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Corporate System Interfaces

Corporate System Interfaces Agenda. List of Corporate InterfacesDiagram of Corporate InterfacesGovtrip InterfaceIAS InterfaceSmartPay2 InterfaceTELE/UTVN InterfaceTRVL InterfaceWebTA and Payroll InterfaceFMMI Master Data used with InterfaceCorrecting Errors . 2. Corporate System Interfaces

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Corporate System Interfaces

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    1. Corporate System Interfaces 1

    2. Corporate System Interfaces Agenda List of Corporate Interfaces Diagram of Corporate Interfaces Govtrip Interface IAS Interface SmartPay2 Interface TELE/UTVN Interface TRVL Interface WebTA and Payroll Interface FMMI Master Data used with Interface Correcting Errors 2

    3. Corporate System Interfaces List of Corporate Systems 3

    4. Corporate System Interfaces Diagram of Corporate Systems 4

    5. Corporate System Interfaces GovTrip The 27 Character Shorthand code will be used for all Corporate Feeder Systems. Travel authorization and voucher will still be entered into Govtrip. The GovTrip interface is near real-time into FMMI. The Govtrip authorization will come into FMMI as a Funds Commitment. The GovTrip invoice postings are similar to an FI invoice posting. They do not reference an existing Purchase Order or Goods Receipt. Instead, the GovTrip invoice will reference the corresponding FMMI Funds Commitment document which represents the original travel authorization. The GovTrip TANUM (Travel Authorization Number) is stored in the Header Reference field on all FMMI related documents (Funds Commitment, Authorization, Advance, and Voucher/Invoices). The TANUM is used in FMMI to “link” all the various GovTrip posting for one TDY. 5

    6. Corporate System Interfaces Govtrip FMMI Document Types 6

    7. Corporate System Interfaces IAS The 27 Character Shorthand code will be used for all Corporate Feeder Systems. Purchase orders and payment vouchers will still be entered into IAS The FMMI to IAS interface is near real-time. As soon as the transaction is approved in IAS, it will be interfaced to FMMI. The PR/PO that are processed through the interface will be treated as if they were direct entered into FMMI. If the transaction fails for budgetary reasons, a error message will be sent back to IAS for correction to occur. The 11-Character IAS IO document number are stored in the Communications Tab - Our Reference field on the FMMI Purchase Order. The FMMI PO number is a system generated sequence number and the IAS PO number is utilized in FMMI and IAS to match the subsequent transactions. 7

    8. Corporate System Interfaces IAS The IAS IM – document number (Payment) is populated in the FMMI Invoice Header Text field via the inbound interface. Plus, the Vendors original invoice number is stored in the Header Reference field on the FMMI IAS Invoice posting. There is a 'Document Chain Report' associated with the AP Reporter Role. This report allows the viewing of the entire chain of documents. 8

    9. Corporate System Interfaces IAS FMMI Document Types 9

    10. Corporate System Interfaces SmartPay2 The 27 Character Shorthand code will be used for all Corporate Feeder Systems. Reallocations will still be entered into Smartpay2. On a daily basis, the fleet/purchase card transactions processed in SmartPay2 are interfaced to FMMI. Reallocation requests are also received and posted daily to reclassify the FMMI account assignment elements on select transactions. If record fails for budget error, the transaction is parked in FMMI and the designated users will need to make sure budget is increased and that invoice is reposted. For SmartPay2, the inf-doc-number and the comments-to-print fields can be used to link the FMMI documents back to Bank. SmartPay2 receives the first 14 positions of the cardholder's name and all 16 digits of the cardholder's account number. The account number is encrypted but the last four digits of the account number is viewable. 10

    11. Corporate Systems Interfaces SmartPay2 FMMI Document Types 11

    12. Corporate System Interfaces TELE/UTVN The 27 Character Shorthand code will be used for all Corporate Feeder Systems. Telephone and Utility payments will still be entered into TELE/UTVN. TELE/UTVN interfaces daily into FMMI. TELE / UTVN interface will post Telephone and Utility Vendor invoices in FMMI on unique document types. The invoice number will come over in the Header Reference field. The Utility invoices use FMMI document type UT – UTVN Invoice. User can search for individual Accounting documents (invoices) by document type = UT via Display Parked FI Invoice transaction. User can use the Vendor account Line Item Display report to review all Open, Closed invoices for that Vendor. Document Type is one of the columns in this report. Focus on invoices with document type = UT for utility invoices. By the way, document type TE is used to enter Telephone invoices in FMMI. 12

    13. Corporate System Interfaces TELE/UTVN FMMI Document Types 13

    14. Corporate System Interfaces TRVL The 27 Character Shorthand code will be used for all Corporate Feeder Systems. Local Travel and Relocation payments will still be entered into TRVL. The TRVL interfaces daily into FMMI. The TRVL authorization will come into FMMI as a Funds Commitment. The TRVL invoice postings are similar to an FI invoice posting. They do not reference an existing Purchase Order or Goods Receipt. Instead, the TRVL invoice will reference the corresponding FMMI Funds Commitment document which represents the original travel authorization. The TRVL Traveler Authorization number is stored in the Header Reference field on all related documents (Funds Commitment – Authorization, Advance and Voucher – Invoices). The Traveler Authorization number is used in FMMI to “link” all of the various TRVL postings for one relocation event together. 14

    15. Corporate System Interfaces TRVL FMMI Document Types 15

    16. Corporate System Interfaces WebTA and PACS/CAPS The 27 Character Shorthand code will be used for all Corporate Feeder Systems. Payroll information for Time and Attendance will still be entered in WebTA. WebTA information will be interfaced near real-time to validate Shorthand Code. The Payroll Systems (PACS and CAPS) will interface via batch processing. Funds control does not occur for Payroll in FMMI. Funds control is completed in the payroll system, reconciliation of funds is completed in FMMI, but after payroll has been distributed. So corrections would need to be made in the payroll system for funding errors. Lack of funds does not stop payroll from being processed. Use FMMI BI reports to see payroll information. 16

    17. Corporate System Interfaces FMMI Master Data The Corporate System Interfaces will use the 27 digit Shorthand Code to send FMMI accounting data. When pulling BI/ECC reports, only the individual FMMI data elements will be seen. For example, Shorthand Code 11XX8015V172FVDC1100CFV01AU that is entered into a Corporate System Interface would be see in FMMI as: Budget Period: 11XX Fund: AM008015V1 Functional Area: AM00720000000000 Cost Center: AMFVDC1100 WBS Element: AM.AC.FV01.AU 17

    18. Corporate System Interfaces Correcting Errors The correct way of correcting errors with the Corporate Interface Systems is to go back to the original transaction and reverse it and reenter it into the system. 18

    19. Corporate System Interface Header Reference Field 19

    20. Corporate System Interface Communications Tab 20

    21. Questions 21

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