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中国 — 东盟投资合作基金 China-ASEAN Fund on Investment Cooperation. 2009.10.21. 中国-东盟投资合作基金是一支什么样的基金 ?. What kind of Fund the China-ASEAN Fund on investment cooperation is?. 私募股权 投资 基金. Private Equity Fund. 基金的宗旨是什么?. What is the mission of this Fund?. 通过股权、准股权等方式,为中国与东盟国家企业间的经济技术合作提供融资支持.
中国—东盟投资合作基金 China-ASEANFundonInvestment Cooperation 2009.10.21
中国-东盟投资合作基金是一支什么样的基金? What kind of Fund the China-ASEAN Fund on investment cooperation is? • 私募股权投资基金 Private Equity Fund
基金的宗旨是什么? What is the mission of this Fund? • 通过股权、准股权等方式,为中国与东盟国家企业间的经济技术合作提供融资支持 To provide funding support to the economic and technical cooperation between Chinese and ASEAN businesses by way of equity and/or quasi-equity financing.
基金是政策性的还是商业性的? This Fund is political or market oriented? • 有一定的政策性背景;采取商业化运作 Political background, fully market-oriented operation.
基金的规模有多大? What is the size of this Fund? • 总规模100亿美元;一期10亿美元 Intended ultimate size USD 10 bln, Initial targeting USD 1 bln.
基金投资在哪些国家? Which country/area this Fund will involve in? • 主要投资额于东盟十国,包括双边合作项目 Focus on ASEAN member countries & bilateral cooperation projects.
一期10亿美元主要用在什么地方? What is the business scope of the initial Fund? • 交通设施(公路、铁路、码头、航空) 、公用设施、通讯网络、石油、天然气、矿产资源 Invest in but not limited to: transportation facilities, public works, tele networks, energies and resources.
后续资金还将用在什么地方? Which area the subsequent funds will invest in? • 从实际出发,可包括制造业、现代服务业(包括金融服务) Possibly include manufacturing, services and/or other sectors as warranted by the need of cooperation between Chinese and ASEAN businesses.
东盟基金会对哪些项目有投资兴趣? What knid of projects this fund wil be interested to invest? • 首期基金将重点投资于已产生稳定现金流的项目 The inital Fund will focus on those projects with steady cash flow.
基金在项目投资中扮演何种角色? What kind of role this fund will be played in projects investment? • 以收购少数股权为主,特殊情况下也可进行控股的投资。 Typically acquire minority interests although majority interests shall be permitted in special cases.
基金能投资多大的项目? What is the ceiling investment size of this Fund? • 单个项目投资项目上限为一期基金的20% 20% of the initail fund size.
基金如何退出? How to exit? • 上市、收购、企业回购等。 IPO,Buyout, buy-back etc.
基金注册在哪里? Where this Fund will be registered in? • 香港 HongKong
基金的主发起人是谁? Who is the pricipal sponsor? • 中国进出口银行 The Export-Import Bank of China
谁会成为基金的投资人? Who can be the investors of this Fund? • 中国、东盟及其他国家企业和金融机构 The Fund will open for investment by businesses and financial institutions from China, ASEAN members as well as other countries (areas).
谁来管理和操作基金? Who is going to manage & operate this Fund? • 市场化、国际化和专业化的管理公司 Operated by management companyin due respect to market principals by industry recognized investment professionals with good truck record.
基金的管理团队都具备哪些素质? What kind of qualification the management team should be owned? • 了解、熟悉东南亚市场,有着私募股权基金发起、管理和退出经验的专业人士 Industry recognized investment professionals, deep understanding in ASEAN countires with good truck record.
基金什么时候能成立? When this Fund will be set up? • 今年年底正式投资运作 The end of this year
基金现在的募集情况怎么样? The situation of the Fund raising? • 一期基金募集已近结束 The initial fund raising is nearly closed.
投资项目向谁提出申请? Who is in charge of the projects colection? • 可向即将成立的管理公司提出投资建议 Any investment approsal can apply to the management company.
真诚欢迎企业和机构来函来电咨询,商洽合作事宜。真诚欢迎企业和机构来函来电咨询,商洽合作事宜。 通信地址:中国北京市复兴门内大街30号 中国进出口银行 邮编:100031 联系人: 李芳 特别融资账户部 投资经理 电话:+86 10 8357 8438 传真:+86 10 8357 8443 电邮:lifang@eximbank.gov.cn Any comments, enquires or suggestions are warmly welcomed! The attention of: Ms. Li, Fang The Export and Import Bank of China Add:30, Fuxingmennei Street, Xicheng District Beijing, 100031, China Tel:+86 10 8357 8438 Fax:+86 10 8357 8443 Email: lifang@eximbank.gov.cn