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2. WCC 2006 IPC. Chair: Ramon Puigjaner, ESVice-Chair: John Atkinson, CLPublication Chair: Leon Strous, NLWorkshop Chair: John Atkinson, CLTutorials Chair: Claudia Bauzer-Medeiros, BRMembers: TPC chairpersons of all parallel co-located conferences. 3. WCC 2006 IPC. Members:Gonzalo Navarro, Un
Ramon Puigjaner
IPC Chairman
March 3, 2006
2. 2 WCC 2006 IPC Chair: Ramon Puigjaner, ES
Vice-Chair: John Atkinson, CL
Publication Chair: Leon Strous, NL
Workshop Chair: John Atkinson, CL
Tutorials Chair: Claudia Bauzer-Medeiros, BR
Members: TPC chairpersons of all parallel co-located conferences
3. 3 WCC 2006 IPC Members:
Gonzalo Navarro, Universidad de Chile, CL
Sindre Rřsvik, NO
Guy Pujolle, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, FR
Dominique Gaďti, Université Technique de Troyes, FR
Khaldoun Al Agha, Université Paris XI, FR
J. Dewald Roode, Inbekon Management Institute, PtyLtd., ZA
John Impagliazzo, Hofstra University, US
Franz J. Rammig, Universität Paderborn, DE
Leon Strous, De Nederlandsche Bank, NL
Max Bramer, University of Portsmouth, UK
4. 4 WCC 2006 IPC The deadline for submitting papers was initially January 15, 2006.
However, as the number of submissions was quite low and there were an important number of requests for extending the deadline, all conference chairs agreed to postpone the deadline until January 25 (TC1 decided January 22 and TC12 decided January 29).
Tutorials closed the submission on February 15.
5. 5 WCC 2006 IPC Tutorials closed the submission on February 15, as planned.
Workshop followed also the panned schedule:
Proposals deadline: October 15, 2005
Notification of acceptance: November 15, 2005
Launching the call for papers: December 1, 2005
Submission of papers: January 15, 2006, extended until January 25.
6. 6 WCC 2006 IPC Papers submitted to each conference:
4th Interantional Conference on Theoretical Computer Science, TCS 2006 (TC1): 44
Conference on Education for the 21st Century - Impact of ICT and Digital Resources (TC3): 87
8th International Conference on Mobile and Wireless Communications Networks, MWCN’2006 (TC6): 28
5th International Conference on Network Control and Engineering for QoS, Security and Mobility, Net-Con’2006 (TC6): 26
1st International Conference on Ad-Hoc Networking (TC6): 23
7. 7 WCC 2006 IPC Papers submitted to each conference:
International Conference on “The past and future of Information Systems: 1976-2006 and beyond” (TC8): 36
2nd IFIP International Conference on History of Computing and Education, HCE (TC9): 23
Conference on Biologically Inspired Cooperative Computing, BICC 2006 (TC10): 31
Security: from aspects and technology to security management (TC11)
Artificial Intelligence in Theory and Practice, AI 2006 (TC12): 112
Total number of submitted papers: 410
8. 8 WCC 2006 IPC Notification dates:
Papers of Conferences and Workshops: March 15, 2006
Tutorials: March 15, 2006
9. 9 WCC 2006 IPC IPC meeting in Santiago: April 1-2, 2006
Camera ready paper due: April 7, 2006
Advance program: April 2006
Final program: May 2006
10. 10 WCC 2006 Framework
11. 11 WCC 2006 IPC TC1: 4th International Conference on Theoretical Computer Science, TCS 2006
Conference chairs: Gonzalo Navarro, Universidad de Chile, CL; and Yoshiharu Kohayakawa, Universidade de Sao Paulo, BR.
Submitted papers: 44
Invited speakers:
Marcelo Arenas, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, CL
Marcos Kiwi, Universidad de Chile, CL
Mihalis Yannakakis, Columbia University, US
12. 12 WCC 2006 IPC TC3: Conference on Education for the 21st Century - Impact of ICT and Digital Resources
ICTEM II: Informatics Curricula, TEaching Methods and best practice
Teaching and Learning with ICT: Theory, Policy and Practice - From the world of research to classrooms and learning environments
Conference chair: Sindre Rřsvik, NO
Full papers: 70
Short papers: 12
Posters: 4
Workshop: 1
13. 13 WCC 2006 IPC TC3: Conference on Education for the 21st Century - Impact of ICT and Digital Resources
The reviewing process is considering to transform several papers into a panel and other alternatives.
Invited speakers:
Lea da Cruz Fagundes, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, BR
Pedro Hepp, Chilean National Program for ICT in Education, CL
14. 14 WCC 2006 IPC TC6: 8th IFIP/IEEE International Conference on Mobile and Wireless Communications Networks, MWCN’2006
Conference chair: Guy Pujolle, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, FR
Submitted papers: 28
Invited speaker:
Otto Duarte, Universidade Federal de Rio de Janeiro, BR
Associated workshop: Workshop on Wireless Communications and Information Technology in Developing Countries, WCIT 2006 (WG6.9)
15. 15 WCC 2006 IPC TC6: 5th Network Control and Engineering for QoS, Security and Mobility, Net-Con’2006
Conference chair: Dominique Gaďti, Université Technique de Troyes, FR
Submitted papers: 26
Invited speaker:
Raouf Boutaba, University of Waterloo, CA: Trust & Reputation Management in Peer-to-peer Networks
16. 16 WCC 2006 IPC TC6: 1st IFIP Ad hoc Networking Conference
Conference chair: Khaldoun Al Agha, Université de Paris XI, FR
Submitted papers: 23
Invited speaker:
Mario Gerla, UCLA, US: Content distribution and data retrieval in vehicular networks
17. 17 WCC 2006 IPC TC8: International Conference on “The past and future of Information Systems: 1976-2006 and beyond”
Conference chair: J. Dewald Roode, Inbekon Management Institute, PtyLtd., ZA
Program and Organizers Chairs
David Avison, ESSEC, Cergy-Pontoise, FR
Steve Elliot, University of Sydney, AU
John Krogstie, Norwegian Technical University, NO
Jan-Pries Heje, Twente University, NL
Submitted papers: 36
Invited speakers:
Gordon B. Davis
Niels Bjorn-Andersen
18. 18 WCC 2006 IPC TC9: 2nd IFIP International Conference on History of Computing and Education, HCE2
Conference chair: John Impagliazzo, