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Welcome to my Lecture! Teaching quality as a research field of empirical research on teaching and school development. Prof. Dr. phil. Gerhard W. Schnaitmann, M.A. Disposition Introduction
Welcome to my Lecture!Teaching quality as a research field of empirical research on teaching and school development Prof. Dr. phil. Gerhard W. Schnaitmann, M.A
Disposition • Introduction • Heuristic analysis of teaching quality concept and measurement of teaching quality (individual and group work) • An example of empirical teaching research 3.1 What is teaching quality? 3.2 To the research of teaching quality 3.3 Research questions and a sample of studies (a method for capturing learning strategies) • Results • Summary Teaching quality as a research field of empirical research on teaching and school development
1. Introduction 2. Heuristic analysis 3 . An example of empirical teaching research 4. Results 5. Summary Teaching quality plays a very important role in the context of school development and school quality Teaching quality is the central concern of school development- and school quality discussion Teaching quality as a research field
1. Introduction 2. Heuristic analysis 3 . An example of empirical teaching research 4. Results 5. Summary „ The discussion of school quality is essential not isolated from each other to look at the various educational areas but consider their mutual interactions and use. The focus is on the improvement of teaching quality." (Leitfaden Selbstevaluation, Stuttgart, 2007) Teaching quality as a research field
1. Introduction 2. Heuristic analysis 3 . An example of empirical teaching research 4. Results 5. Summary Project QUS – Quality in education and school: „ Teaching quality focus quality discussion and school development“ (Kultusministerium Baden-Württemberg und Regierungspräsidium Karlsruhe) „ The quality of teaching largely determines the quality of school. The classroom is and remains the core business of school and is therefore provided by QUS focus on school development“ Teaching quality as a research field
1. Introduction 2. Heuristic analysis 3 . An example of empirical teaching research 4. Results 5. Summary „ Teaching quality, which is to have real content must be done within the framework of school development.“ (Rolff, Stuttgart 2003) „ Teaching development everywhere become to the center of school development." („... There is hardly a reform area about whose priority you is so agreed.") (Rolff, Weinheim 2007) Teaching quality as a research field
1. Introduction 2. Heuristic analysis 3 . An example of empirical teaching research 4. Results 5. Summary „Niedersächsisches approach to improving educational quality" (October 2007) " Teaching quality... central part of the school development “ (Chapter 3, page 7) Teaching quality as a research field
1. Introduction 2. Heuristic analysis 3 . An example of empirical teaching research 4. Results 5. Summary • What means teaching quality? • How teaching quality empirically observed, determine, or perhaps even measure? Teaching quality as a research field
1. Introduction 2. Heuristic analysis 3 . An example of empirical teaching research 4. Results 5. Summary 3.1 Whatisteachingquality? 3.2 Totheresearchofteachingquality 3.3 Forschungsfragen und ein Beispiel Teaching quality as Metakonstrukt depends on the optimization of school learning regarding cognitive and (psycho-) social and affective target criteria. Teaching quality as a research field
1. Introduction 2. Heuristic analysis 3 . An example of empirical teaching research 4. Results 5. Summary 3.1 What is teaching quality? 3.2 To the research of teaching quality 3.3 Research questions and an example • Cognitive objectives of teaching (knowledge-, understanding-, application-, analytical-, synthetic-, assessment objectives-after Bloom et al., 1956) • Expertise and key qualifications (-competencies) Teaching quality as a research field
1. Introduction 2. Heuristic analysis 3 . An example of empirical teaching research 4. Results 5. Summary 3.1 What is teaching quality? 3.2 To the research of teaching quality 3.3 Research questions and an example • Educational aims(acquisition of intelligent knowledge, application-ready knowledge, learning to learn, acquisition of social competencies, value orientations - after Weinert, 2000) • The teacher knowledge, -competencies • Class and teaching climate (framework conditions, etc.) (compiled by Helmke, 2003) Teaching quality as a research field
