"Sexual Purity" is a faith-based initiative of Rebuilding Your Temple Ministries, Inc™. This workshop was designed to address the epidemic of sexually transmitted diseases and the high rate of pregnancy among inner city youths (and adults). Our program will gently reveal in the Holy Scriptures, God’s clear instructions regarding our bodies and the true purpose of sexual intimacy. We will also provide medical information regarding the diseases and other consequences of pre-marital sexual activity.We STRONGLY RECOMMEND that anyone under the age of 18 review these slides with a parent or other adult to help explain some of the more difficult information. Sexual Purity
1) Who invented sex? 2) Why was sex invented? 3) What is the average age that kids start having sex? 4) Do most people have sex before they are married or after? 5) True or False? You cannot get a disease from having sex. mm
6) Being forced to have sex against your will is called ______. 7) What is the only 100% guaranteed way of preventing a pregnancy? 8) True or False? Being high on drugs or alcohol will make you want to have sex. 9) A person who has never had sex is called a ________. 10) Why is it so hard to talk about sex? mm (Review answers at the end of power point presentation.)
Sex…. is when 2 people come together and perform a physical act which gives them both pleasure...and sometimes they make a baby! Sex can also stand for MALE or FEMALE Why is the word “sex” used to describe both things? n
Why is the word “sex” used to describe both a physical act - and male and female gender?Answer – “Sex” is Latin for the number six (6) because on the 6th day God created humans (both males and females) and....He CREATED SEX!
† God Created Males and Females “And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness... So God created man in his own image, …male and female created he them. Genesis 1:26, 27 Man was first created as a spirit because he was created in God’s image...and God is a spirit.“God [is] a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship [him] in spirit and in truth.” - John 4:24 n
God created a spirit and a spirit...Now, the word for “male” also means.…And the word for “female” also means.… Man was 1st created as a spirit! HUSBAND! WIFE!
Therefore, when God created the male and the female - He was actually creating a between “MARRIAGE” 2 SPIRITS! n
Then God “BLESSED” the spirit and the spirit... And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth...Genesis 1:28 n
“Sex” was created by God and given to the husband and the wife..... AS A BLESSING!
"Sex" was also created by God as a means of "Multiplying" the human race - or in other words..... MAKING MORE HUMANS!
Therefore, "Sex" was created by God to be the most enjoyable feeling that a human being can experience –so that the husband would continue to bond with his wife AND – in order to guarantee that humans would continue to... MAKE BABIES!
1 Thessalonians 4:3-5 (The Message)
Sexual Purity …is Love between a HUSBAND & WIFE
RAP SONG ABOUT SEXUAL PURITY FOR FEMALES KRS-One - Take Your Tyme http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fw-ky0LC1MM
Gen. 3:16 - Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire[shall be] to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee. (This Scripture is referring to God’s punishment for Eve – and all the women born after.)
desire GOTCHA! GOTCHA! n
AND AS THE PREVIOUS RAP SONG SAID, “IF YOU SLEEP WITH A MAN, THAT MAN BECOMES YOUR HUSBAND!” As far as God is concerned <every> man that a woman has sex with is her husband! It doesn’t matter if they are married or not .
COMPLETE CONTROL v As you wish, My Queen! As you wish, My Queen! Yes, My Love! Yes Dear! Yes, My Love! Yes, Dear! Yes Dear!
Your reproductive system consists of the parts of your body that are used to make a baby. n
Reproductive organs in both the male and the female are similar. MALE FEMALE Fallopian tubes OvariesGlans ClitorisVestibular bulbsClitoral shaftHood of clitorisLabia minoraLabia majoraSkenes ductsBartholin’s glands Uterus/Upper Vagina Appendix testis Testes Glans Penis Spongy body of penis Penile shaft Foreskin of penis Underside of penile shaft Scrotum Prostate gland Cowper’s glands Prostatic utricle (Review diagrams at these links:) http://kidshealth.org/parent/general/body_basics/female_reproductive_system.html http://kidshealth.org/parent/general/body_basics/male_reproductive.html#cat20090
All babies are created as FEMALE! If the father's sperm contains a "Y” chromosome then the baby will develop into a boy. If the father's sperm contains another "X" chromosome then the baby will remain a girl. This is why the reproductive organs of the human body are similar in structure. This is also the reason why humans have both male and female hormones in their bodies.
