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Rule 5 Officials: Responsibilities & Positions

Rule 5 Officials: Responsibilities & Positions. Created by Darryl Buck 10 Aug 13 This presentation will be available at www.southeasternofficials.com. AGENDA. Officials Responsibilities First Referee – R1 Second Referee – R2 Scorer, Libero Tracker & Timer.

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Rule 5 Officials: Responsibilities & Positions

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Rule 5Officials: Responsibilities & Positions Created by Darryl Buck 10 Aug 13 This presentation will be available at www.southeasternofficials.com

  2. AGENDA • Officials Responsibilities • First Referee – R1 • Second Referee – R2 • Scorer, Libero Tracker & Timer

  3. Rule 5 Officials: Responsibilities & Positions

  4. SECTION 1: Authorized Officials • Rule 5-1-1: • Team– R1, R2 • Line Judges, Scorer, Timer & Libero Tracker • Rule 5-1-3: • – Jurisdiction begins upon arrive on court & ends with R2 match verification (admin responsibility through required reports). • Rule 5-1-4: • - No exchange of duties unless unable to continue (5-3-3-a-4 R1 may replace scorer, timer, libero tracker & lines judges

  5. SECTION 2: Officials Hand Signals Rule 5-2: • R1 calling • Signal result of the play • Nature of the fault • R2 calling • Signal nature of the fault & player at fault • R1 if in agreement will signal result of play followed by nature of the fault 5

  6. SECTION 3: Uniform & Equipment • Rule 5-3-1: • – Uniform: • All white, short-sleeved collard polo shirt, black slacks, blackshoes, black socks • – Equipment • R1 – Black whistle, red/yellow cards & coin • R2 – Black whistle, lineup card, pen/pencil, red/yellow cards &coin

  7. SECTION 4: First Referee – R1 • Rule 5-4: R1 Pre-Match Responsibilities • Contact your team no later than 72 hours prior to match • Dress and be on the court no later than 30 minutes prior • Examine & select official game balls to be used • Inspect: court markings, net supports, R1 stand & measure net • Establish non-playing areas & define ground rules • Designate (find) scorer, timer, libero tracker & lines judges • Review duties with R2 & line judges • Call captains and head coach for pre-match conference • Verify w/head coach all players are properly equipped • Establish non-playable areas & define ground rules • Conduct coin toss to determine who will serve first • Inform the scorer which team will serve

  8. Situation 1 As the R1 you have not made contact with a member of your crew 24 hours prior to the match. What do you do?

  9. Situation 1 (Cont’d) Contact Bill and inform him of the situation. Bill will make contact with the crew member to confirm that they will make the scheduled match or he will find a replacement for your crew.

  10. Situation 2 Rule 5-4-b The Home team provides solid pink volleyballs for “Dig Pink” matches. Is this Legal or Illegal ?

  11. Situation 2 (Cont’d) Rule 5-4-b & 3-2-1 RULING: Illegal Comment: All panels of the ball shall be solid white or a maximum combination of three colors (with each panel being a solid color) and of which at least one-third of the panels shall be solid white.

  12. SECTION 4: First Referee – R1 cont • Rule 5-4-3: R1 Responsibilities During The Set • Whistle teams to their end lines; again to bring onto the court • Recognize time-out and substitution requests (if necessary) • Signal loss of rally and then the violation/fault – (new sequence) • Signal the number of time-outs used at the end of each charged time out • Determine: Illegal hits, net fouls, violations in serving area, double hits, back row player fouls, number of hits, loss of rally • Administer cards (if necessary) • Visually confirm the score with R2 on 24th point – direct teams to change courts or to team benches for the deciding set

  13. Situation 3 R1 does not watch and misses the server’s foot fault, then they notice the line judge is waving their flag on the 2nd volley across the net. R1 visually signals to the line judge to drop their flag. Is this Correct or Incorrect procedure?

  14. Situation 3 (Cont’d) INCORRECT PROCEDURE R1 should trust the information from his/her line judges unless they seen the play and disagree with the line judges call.

  15. SECTION 3: First Referee – R1 cont’d • Rule 5-4-3: R1 Court Protocol • Take positions at end of timed warm ups • Whistle both teams to end lines & again to enter the court • End of non-deciding set: • Signal the end of set, then signal teams to change courts • Prior to the deciding set: • Signal end of set • Signal teams to their current benches • R2 blows double whistle for captains • End of the Match: • Signal end of set • Bring teams together at the net to shake hands – release players

  16. SECTION 4: Second Referee – R2 • Rule 5-5: R2 Pre-match • Contact your crew no later than 72 hours prior to the match • Dress and be on the court no later than 30 minutes prior • Assist R1 with pre-match duties • Review duties with scorer, timer & libero tracker • Verify that the lineups have been entered correctly on official starting score sheet (R2shallrecord on his/her lineup card)

  17. SECTION 4: Second Referee – R2 • Rule 5-5: R2 Position • On receiving team side at contact of service • Watch for illegal alignments • Move to the defensive side of the net (side opposite the ball) to watch for net and center line faults

  18. SECTION 4: Second Referee – R2 • Rule 5-5: R2 During The Set • Assist the R1 on calls out of his/her view • Check line ups – have scorekeeper check • Administer substitutions – demo double subs • At timeout complete signal number of timeouts used • Inform coach when team uses 15th, 16th, 17th & 18th subs • Inform R1 of 24th and 14th points • Initial score sheet after each set • Determine & notify R1 of unsporting conduct • Conduct coin toss prior to deciding set • Home team calls - winner selects serve/receive or side

  19. SECTION 5: Scorer • Rule 5-6: Scorer • Pre-match • No later than 20 mins prior – on site • No later than 10 mins prior – team rosters • No later than 2 mins prior – enter starting lineups on score sheet • Position – At officials table between the timer and libero tracker

  20. SECTION 5: Scorer – (cont’d) • Rule 5-6: Scorer During Set • Verify the serving order • Sound the horn when ball is contacted for improper server • Record timeouts • Record substitutions • The official score is the individual points being kept • Inform the R2 when a team reaches the 24th or 14th point

  21. SECTION 6: Libero Tracker • Rule 5-7: • Pre-match • No later than 20 minutes prior – on site • Position • Next to the official scorer • During the set • Notify the R2 if the libero does not remain out one rally • Tracks the libero for both teams

  22. SECTION 7: Timer • Rule 5-8: • Pre-match • No later than 20 minutes prior – on site • Test the timing device • Time the pre-match warm-ups (5/5/5/5 or 20 mins) • Position • Next to the official scorer • During set • Time outs – 60 seconds (signal at 45 secs & 60 secs) • Between sets – 3 minutes (signal at 2 min 45 sec & 3 mins)

  23. Summary • Officials Responsibilities • First Referee – R1 • Second Referee – R2 • Scorer, Libero Tracker & Timer


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