build your own business: Who doesn’t want to run their own business without the hassle of running a business. With your own blog you can work anywhere in the world and still cash affiliate checks and make money. Build community: create your own blog to build a community of people around you. Use your own community to discuss like-minded topics, hobbies and interests. Blog don’t just have to be for business.
Get you dream job: Maybe you would like to be a writer of some kind of media reporter. Building a blog around your future job can create a huge impact on future employee. You can show your creative site and show how you write and manage your own projects. Stay in touch: if you would like to stay in touch with family and friend on a more personal note you can use your blog as a medium for contact anywhere in the world. If you are traveling and want to document your travels and stay in touch with family, your blog can do this. Live your passion: whatever you are passionate about, you can live it through your blog. Imagine you are passionate about fitness or car racing, making money online, flowers, child care, fashion healthy eating even the weird and wonderful. You can blog about it and create community around it, monetize it and make a living from it. You are only governed by your own imagination. The Core Fundamentals of The Bloggers Roadmap In the bloggers roadmap Dan want you to learn everything he knew about blogging and the business that surrounds it. he will teach you everything you need to know to get started and create a blog that matters. No more floundering waiting for comments and traffic, no more writers block or poor content. In the Bloggers Roadmap you will find out the exact methods of: Choosing your niche Use hosting and domains Use the right plugins Pick the correct designs and themes Get started with content Build traffic and your audience Learn social media Build your mailing list Monetize Use concrete blogging techniques Taking action Above you can see the core fundamentals of the Bloggers Roadmap. Over these 11 huge chapters and over 22 thousand info packed words, Dan will explain to you in detail the exact process to blogging success. He guaranteed if you follow this formula you will become a successful blogger in whatever niche you decide to follow. You will also learn these amazing blogging techniques: 1. How to Target Specific Reader Loyalty: learn to choose specific content topic or niche you allow for all your reader to be interested in the same topic, this creates interaction.
2. Learn How to build Awesome Blog Community: As well as reader interaction, you will find out how to create community with the introduction of social media, this can lead to an army of FaceBook page members and Twitter followers. 3. Reach Expert Status with Zero Effort: Blogging is about a niche specific that allow you to become and be seen as an expert within your niche. Becoming an expert brings traffic and traffic means revenue. 4. Monetizing and Ads for Maximum Revenue: When it comes to making money from your blog, you need advertising and products. You will be shown exactly what product work and exactly where to place them on your blog. This section will rock your blog! 5. Google Ranking Number 1: With the increase in technology and the development of blogs, they have also become a great tool for reaching top rankings within Google. The ability to frequently update content easily and efficiently, along with the help of clean website code allows once again for the marketer and entrepreneur to outrank the big guns and hit the top spots in the Google for specific keyword rankings. 6. Choosing your Super Cool Topics: Choosing a topic and remaining nick specific is essential for blog success. You will be shown exactly what works for you. 7. Hosting and Domains: Hosting and Domains are very important when it comes to blogging. You need to know what works and what doesn’t. 8. Designs and How to Stand Out: Standing out from the crown is essential when it comes to your blog. You will be shown how to be different, how to be an individual and make yourself stand out. 9. The Right Plugins to Use: Choosing the Correct plugin for your blog can cause problems if you get it wrong. You will find out exactly which plugins work, why they work and how to use them. 10. How to Create Amazing and Engaging Content: A very important aspect of blogging is your content. If you don’t know how to create great content, you may as well quit right now. Learn the tricks and the tips to create awesome content. 11. You will find out how to legally steal content: top secret tips and how to create content in no time at all! 12. Posting styles for maximum respect: Learn how to create alterative styles of post to keep your readers coming back over and over again. 13. How to end you posts to make your reader do what they want: You will learn how to create the perfect endings to your post for every situation. You will have your readers buying your products and sharing your content in no time.
14. Learn to build and Army of Traffic: Traffic is everything. You will be shown all the traffic tips and secrets you will ever need to make it in the blogging world. Once you have all the traffic, you can then have all the revenue. 15. The tools for the Job: Speed up your process and learn the tricks of the trade and the tools you need to get ahead and stay ahead of the game 16. The Viral Effect: A viral blog post can send you to blogging stardom, what would be better than creating your first blog and seeing it go viral after only a short time online? 17. Harness the Power of Social Media: Social media is the powerful tool that can bring tons of targeted traffic to your blog site and increase your following. Your blog has the potential to directly or indirectly generate revenue via social media. You can use your blog as a social media cash machine. 18. List Building Madness: Building a list has never been so important. 99% of bloggers don’t start building a mailing list from day 1. The bloggers roadmap has your back when it comes to building your list, opt-in placement and the best ways to grab your future subscribers. 19. Concrete blogging tips you can use every day to make it big: These tips are regularly used by experts to get the best from their blogs time and time again. You will learn all the secrets to creating the perfect money making blog Does it work? The fact Daniel has built a considerable blog following would make me say yes, after all if you create a product about blogging you better have a successful blog yourself, Daniel has and should you need to find out more you can check out Daniels Blog here. So Here is How to Create The Perfect Blog: The Bloggers Roadmap is a complete step by step guide of over 22 thousand info packed words covering every angle of blogging. There is no stone left unturned in this amazing Book which will show any current or new blogger how to get the best from their future blogging business. Who Should Use Bloggers Roadmap This product is for anyone that owns their own blog or wants to learn how to create and profit from their own blog. As this product only focuses on blogging if you don’t own a blog or never intend to then this product would be no good to you as it only covers blogging techniques. However, anyone who owns a blog or wants to learn how to create one can’t fail to benefit from this content as it covers everything you need to know in a step by step manner.