God’s 1st Commandment to Mankind….. God commanded the male spirit and the female spirit to do 4 things: 1. Be fruitful - to bear, to cause to grow 2. Multiply - to increase, to become many3. Replenish the earth - to be full, to satisfy4. Subdue it - to tread down, to conquer (the earth)
Therefore, in order for the male and female spirits to: be fruitful multiply replenish and subdue they had to…
Or in other words, they needed to “HAVE SEX” in order to make enough BABIES to cover the earth and care for it when they grew up. mm
If sex was unpleasant, then no one < would want to reproduce >and mankind would become extinct !
Sexis when 2 people come together and perform a physical act which gives them both pleasure - and sometimes they make a baby! Daddy's sperm meetsMommy’s egg ↓
1) There are how many different types of sexually transmitted diseases? ______________ 2) Can you have more than 1 disease at the same time? 3) True or False? – You can die from an STD. 4) How many types of cancer are caused by STDs? 5) True or False? – All STDs can be cured. mm
6) Where are the areas in the body where you can catch a sexually transmitted disease? 7) True or False? – condoms can protect you from all types of STDs. 8) What is a symptom of an STD? 9) True or False? – Teens don’t get HIV – only adults. mm
10) True or False? – A pregnant mother can pass an STD to her baby. ***BONUS QUESTION: True or False? You can always tell when you have an STD. mm (Review answers at the end of power point presentation.)
Sexually Transmitted Diseases "When you have sex with someone, you are having sex with everyone they have had sex with for the last ten years, and everyone they and their partners have had sex with for the last ten years." C. Everett Koop, M.D., Former U.S. Surgeon General A Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) is any infection which can be caught during sex. These diseases are also called Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI’s). These infections are very contagious meaning that they can be easily passed from one person to another during sex. These infections are usually caused by 4 different types of organisms: 1. Bacteria (such as gonorrhea or chlamydia) 2. Viruses (such as herpes or genital warts) 3. Fungi (such as yeast or ringworm) 4. Parasites (such as pubic lice aka “crabs,” or trichomonas)
Sometimes you can get an infection from a different source other than sex. For example, a female can get candida (a yeast infection) from nylon underwear or tight jeans. However, if she has unprotected sex with a male before getting treatment, she may pass her yeast infection onto the male’s penis – which can cause Balanitis candida (yeast infection of the penis). So in this case, the female did not have an STD – but her male partner did! Now the opposite situation can happen also. A man can get a Balanitis from having too much sugar in his blood (diabetes). If he has unprotected sex with a female before getting treated, he can pass the yeast infection to her. Therefore, the male did not have an STD – but his female partner did! CONFUSING? It gets Worse!
A female with a yeast infection has unprotected sex with a male before getting treatment and passes her yeast infection onto the male’s penis but it did not cause a Balanitis. However, some of the yeast cells remained on his penis. Then he has unprotected sex with a second female and she gets a yeast infection from the man – which originally came from the first female. Therefore, the 1st female did not have an STD, but the male did (yeast) – but he didn’t know it! Then he passed his STD onto his 2nd female partner! STILL CONFUSED? It gets WORSE!
Switch the scenario and instead of a yeast infection – use Herpes! A female with a cold sore (Herpes Simplex I) on her lip has unprotected oral sex with a male before getting treatment and passes her herpes infection onto the male’s penis - but he does not know it! The man then has unprotected vaginal sex with a second female and she gets the herpes infection from the man – which originally came from the first female. Therefore, the 1st female did not have an STD, but the male did (Herpes Simplex I) – but he didn’t know it! Then he passed his STD onto his 2nd female partner! And by the way – both Herpes Simplex I & II are NOT CURABLE! STILL CONFUSED?
It gets EVEN WORSE! SWITCH THE SCENARIO AGAIN BUT INSTEAD OF HERPES – USE HIV! A female medical assistant sticks herself with a needle. It is infected with HIV but she does not know it! Because she is not wearing gloves, she does not report the incident to her supervisor because she will be fired. A few weeks later, she develops flu-like symptoms – but just takes some aspirin and returns to work. When she is feeling better, she has unprotected sex with a male. This male then has unprotected sex with a 2nd female. A month later, the first female is feeling so weak and tired that she finally goes to her doctor, still thinking that she has the flu. She has some blood tests done and the results show that she is HIV POSITIVE!