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In general, the anti-lock braking system or ABS in Volkswagen is making sure the tires are continuing to stick to the road while braking. Neglecting the servicing and maintenance of the vehicle may end up skidding it because the tires are losing contact with the road. Moreover, the ABS is helping for creating a stopping distance and prevents the wheels from locking up. The following slide defines the causes behind the ABS failure in Volkswagen.
What Causes ABS To Fail In Your Volkswagen?
ABS makes sure your tires continue to stick to the road while you're braking.
ABS is to prevent the wheels from locking up while driving in challenging conditions.
ABS module slows down the wheel rotation and modulates brake to steer out of trouble.
When it is failed, the tires lose contact with the road, your car can end up skidding.
The following points define the causes behind the failed ABS in Volkswagen.
#1 Failedspeed sensor
Wheel speed sensors record the actual speed of your car’s wheels and report the speed to the ECU.
If the speed sensor is failed, the ECU is unable to get the data and illuminate the ABS light.
#2 Blownfuse
Just like all electrical components of your car, the ABS has its own fuse.
When the ABS fuse is blown due to any reason, check the fuse box before doing anything.
#3 Bad ABSmodule
ABS modules are providing additional safety features for allowing a faster and controlled stop. If it is failed, then it leads to delays in communication between the wheel speed sensor and the ABS module.
#4 Damaged hydraulic pump
ABS controls brake fluid pressure through a hydraulic pumpto control the brakes. If the hydraulic pump isn’t working correctly, then the whole thing can be blown frequently.
#5 Low brake fluid
ABS module relies on hydraulic brake fluid in order to make your brakes work. Low brake fluid can cause the ABS light to come on and be unable to balance the brake pressure.
For preventing accidents, you have to repair the ABS module and ABS hydraulic pump. Consult with a reputed mechanic for inspecting the ABS of the Volkswagen immediately.
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