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Biomass Power Association Annual Meeting

Biomass Power Association Annual Meeting. The Brave New World of Natural Gas. Casey Whelan March 22, 2013. Focused on Delivering Value to Sophisticated, Energy Intensive Clients . Natural Gas Electric Power Water CNG/LNG. Integrated Services. $5B+ Transactions. 20+ Years Experience .

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Biomass Power Association Annual Meeting

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Biomass Power AssociationAnnual Meeting The Brave New World of Natural Gas Casey Whelan March 22, 2013

  2. Focused on Delivering Value to Sophisticated, Energy Intensive Clients Natural Gas Electric Power Water CNG/LNG Integrated Services $5B+ Transactions 20+ Years Experience 24/7 Operations SAS 70 & SSAE 16 Certified Complete Transparency 80 Employees Agent – Not a Merchant 95% + Client Retention SAS70/SSAE 16

  3. Apparent Declining Production with Traditional Technology Strong Economic Growth Increasing Marginal Costs Up 200%

  4. Current Production at Record Levels Production increasing w/low Rig Count Increase is displacing Canadian Supply

  5. Technology Breakthrough Fully Commercialized in 2007-08 Economic Collapse Decreasing Marginal Costs

  6. Natural Gas and Crude are Fundamentally different markets Expect Relatively high Spread

  7. 2015 Today

  8. Production/Rig Count Increased Drilling Productivity Delayed interconnect of Wells Associated Gas from Crude Wells

  9. Market Recognition that Horizontal Drilling and Fracturing is here to stay Pricing by 2014 exceeds Full Production Cost Supply Risk Factors included after 2014

  10. USA: A Great Place to be an Energy Consumer $250-$350 Billion Annual Savings $35 Billion Annual Savings

  11. Gas Fired Electric Generation 21% Growth 4% Growth

  12. Economics of Natural Gas as a Transportation Fuel

  13. CNG/LNG Usage:One Scenario from NGVAmerica

  14. Natural Gas Supply/Demand Summary Supply Demand Robust Potential Demand Electric Generation CNG/LNG Transportation LNG Export Manufacturing Demand (PetChem, Fertilizer, etc.) • Robust Potential Supply • Expanding Shale Map • Improving Technology • Risk Factors tied to Regulatory and Legislative Developments

  15. Electric – Recent Headlines • “Duke Energy Carolinas files for 15.1% overall rate increase in South Carolina” • “Granite State Electric to file for rate increase in New Hampshire” • “Pepco seeks increase in base distribution rates in DC (6.23%)” • “PacifiCorp notifies Idaho PUC of intent to file electric rate case” --- follows a 15% increase in 2012.

  16. Electric Rate Drivers • Moderate Energy Sales • Renewable Portfolio Standards • Aging Transmission/Distribution Systems • Interest Rates can’t go down any further • Environmental Compliance driven Capacity Replacements

  17. Questions

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