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Treatment of the Jews

Treatment of the Jews. Lesson starter: Write down three things that you know about that Hitler did to the Jews during Nazi rule. Learning Intention. Describe the views of the Nazi Party on race. Identify other groups targeted by the Nazis

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Treatment of the Jews

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  1. Treatment of the Jews Lesson starter: Write down three things that you know about that Hitler did to the Jews during Nazi rule.

  2. Learning Intention • Describe the views of the Nazi Party on race. • Identify other groups targeted by the Nazis • Analyse how the treatment of the Jews changed during their time in power.

  3. Success Criteria… • I can describe some features of the Nazis views on race. • I can provide 3 examples of other groups targeted by the Nazis. • I can work as part of a group to analyse the different methods used to persecute the Jews

  4. Hitler had used Mein Kampfto write down his ideas about the Jewish Race • He believed there were superior races such as Aryans • These were fair skinned people like Germans • Jews and people from Balkan countries (ie Serbia) were far below Aryans in his ideas • They were known as Untermensch

  5. Hitler wanted to get rid of all the people he hated • Hitler provided reasons for the groups he hated – but they were often inaccurate views

  6. The Jews • Hitler believed they were responsible for Germany losing WWI • He said they created Communism • That they were rich and ruthless • That they made Germany weak and brought nothing to the country

  7. Other groups • Jehovah’s witnesses– would not idolise Hitler • Gypsies – contributed nothing to society • ‘asocials’ (such as drug users)– problems were hereditary • Homosexuals– would not repopulate Germany • Criminals – did not contribute to society • Political prisoners - disagreed with Nazi policies

  8. Each group has a selection of sources about the treatment of the Jews in Nazi Germany. • Each group has 5 minutes to discuss the sources and think about the following questions: • What does the source tell you / show you? • What does the source tell you about the treatment of the Jews? • Who are the people in the pictures? • Note down your ideas in your jotter. Task One

  9. Treatment of Jews Lesson starter: Give three examples of things that were done to persecute the Jews during the Nazi period in Germany. For each one, explain why you think the Nazis did these things – what did they want to achieve?

  10. The following slide will be split into 3, each of the sources will need to be placed in one of the sections - Discuss in your group where your sources should be put – be prepared to give reasons for your answer. Anyone in the group can be asked to put the source on the board. Task Two

  11. Denial of rights Separation Mass Murder

  12. The Nazi government started to persecute the Jews – treating them very badly • 1933 – boycott of Jewish businesses • Burning Jewish books • Many Jews made to leave their jobs and army • Anti-Jewish propaganda • Children’s games were anti-Jewish • Yellow park benches • Jews encouraged to leave Germany without their possessions

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