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(Final) achievements on Higgs boson searches at LEP2. Rosy Nikolaidou CEA/DAPNIA/SPP Introduction The Standard Model Higgs boson More exotic scenarios Conclusion. Results will be finalised this year. Introduction. Started operating in 1989. Stopped at November 2000
(Final) achievements on Higgs boson searches at LEP2 Rosy Nikolaidou CEA/DAPNIA/SPP Introduction The Standard Model Higgs boson More exotic scenarios Conclusion Results will be finalised this year
Introduction Started operating in 1989. Stopped at November 2000 Energy spread 91<Ecm< 209. Since 1995 Ecm > mZ 1000 pb-1 per experiment, 688 pb-1 /exp above WW threshold • The rise of energy at LEP open the possibility to explore a wide mass range • Combined results from the 4 experiments ALEPH DELPHI L3 OPAL are denoted LEP ADLO Beyond 2002 conference
Z Ze+e-,+- Hbb Hbb Z+-,q q Zq q Hbb (+-) Hbb SM Higgs boson: production, decays Higgsstrahlung WW,ZZ Fusion mHs - mZ We can go beyond the kinematic limit Hbb dominant Channels: Beyond 2002 conference
IP Fundamental tools: b-tagging Silicon vertex detectors(e.x DELPHI) • Hit precisions: 10 m in R 15 m in Rz • B-hadron characteristics : B-hadron life-time 1.6 ps Flight distance 3 mm Impact Parameter 400 m • Decay products of B-hadrons: large IP, PT ,lead to tracks originating from SV… • Combination of (SV mass, IP, decay length,PT of leptons, e.t.c) to a single b-tagging variable DELPHI SV PV DELPHI Z events u,d,s,c b Data/MC agreement 5% Beyond 2002 conference
LEP2 cross sections qq, Z* dominant but can be reduced ZZ irreducible for H, hAsearches WW irreducible for H+H- searches Background cross sections 103 SM Higgs cross section (… < 1pb ) 102 10 1 10-1 (pb) s GeV Beyond 2002 conference
Tools :Multidimensional analyses Multidimensional techniques used to reach the best S/B discrimination (Neural Network, Likelihood ratio) H L3 Hqq Kinematic fits with E,P conservation and Z mass constraint performed to improve on signal mass reconstruction Beyond 2002 conference
ADLO SM Higgs boson results • 3 selections with increasing purity of a 115 GeV/c2 signal D/Bck 61/60.3 D/Bck 187/188.1 Signal 5.8 Signal 11.4 D/Bck 22/20.2 Signal 2.7 • All channels contribute • Hqq,H,Hll,qq • event select: A discriminantvariable and a mass Beyond 2002 conference
Tools:Statistical analysis of the results • For a powerful statistical analysis of the combined results (per channel and experiment) : Selection of ‘signal-like’ events in each researched channel event 2d p.d.f’s of a discriminant variable and a mass Test the compatibility of data with B-only or S+B hypotheses from S and B rates and 2d pdf’s using a likelihood ratio test statistics which simplifies into -2lnQ=2stot-2Niln(1+si/bi) (stot total signal rate, si/bi =s/b prob per pdf bin) e.g Expectations on –2lnQ, one experiment in 2000 Kinematic edge @ 116 GeV Powerful separation for MH=110 GeV/c2 More difficult for MH=115 GeV /c2 DELPHI Beyond 2002 conference
ADLO SM Higgs boson results Median, 1, 2 bands expected from background only Data consistent with a Higgs signal of MH=115.6 GeV/c2 Expected curve from Bck+signal of 115 GeV/c2 • LEP result corresponds to 2.1 over background • At 95%C.L mH>114.1 GeV/c2(obs) mH>115.4 GeV/c2(exp) • Compatibility with background fluctuation hypothesis : 3.4% • Compatibility with a signal of 115.6 GeV/c2:44% Beyond 2002 conference
A golden candidate in the SM search • Event compatible with SM Higgs boson decay e+e-HZ bbqq • A 4-jet event with 2 b-jets • Some properties: • MH=114.3 3 GeV/c2 • Strong S/B probability ratio=4.6 Beyond 2002 conference