No matter what level you are, I’m certain you will pick up some great information to help you get the most from your blogging efforts. Why should you Get Bloggers Roadmap Now? So Why Should YOU Start Your Own Blog? Blogging can be so much more than an expression of your interests in your chosen subject. Blogging can be a gateway to an income. Your blog can be utilized as a tool for creating an income and easily become a full time business. Why make that sickening trek to work every day through the rush hour traffic, buying coffee because you can't stay awake, dealing with people you don't want to talk to and being nice to your boss because you have to. Is this really what you want? Or do you have a dream like I did? Why do all of this when you can start your own blog or blog empire and create an income your boss could only dream of. Your dream is only a step away! Seriously it can happen for you and it can happen today. All you need to do is want it enough to start. You don't have to leave your current job, you can start a blog at home in your spare time for only a few hours per week. Getting started is The Vital Step to Greatness Right now you may be thinking that starting a blog sounds like a great idea. You can build your business, create raving fans, monetize and reap the rewards. But what the heck can you blog about?
Choosing a topic and remaining specific can be hard, but he want to help you with your blogging success. By choosing a specific niche and making that niche your topic allows for: Most Bloggers DO IT ALL WRONG... Most 'so called bloggers' simply put up a new blog, add some ads or some Google AdSense, some hacked PLR content and expect their blog to make it to the big time. Is it really this easy? No it isn't, it's damn hard unless you know what you are doing. You may be thinking about that marketing course you joined and the so called guru guys have showed you how to build a blog so it's all good right? Wrong! They may have showed you how to get a blog online, but did they show you how to create content? Did they show you how to create an audience, get traffic and build engagement? Be honest to yourself... Did they? The truth is most people start a blog and don't know where to go from day 1. They see the next big thing and are sold promises of mega riches in 'X' amount of days or something crazy like that. What really happens is, they see no comments, no traffic and no revenue, literally nothing at all. So just like that they quit with ill feeling that none of their invested time or money worked.
Negatives? The only real negative I can find is you have to pay more for the video training, however I feel this is actually done with the customers interests at heart as the eBook is so reasonably priced on it’s own at a currently discounted $9.95. Daniel has considered this and understands not everyone will want the extra training and those that do will only have to pay a small premium. Again.. This has amazing value and is more than worth this investment. All in all is The Bloggers Roadmap is all you need for blogging success? The answer is yes, as long as you are prepared to work at your blog, this is not a magic bullet and it does take work, but if you are prepared to put in a little effort I believe this is the finest blogging product you will ever find. Blogging products are few and far between and this product is something you can refer to time and again to help you succeed in the blogging world and it comes with my highest recommendation. Special Bonuses from Bloggers Roadmap:
50 Killer Headlines to Maximize Conversions Creating a killer headline for your blog is essential. It’s the door to your blog post and a one we need to make as interesting as possible. Paint your door with pink and blue spots and it will be recognized. I’m not saying create a crazy headline, not at all. However you don’t want to create a boring one either do you? The fact is if your headline doesn’t appeal, your blog post has less of a chance it will be read. With 50 Killer Headlines you can use this to your advantage the next time you are stuck for a headline or email title.
Big Traffic Guide What gets YOU the website owner revenue? Most people when they start an internet business overlook one of the most important aspects of sales generation and forget to factor in what actually makes money! I have never seen a website self generate revenue. I have never seen a website earning an income on auto pilot without one major contributing factor. I think you may have guessed it by now. The major contributor to your business is traffic! There is on saying I hear a lot across the internet and that is ‘The Money is in The List’. Yeah maybe they are right, but how can they have a list without the base element of all sources of income TRAFFIC! No matter what you think or what you hear, you will always need traffic.
Blog Post Optimizer Optimization is the name of the game when it comes to drawing as much traffic to any site because of the revenue potential this can bring. This book will give you all the secrets. There are a lot of reasons as to why these tools should be used as often as possible, some of which include the expansion of knowledge and horizons, applying these tools to work as an added advantage to the target audience with the prime goal of realizing optimum revenue, acquiring new and improved skill. Blog Post Optimizer will show you how to get it right the first time so you don't fail...
