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Understanding and Addressing Antibiotic Resistance in Health & Environment

Explore the impact of antibiotic resistance in aquaculture, wildlife, food animals, humans, companion animals, and the global picture. Learn about epidemiology of AMR, economic costs, and the urgent need for public education. Access valuable resources for making a difference in combating antimicrobial resistance.

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Understanding and Addressing Antibiotic Resistance in Health & Environment

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  1. It is not difficult to make microbes resistant to penicillin in the laboratory, and the same has occasionally happened in the body. Alexander Fleming, 1945Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech The End of Modern Medicine?

  2. AQUACULTURE Seas &lakes Swim Epidemiologyof AMR Drinkingwater Irrigation water Drinkingwater Rivers &streams Antibiotics Farm effluents &manure spreading Soil Sewage Vegetables, seedcrops, fruits &vegetables WILDLIFE Rendering Dead stock Offal Industrial &householdantimicrobialchemicals FOOD ANIMALS Swine Animalfeeds HUMANS Hospital Care facilities Cattle Sheep Commercialabattoirs &processingplants Antibiotics Handling,preparation,consumption Meat &fish Urban areas Rural areas Poultry Others COMPANIONANIMALS Food processingantimicrobials Direct contact Antimicrobial resistance Diagram based on Linton (1977), as adapted by Rebecca Irwin, Health Canada (Prescott 2000) and IFT

  3. Europe – cost of AMR€1.5bn and 600m lost days of productivity per year Economic costs Russia83% of families use unnecessary antibiotics at home UK – cost of AMR£10bn/yr societal costs plus£20k per patient episode USA – cost of AMRHealthcare costs alone $21-34bn/yr Japan and AntarcticaResistant bacteria found in water samples Antimicrobial resistance Map and statistics from World Economic Forum “Global Risks 2013” except UK statistics, which are based on work published by Richard Smith of LSHTM

  4. THE GLOBAL PICTURE Antimicrobial resistance

  5. Can we make a difference? Antimicrobial resistance

  6. Public information and education http://bit.ly/CMObook http://bit.ly/CMOatTEDx Antimicrobial resistance

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