1. Introduction 2. Heuristic analysis 3 . An example of empirical teaching research 4. Results 5. Summary 3.1 What is teaching quality? 3.2 To the research of teaching quality 3.3 Research questions and an example 1. Knowledge, understanding, skills (What should be learned?) 1.1 Create knowledge base 1.2 Learn understanding 1.3 Skills: acquire skills 1.4 Know educational theories Teaching quality as a research field
1. Introduction 2. Heuristic analysis 3 . An example of empirical teaching research 4. Results 5. Summary 3.1 What is teaching quality? 3.2 To the research of teaching quality 3.3 Research questions and an example 2. Natural active instructor centred and reflexive (How can be learned?) 2.1 Independently and cooperatively learn 2.2 Guide to teach and stimulating 2.3 Regularly review the learning levels (H. G. Rolff 2003). Teaching quality as a research field
1. Introduction 2. Heuristic analysis 3 . An example of empirical teaching research 4. Results 5. Summary 3.1 What is teaching quality? 3.2 To the research of teaching quality 3.3 Research questions and an example The teaching research plays a key role in the provision, analysis, assessment and evaluation of educational quality. (cf. Helmke, 2003) It is the reference to the instruction-related teaching-learning research and climate research. Teaching quality as a research field
1. Introduction 2. Heuristic analysis 3 . An example of empirical teaching research 4. Results 5. Summary 3.1 What is teaching quality? 3.2 To the research of teaching quality 3.3 Research questions and an example • Which description dimensions dump what teaching aspects under the teaching quality framework? • Teaching quality does not immediately capture but only mediated by the judgments of: • Students • Teachers • Teaching observers Teaching quality as a research field
1. Introduction 2. Heuristic analysis 3 . An example of empirical teaching research 4. Results 5. Summary 3.1 What is teaching quality? 3.2 To the research of teaching quality 3.3 Research questions and an example • It‘s a matter of • Similarities • Differences and • Specific details • These three are data sources. Teaching quality as a research field
1. Introduction 2. Heuristic analysis 3 . An example of empir-ical teaching research 4. Results 5. Summary 3.1 What is teaching quality? 3.2 To the research of teaching quality 3.3 Research questions and an example (1) How the perceptions of pupils, teachers and observers as perspectives of teaching experience match? (2) The three perspectives in a common model can be mapped or find structural differences between the perspectives of perceptions? Teaching quality as a research field
1. Introduction 2. Heuristic analysis 3 . An example of empirical teaching research 4. Results 5. Summary 3.1 What is teaching quality? 3.2 To the research of teaching quality 3.3 Research questions and an example (3) How do you describe matches empirically found in accordance with the model matching in the perception of teaching? (4) For the perceptions of pupils, teachers and observers be found relationships to other criteria of teaching quality (such as performance and motivation)? Teaching quality as a research field
1. Introduction 2. Heuristic analysis 3 . An example of empirical teaching research 4. Results 5. Summary 3.1 What is teaching quality? 3.2 To the research of teaching quality 3.3 Research questions and an example Figure a common educational reality or Figure different representations of this reality It is possible to establish a spanned (measurement) model capture the quality of education regardless of the respective data source. Teaching quality as a research field
1. Introduction 2. Heuristic analysis 3 . An example of empirical teaching research 4. Results 5. Summary 3.1 What is teaching quality? 3.2 To the research of teaching quality 3.3 Research questions and an example • Research traditions of teaching quality research:: • Classical teaching learning research: it stresses the neutrality of scientific observation and relies primarily on trained appraiser. • The teaching climate research emphasizes the subjectivity of perception of actors in the learning environment "Lessons“ and is based on student judgments and teacher judgments as social perceptions. Teaching quality as a research field
