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Examination of Nurses' State Anxiety and Medical Error Tendency in Different Working Hours

Research investigates nurses' anxiety levels and error tendencies during varying work hours. Data analyzed through questionnaires on age, education, and caregiving arrangements for children.

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Examination of Nurses' State Anxiety and Medical Error Tendency in Different Working Hours

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  1. PROF. DR. LEYLA KHORSHID Ege University Faculty of Nursing SEVİL TELLİ Izmir University of Economics Health Services Vocational High School

  2. EXAMINATION OF NURSES’ STATE ANXIETY AND THEIR TENDENCY TO MEDICAL ERROR IN DIFFERENT WORKING HOURS Thisresearch is a master’sthesis. PROF. DR. LEYLA KHORSHID Ege University Faculty of Nursing SEVİL TELLİ Izmir University of Economics Health Services Vocational High School

  3. EXAMINATION OF NURSES’ STATE ANXIETY AND THEIR TENDENCY TO MEDICAL ERROR IN DIFFERENT WORKING HOURS • Ocaktan ME. Keklik A. Çöl M, [Abidinpaşa Sağlık Grup Başkanlığı’na Bağlı Sağlık Ocaklarında Çalışan Sağlık Personelinde Spıelberger Durumluk ve Sürekli Kaygı Düzeyi]. AnkaraÜniverstesi Tıp Fakültesi Mecmuası, 2002; 55 (1): 21-28. • Yılmaz S. Hacıhasanoğlu R. Çiçek Z, Hemşirelerin Genel Ruhsal Durumlarının İncelenmesi, STED, 2006;15(6): 63-73. • Karahan A. Gürpınar K. Özyürek P, [Hizmet Sektöründeki İsletmelerin Örgüt İçi Stres Kaynakları: Afyon İl Merkezindeki Hastanelerde Çalısan Cerrahi Hemşirelerinin Stres Kaynaklarının Belirlenmesi]. Ekonomik Ve Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi 2007; 3(1)3:27-44. • Atasoy A. Yorgun S. Aksoy S. İka H, [Hasta Guvenliği İklimi, Ekip Calışması, İş Yuku Ve İş Kontrolu, İş Stresi Arasındaki İlişkiler]. III. Uluslararası Sağlıkta Performans Ve Kalite Kongresi Poster Bildiriler Kitabı, Ankara, 2011; 13-23.

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  5. International Council of Nurses Demir A, [The Investıgatıon of The Effects of Shıft Workıng on Nurses’ Anxıety and Arterıal Blood Pressure]. Atatürk Üniv. Hemşirelik Yüksekokulu Dergisi, 2005; 8(2): 40-54.

  6. Barker LM. Nussb MA, Fatigue, Performance And The Work Environment: A Survey Of Registered Nurses, Journal Of Advanced Nursing 2011; 67 (6): p1370-1382. Goswami R, Shıft Work And Its Effect On Socıal And Personal Lıfe of Shift Workers, IJRMEC201;2: 5, ISSN: 2250-057X

  7. Cebeci F, Gürsoy E, Tekingündüz S, [Determining the Level of Tendency in Malpractice Among Nurses]. Anadolu Hemşirelik ve Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 2012; 15(3): 188-196.



  10. Data Collection Tools: Data were collected by a questionnaire. The questionnaire consisted of;

  11. 1. In Individual Identification Form;

  12. 2. Medical Errors Tendency in Nursing Scale ( HTHEÖ ) Özata M. Altunkan H, [Frequency of medical errors in hospitals, determination of medical error types and medical errors: Konya sample] Tıp Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2010; 8(2): 100 -111

  13. These subscales are;

  14. Özata M. Altunkan H, [Frequency of medical errors in hospitals, determination of medical error types and medical errors: Konya sample] Tıp Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2010; 8(2): 100 -111

  15. 3. The State-Trait Anxiety Inventory Öner N. Le Compte A, Durumluluk- Süreklilik Kaygı Envanteri El Kitabı. 1. Baskı. Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Yayınları No: 333, İstanbul, 1983

  16. Transaction:

  17. Analysis of data

  18. Permission was taken from the managers to carry out the research.

  19. RESULTS • Age of the nurses who joined the research were • between 20-29 years (11%), • 30- 39, (60.3 %) and • 40 years and older (28.7%).

  20. 81 % are married. • 79 % of the nurses have children. • The children of nurses were look after by one of family members 33.8 %, • 8.5 % of them by caregivers, • 18.3% of children in nursery. • 18.3% of the children don’t need to care.

  21. As for the nurses’ level of education, • 11.7 % of the nurses is high-school gradute, • 45.7 % associate degree , • 18% bachelor’s degree (distant learning), • 22.1% of the license (formal education ) • and • 2.52 % master degree.

  22. Nurses use • 81.4 % of caffeine, • 38,5 % of them smokes cigarette, • 17% of them use alcohol, • 18.6 % of them use antidepressants and • 68.8 % of them love their profession. • 24% of them were faced with at least one medical error throughout their career.

  23. FindingsRegarding The Nurses' State Anxiety Score 40.7% of the nurses exhibits intermediate level of anxiety, and 59 % heavy level of anxiety during the day shift; 50.2 % of them middle level and 49.2 % of them heavy level during the night shift. Table 1 . Anxiety levels of nurses in the night shift

  24. Factors Affecting The Anxiety Of Nurses

  25. 2. Findings Related to Medical Errors Tendency

  26. Nurses Medical Errors Affecting Factors Trends • Nurses having children, • Smoking, • caffeine and alcohol consumption, • Using antidepressants, • Their love to nursing profession • and encounter cases with the medical errors in daytime hours and night shift (p>0,05).

  27. AGE



  30. Relation between medical error tendencies and stable anxiety scores of nurses


  32. In this context;


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