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South Milford Community Primary School. Improvements and Progress 2013-2014 Meeting for Parents: Tuesday May 13 th 6 pm. OFSTED Improvement Priority 1: Raise the quality of teaching, so that it is consistently good or better. By……….
South Milford Community Primary School Improvements and Progress 2013-2014 Meeting for Parents: Tuesday May 13th 6 pm
OFSTED Improvement Priority 1:Raise the quality of teaching, so that it is consistently good or better By………. • Planning work and tailoring support at an appropriate level of difficulty for more able pupils; and for children with special needs • Improving the quality of marking and children’s responses to it
Where are we now? Measurement against KPI: • “By May 2014, 90% of observed teaching to be good with 30% to be outstanding.” • By March 2014, 29 lessons or part lessons had been observed throughout the school: 26 lessons were good or better (89.6%) with 9 lessons (31%) judged to be outstanding. This KPI has been achieved ahead of time. What our Acting Headteacher said: “The HAPs were particularly challenged with advanced calculations.” What the HMI said (Dec 2013): “The quality of teaching is improving.”
OFSTED Improvement Priority 2: Raise standards and increase the rate of pupils’ progress By…… • Making sure that all pupils receive high quality teaching • Improving the effectiveness of homework
Where are we now? Measurement against KPI: • “By July 2014 the attainment of all pupils will be in line with National averages with 60% above.” • In March 2014, the attainment in Y2 and Y6 was already in line with or above the national averages in Reading and Maths. This KPI has been achieved ahead of time in Reading and Maths. We are continuing to work on Writing. What the Education Development Adviser said: “There are indications that improvements to teaching are impacting on pupil progress.”
Homework – what the children say “I do some learning at home and that helps me. I try very hard to make sure I get it right.” “I read at home and it helps me.” “I always practise at home. I use tens and units to help.” “Mathletics and doing Maths at home helps me learn.” “I have these books at home and I read them. I have a lot of apps on my i pad.” “Me and my mummy have been learning.” “I have a Maths book for times tables at home. I’m just so good. I have breakfast Cheerios to help me think.”
OFSTED Improvement Priority 3: Strengthen leadership and management in order to continue the school’s rate of improvement By…… • Sharpening School Improvement Planning to include measurable improvements in Pupil Progress • Sharing best practice in teaching • Providing time for subject leaders to monitor teaching and raise standards • Finding ways to seek parents’ views so that they are able to play a part in helping to improve their children’s learning and behaviour
The School Development Plan “The Governing Body have responded to the HMI report with urgency and determination. They have worked with the Acting Headteacher on an effective and comprehensive development plan. It identifies key issues, appropriate actions, responsibilities, timescales and evaluations.” Mike Smit & Rebecca Teiger, N. Yorks Education Development Advisers, Dec 2013.
Sharing best practice: Quotes from teachers “I am now confident that I am able to extend those who have prior knowledge, whilst meeting the needs of those who are less able.” “I found the opportunity to observe another teacher at work really valuable having never had this opportunity before.” “I picked up lots of top tips to develop my teaching.” “I now have a wealth of ideas for getting children to improve their independent learning skills.” “My questioning has improved to a much higher level. Effective questioning enables me to check pupils’ understanding.”
Subject Leaders’ Comments “I now fully understand what I need to do to move my subject forward.” “Working alongside the headteacher on the electronic data management system has enabled me to analyse progress in my subject.” Teachers’ Evaluations of Subject Leader training activities
Our over-arching aim….. To be ‘Ofsted ready’ by September 2014 . . . and then to attain a judgement of Good
“Every day I’m SO happy. I come to school with a really big smile.”
“My brain tells me stuff all the time, my brain knows what everything means.”
“I want to learn all the time . . . New things that I do not know.”