1. Introduction 2. Heuristic analysis 3 . An example of empirical teaching research 4. Results 5. Summary 3.1 What is teaching quality? 3.2 To the research of teaching quality 3.3 Research questions and an example • Research questions: • Can perceptions in education from the perspective of students, teachers and outside observers as Understood indicators of same constructs? • Are thoroughly, students and observer perceptions and • Judgments comparable? • Distinguish the different data sources • regarding their predictive value for the cognitive or the • emotional development of students? Teaching quality as a research field
1. Introduction 2. Heuristic analysis 3 . An example of empirical teaching research 4. Results 5. Summary 3.1 What is teaching quality? 3.2 To the research of teaching quality 3.3 Research questions and an example Procedure for capturing learning strategies Teaching quality as a research field
1. Introduction 2. Heuristic analysis 3 . An example of empirical teaching research 4. Results 5. Summary 3.1 What is teaching quality? 3.2 To the research of teaching quality 3.3 Research questions and an example • Tasks • Read the letter from Friedrich Hölderlin from 2. September 1795 through education! • Observe and record your interactions (concrete actions, considerations, techniques, strategies, etc.) • before reading • during reading • after reading • Edit your learning strategies questionnaire! • Edit and discuss the tasks 2. and 3. with a partner / a partner or in a group! Teaching quality as a research field
1. Introduction 2. Heuristic analysis 3 . An example of empirical teaching research 3 . An example of empirical teaching research 4. Results 5. Summary The three major groups of categories of learning strategies: (1) cognitive strategies (Memorier-, Elaborat information, organization and transformation strategies) (2) metacognitive strategies (monitoring and regulation in planning and selection of strategies). -> Depth processing strategies Teaching quality as a research field
1. Introduction 2. Heuristic analysis 3 . An example of empirical teaching research 4. Results 5. Summary • Strategies of resource management • (monitoring effort and attention and conscientious use of the learning time are internal Resource management; development of personal - common learning - and sächlichen Lernumwelt- design the learning environment, procurement and use materials). • -> Interface strategies (support strategies) Teaching quality as a research field
1. Introduction 2. Heuristic analysis 3 . An example of empirical teaching research 4. Results 5. Summary Diagnose assessing and evaluating Teaching quality as a research field
Literature: Clausen, Marten. (2002). Unterrichtsqualität: eine Frage der Perspektive. Münster: Waxmann. Helmke, Andreas; Schneider, Wolfgang und Weinert, Franz- Emanuel (1986). Quality of instruction and classroom learning outcomes: The German contribution to the IEA classroom environment study. In Teaching and Teacher Education, 2, 1-18 Helmke Andreas. (2003). Unterrichtsqualität erfassen, bewerten, verbessern. Seelze: Kallmeyersche Verlagsbuchhandlung. Teaching quality as a research field
Literature: Krapp, Andreas & Prenzel Manfred. (1992). Interessen, Lernen, Leistung. Neuere Ansätze der pädagogisch- psychologischen Interessenforschung. Münster: Aschendorff. Krapp, Andreas. (1993). Lernstrategien: Konzepte, Methoden und Befunde. In Unterrichtswissenschaft, 21 (4), S. 291-311; Niedersächsisches Kultusministerium. (2007). Niedersächsisches Konzept zur Verbesserung der Unterrichtsqualität. Hannover. Teaching quality as a research field
Literature: Pintrich, P.R.; Smith, D. & McKeachie, W. J. (1989). Motivated strategies for learning questionnaire (MSLQ). Ann Arbor: University of Michigan. Rolff, Hans-Günter. (2003). Schulentwicklung und Unterrichtsqualität. Stuttgart (unveröffentlicht). Rolff, Hans-Günter. (2006). Unterrichtsentwicklung als Schulentwicklung. In Bos, Wilfried; Holtappels, Heinz Günter; Pfeiffer, Hermann; Rolff, Hans-Günter; Schulz-Zander, Renate: Jahrbuch der Schulent- wicklung. Daten, Beispiele und Perspektiven. (Band 14). Weinheim: Juventa. Teaching quality as a research field
Literature: Rolff, Hans-Günter. (2007). Studien zu einer Theorie der Schulentwicklung. Weinheim: Beltz. Weinstein, C.E.; Goetz, A. & Alexander, Patricia. (1988). Learning and study strategies. Issues in Assessment, Instruction, and Evaluation. New York: Academic Press. Teaching quality as a research field
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