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Milford Exempted Village School District. 2014 Achievement Results Milford Board of Education September 18, 2014. Milford EVSD. Achievement Results. Achievement Indicators :
Milford Exempted Village School District 2014 Achievement Results Milford Board of Education September 18, 2014
Milford EVSD Achievement Results • Achievement Indicators: • Definition: The percentage of students per grade and test that scored at or above the proficient level on the test. Proficient level for the subject tests for grades 3-10 is 80%. This is an increase from 75% in years past. • Students met or exceeded the proficient level on each of the 64 tests given across all of the buildings. • We received an A on the report card because 100% of indicators (24) were met by the district.
Milford EVSD Achievement Results • The Performance Index measures the test results of every student. • There are six levels on the index and districts receive points for every student in each of these levels. • Districts are rewarded for improving performance. • The score is on a scale of 0-120 points.
Milford EVSD Performance Index • One of our SMART goals for 2014 was to achieve a PI of 107. • 2009-2010 District PI 104.0 • 2010-2011 District PI 104.4 • 2011-2012 District PI 105.1 • 2012-2013 District PI 105.0 • 2013-2014 District PI 106.1
Milford EVSD Performance Index • Milford received a B for Performance Index on the new graded report card because the percentage of 106.1 out of a possible 120 points is 88.4%. • Grading Scale • A = 90.0 - 100.0% D = 50.0 - 69.9% • B = 80.0 - 89.9% F = 0.0 - 49.9%
Milford EVSD Annual Measurable Objectives AMOs measure how well each subgroup achieves the state goal in reading, math, and graduation. The Gap Closing grade answers the question – is every student succeeding regardless of income, race, and ethnicity? • In 2013, we received a B on the new graded report card because 81.7% of AMOs were met. In 2014, we again earned a B; however, the percentage of AMOs met increased to 84.4%.
Milford EVSD Progress • This is the district’s average progress for students in math and reading, grades 4-8. This measure looks at how much each student learns in a year. • The district earned an A for overall value-added.
Milford EVSD Graduation Rate • This grade answers the question – how many ninth graders graduate in four years or five years? • 93.6% of students graduated in 4 years. Grade of A • 96.3% of students graduated in 5 years. Grade of A
Milford EVSD SMART Goals 2013-2014 The district will improvestudent achievement by implementing pedagogy to meet the new learning standards and implementing the aligned local curricula.
Milford EVSD SMART Goals 2013-2014 • All core subject areas have been revised and local curriculum for each subject has been rewritten. • Materials and resources needed to implement the local curriculum have been obtained. • Teachers and principals have participated in extensive professional development on the new learning standards, our local curriculum, and the new materials.
Milford EVSD SMART Goals 2013-2014 • The 2013-2014 focus was implementing the new K-12 English Language Arts curriculum. • OGT reading Performance Index increased from 106.8 to 108.7 • OGT writing Performance Index increased from 98.8 to 104.7 • Grade 9 Explore test in reading increased from 15.44 to 17.90 (college readiness benchmark is 17) • Grade 9 Explore test in English increased from 16.05 to 18.20. (college readiness benchmark is 14) • Grade 10 Plan test in reading increased from 17.64 to 18.87 (college readiness benchmark is 18) • Grade 10 Explore test English increased from 17.27 to 19.09. (college readiness benchmark is 15)
Milford EVSD SMART Goals 2013-2014 • Grades 7 and 8 OAA in reading – passing percentage highest ever • Grade 3 -- 55% of students scored in the advanced category • Grades 4 and 7 OAA in reading increased percentage of students in the advanced category: • 4th grade increased from 6% to 26% • 7th grade increased from 20% to 30%
Milford EVSD SMART Goals 2013-2014 • For grades K-5, students are writing daily in response to literature and nonfiction works. Writing types include narrative, persuasive, argumentative at the intermediate grades, and expository writing. • For grades 6-12, expository and argumentative writing instruction is included in the local science and social studies curricula as well as being emphasized in the English Language Arts curriculum. Research assignments are embedded throughout English language arts, science and social studies classes. • Argumentative writing is critical for college readiness.
Milford EVSD Congratulations • Congratulations to students, parents, teachers and administrators, support staff, and members of the community on these and many other outstanding achievements for the 2013-2014 school year. • We know that we will continue to see tremendous growth for our students this year.