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Satchel Paige. A biography is a selection about a real person's life that is written by another person. Satchel Paige. Satchel Paige was one of the greatest baseball pitchers that ever lived. Because baseball was segregated, he played in the Negro Leagues.
Satchel Paige A biography is a selection about a real person's life that is written by another person.
Satchel Paige Satchel Paige was one of the greatest baseball pitchers that ever lived. Because baseball was segregated, he played in the Negro Leagues. Paige liked traveling the country almost as much as he liked baseball. He could strikeout the best hitters with his crazy pitches and long legged wind-up. Even when he settled down and started a family, he could not keep away from his first love—baseball.
Sequence • Sequence is the order that events happenin a selection. When you read, think aboutwhat comes first, next, and last. • Several events can occur at the same time.Words such as meanwhile and during giveclues that two events are happening at thesame time. • You can remember sequence by makinga time line.
Strategy: Ask Questions • Good readers ask themselves good questionsabout important information, such as thesequence of events. Asking questions beforeyou read helps you connect what you will readto what you already know. Asking questions asyou read helps you understand what you arereading. Asking questions after you read helpsyou remember important information.
Vocabulary: Context Clues • When you read, you may come to a word you do not know. You may find a clue about the word’s meaning in the words near the unknown word. For example, you may find an antonym, or a word with the opposite meaning of the unknown word. You can use the antonym to figure out the unknown word’s meaning.
Words to Know • confidence firm belief in yourself; self-confidence • fastball a pitch thrown at high speed with very little curve • mocking laughing at; making fun of • outfield the three players in the outfield of a baseball field
Words to Know • unique having no like or equal; being the only one of its kind • weakness a weak point; slight fault • windup a swinging movement of the arms while twisting the body just before pitching the ball
Guided Reading Questions • Did Leroy Paige get the nickname "Satchel" after he became a ball player? Explain. • In 1923, baseball was a segregated sport. An antonym for segregated is integrated. What does integrated mean? • The author talks about Satchel's grin. What is she trying to tell you about him?
Guided Reading Questions • Use context clues to determine the meaning of the word squint on p. 98. • What was the effect of having large crowds at the games? What would be the effect if fewer fans came? • Compare a player's life in the Negro Leagues to a player's life in the Major Leagues.
Guided Reading Questions • Have students use context clues to determine the meaning of on the roadon p. 101. • What context clues could you use to determine the meaning of comforts on p. 102? • What caused Satchel to get married and start a family?
Guided Reading Questions • What questions could you ask to determine the sequence of events so far in the selection? • Explain how Satchel raised the stakes toward the end of the big game. • Which of these events from the World Series took place first: Josh Gibson came up to bat or Satchel walked two players?
Guided Reading Questions • On p. 106, in describing Satchel's final pitch to Josh, the author says he "exhaled the breath he'd been holding since the windup." What is an antonym for exhaled? • Have students identify a time when they or someone they know "raised the stakes" like Satchel did with Josh. Ask them to describe the situation and results.
Daily Fix-It • Wich sport do you like best. • I love baseball but Im not a good baseball player.
Daily Fix-It • For years black player were denyed the right to play in the white major leagues. • The league beginned admiting them in 1947.
Daily Fix-It • Jackie Robinson becomed the first African American player in the white major leagues. • His many talents showed that him was more than qualifid.
Daily Fix-It • Nobody culd hit you're curve ball. • Touch the runer with the ball and tag she out.
Daily Fix-It • The Umpire said that pitch was an strike. • After we play a game Dan and me ride our bikes home.
Resources(Please review before sharing with your class.) • Negro League Baseball Museum • Negro League Museum Lesson Plan • Black Diamond • National Baseball Hall of Fame • Satchel Paige