SM Higgs boson searches : a summary • From indirect limits from • EW precision measurements • (LEP,SLC,Tevatron) • MH196 GeV/c295% C.L • From direct searches at LEP • MH114.1 GeV/c295% C.L • Likelihood test preferred mass • MH=115.6 GeV/c2 Beyond 2002 conference
2 Higgs Doublet Models • In these models: 2 complex Higgs doublets (1 2 ) • Five Higgs bosons:(h0, H0,A0, H) • Parameters:tan(=2/1 VEV ratio) (mixing angle of h0 H0 ) (Higgs mass parameter)Ao (trilinear Higgs-sfermion coupling) e.g sin2(-) HZ(SM) cos2(-) HZ(SM) Large at small tan Large at large tan mA mh SM topologies and New topologies searches are used hA bbbb, bb Also h0A0A0,invisible e.x MSSM ghff cos e.x fermiophobic ( =/2) Beyond 2002 conference
ADLO MSSM Higgs searches • Combine hZ , hA searches • Scenario mh-max: Allows max theoretical bound on mh w.r.t tan e+e- hA e+e- hZ mh91GeV/c2 ,mA91.9 GeV/c2 0.5 < tan < 2.4 excluded Beyond 2002 conference
ADLO MSSM Higgs searches • Combine hZ , hA searches • Scenario:No mixing e+e- hA e+e- hZ mh91.5 GeV/c2 ,mA92.2 GeV/c2 0.7 < tan < 10.5 excluded Beyond 2002 conference
ADLO Flavor independent Higgs search In some extensions to SM H-b coupling could be suppressed e.g Search for e+e- hZ, hhadrons (qq, gg), Zanything • Assuming Br(h hadrons) =1 • Min eff (hqq,gg ) used • No more btagging applied Results Mh112.9 GeV/c295% C.L assuming hZ= hZSM Strong cross section limits 112.9 GeV Beyond 2002 conference
ADLO Invisible Higgs searches e+e- Z* hZ, h(stable, undetectable particles) • h decays In MSSM h 00 Other models h JJ (Majorons) • Signatures large Emiss + dileptons or dijets with mass close to mZ 114.4 GeV Assuming BR(h inv)=1 mh114.4 GeV/c2 or Up to mh 110 GeV/c2 hZ/ SM 40% Beyond 2002 conference
Non fermionic Higgs searches ADLO Searches in which Higgs couples to bosons only e.g Decay: e+e-hZ()(anything) • h0 small (0.1% at SM , mh=90 GeV) can be enhanced in (2HDM type I models, modified MSSM e.t.c) • Look for energetic isolated photons Assuming SM production rates,BR(hff)=0 mh108.2 GeV/c2 Beyond 2002 conference
Model independent search for scalars • e+e-S0Z, (Zee,) (S0 had, inv.,, lept, stable) • Compare recoil mass spectrum with an expected S0 signal • S0 masses down to 1KeV Limits S0Z= HSMZ<1 mS0 <81 GeV/c2 95%C.L (absolute mass limit for SM coupling strength) Beyond 2002 conference
ADLO Search for Charged Higgses In 2HDM models e+e- H+H- 3 channels cscs, cs, Assume:(cs, ) saturate the decays But BR’s are not constrained Production cross section (mH) Background from e+e-W+W- • Results Assuming Br(Hcs, )=1 m H >78.6 GeV/c2 95% C.L 78.6 GeV Beyond 2002 conference
Search for H WA OPAL • In a 2HDM type I model H WA, (Abb,+-) dominant if tan>1, kinematically allowed • 3 final states are studied: H+H- WAWAqqbbqqbb H+H- WAWAlbbqqbb H+H- WAqqbb • Results on (mH, mA) plane tan=1 tan=10 68 GeV 42 60 mA tan=100 Beyond 2002 conference 50 60 mH
Search for doubly charged H bosons • Appear in left right symmetric models and can be relatively light • Decay to leptons, preferably • Signatures: 4l, 4l+Emiss • h unknown Yukawa coupling For h >10-7 H decays fast • Results m H >98.5 GeV/c2 for BR(H ± ± )=1 Beyond 2002 conference
Light Higgs Yukawa production Processes I,II suppressed if sin2(-) small, mA+mh>s • Look at Zbb h/A bb I II III Then III dominant enhancement factor of the bb h/A couplings Beyond 2002 conference
Conclusions For the SM Higgs boson MH<196 GeV/c2 , MH114 GeV/c2 , MH=115.6 GeV/c2 LEP has explored and constrained a lot of models beyond the SM Is the Higgs boson responsible for the EW breaking mechanism? (Tevatron, LHC, Linear Colliders) Still pending question wait for