Blogging For Profit Internet is full of opportunities to make money, and blogging is one of the smartest and most ethical ways available. Making money has always been the number one priority for anyone who starts blogging.There are hundreds of ways with which you can make money online but the best one is making niche sites. Making money from niche sites is the most popular way. Niche content websites are all about continuous passive income from websites you can set-up and forget about. The Internet can be life changing for anyone.
Copywriters Black Book The ability to turn words into gold is probably the most important aspect of any marketer. If you can do this, it does not matter where you are in the world, you can make money from anywhere, anytime just from your words. Today, modern entrepreneurs are making a killing using copywriting techniques in their businesses. Bear in mind, selling things online is a lot harder than selling things offline because you lack the sincerity of voice and body language. However, if you know how to tap into the power of copywriting to excite the emotions of your customers, you’ll be laughing your way to the bank. In the Copywriters Black book I’m going to reveal to you the secrets. Google AdSense Profits The key to success with Adsense is the placing of ads on pages that are receiving high traffic for high demand keywords. The higher the cost-per-click to the advertiser, the
more you will receive per click from your site. Obviously, it does not pay to target low cost-per-click keywords and place them on pages that do not receive hits. With all the people getting online and clicking away everyday, it is no wonder why Google Adsense has become an instant hit. With Google Adsense, the possibilities are limitless. Yet there is also the possibility of someone taking advantage of the easy money process that this internet marketing is doing. Google Profits will show you how to take advantage of AnSense and increase your earnings. List Building Success Just in case you have been in this industry for long enough, we are absolutely sure you have already heard a great deal about how the REAL money is in your list. Actually this statement, though very commonly used, is not entirely true but because it partly is, we will not just thrash it. The truth and all of it is the fact that your cash lies right in the
relationship which you build using your list, the trust you are able to gain which is the key to success. However, in order to develop a relationship with your list you must have a list to start with. Without a list, you do not really have a stable online source of income and one cannot earn a living, randomly emailing. You will essentially need a strong and long emailing list and you have to be able to use it properly to make any real profits out of it. List Building Success Secrets will show you how to achieve massive mailing lists and how to use them. Click HERE to Download SEO Basics Trying to get the site optimally listed on Google or other engines should be the priority exercise at every juncture. This should be part of the growth strategy of any online endeavor that is seeking ultimate success. To increase the site’s ranking of the web search conducted by the interested viewer, the SEO is one of the important ways to generate and direct traffic to a particular site. Inside SEO basics you will be shown exactly how to get the best from your website and the search engines to make it to number 1. Click HERE to Download
SEO Tips For Wordpress In this complete guide of simple SEO success techniques I will try to cover the all basic SEO techniques that you can use to start your successful WordPress blog. For those who know nothing at all even if they don’t know that SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization can be very successful WordPress bloggers following this complete guide. By using these simple SEO techniques, you can improve your site’s position naturally. WordPress is currently one of the most used and powerful Content Management Systems (CMS) on internet. It is the best content management systems suitable for SEO as well. But having WordPress installed is not enough; it is advisable to follow a series of guidelines for more optimized SEO for WordPress.
SEO Tips for WordPress has everything you need to get the best from your blog. The Joint Venture Black Book Imagine this for a second. You have created your dream online product, your sales page is ready, your membership site is ready, and your whole payment system is in place, the upsells are good to go...In short your online masterpiece is ready to go. Confidence is high when you open the cart and...Nothing! There is no feeling quite like the one you get when your product launch fails. I know I’ve been there and I know how it feels to see a trickle of sales which only just cover the cost of your hosting bill. You see what most people fail to realise is that online businesses do not magically earn money when you first put them online. You don’t have a physical business with passing trade that people can see and walk into just to check out what you are selling. As cheap as it is to start an online business, the competition is fierce and you need to leverage partners.
The JV Black Book will show you how. Conclusion Creating a new blog can be a very hard task. There are a lot of factors involved when it comes to design, layout, content, monetizing, build, subscribers, advertising and much much more. Well guess what? It's time to 'UP' your game create the perfect blog and turn all that hard work into free flowing cash! The Bloggers Roadmap is here and ready for you with a very special discount using the code blog2016 when you buy. http://crownreviews.com/bloggers-roadmap-review-and-bonus/ https://www.facebook.com/The-Bloggers-Roadmap-Review-GIANT-Bonus- 1853035568257500/ https://medium.com/@xufusocu/the-bloggers-roadmap-detail-review-and-the- bloggers-roadmap-22-700-bonus-d785dcbf9f19#.hgw317oio https://lnkd.in/fc8Rvtp https://www.tumblr.com/post/146339634928986/the-bloggers-roadmap-review-the- bloggers-roadmap-free-26-700-bonuses
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