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The New Joint Physiotherapy Placement Document

The New Joint Physiotherapy Placement Document. The New Joint Document. The three universities of Bradford, Huddersfield and Leeds Metropolitan have had joint paperwork for over a decade In the summer of 2008 York Saint John have also come on board

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The New Joint Physiotherapy Placement Document

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  1. The New Joint Physiotherapy Placement Document

  2. The New Joint Document • The three universities of Bradford, Huddersfield and Leeds Metropolitan have had joint paperwork for over a decade • In the summer of 2008 York Saint John have also come on board • The 2008 paperwork is a collaboration and combination of the four universities working in partnership

  3. Assessment Documentation • All documentation has to meet the needs of: • The University learning outcome measures • The Students’ need for feedback • The CSP Practice Educator Standards • The Practice Educators needs

  4. Development Process • The 4 placement coordinators from the 4 HEI’s designed the paperwork to reflect all needs of all groups • The new paperwork in draft from was presented and discussed with: • Students from all 4 Universities years 2 & 3 • All 4 universities staff groups • Multiple NHS Trusts including: Mid Yorkshires (Dewsbury & Pinderfields); York District; Leeds Teaching Hospitals Trust and others.

  5. Development Process • Alterations were made but the majority of the feedback was positive and as the process is ongoing feedback is still being requested. • All Practice Educators have received audit forms from their placement students, as have visiting tutors and students for a rounded analysis

  6. Student Feedback • It is essential for Practice Educators to give written feedback for me to progress • When there is more than one educator they can read the goals set and feedback of other educators to understand the whole picture • Main concern is regarding the time needed to complete the form

  7. Educator Feedback • Appreciated input on the document by the student – thus a more proactive approach • Found the glossary of terms useful in interpreting University language into real setting • Concerned regarding time taken to complete the form.

  8. Training • All the HEI’s placement coordinators are available in a supportive role to do additional training for the document should it be required • Alternatively seek help for the visiting tutors or colleagues who have used the paperwork before. • The students also have had training sessions for the documenrt

  9. Contacting Placement Coordinators 2009 • University of Bradford – Jeff Bromley j.f.bromley@bradford.ac.uk Tel: 01274 23 • University of Huddersfield – James Milligan j.g.milligan@hud.ac.ukTel: 01484 472885 • Leeds Metropolitan University – Sarah Jamieson s.a.jamieson@leedsmet.ac.uk Tel: 0113 8125635 • York St John University – Kate Stainsby K.Stainsby@yorksj.ac.uk Tel: 01904 876497

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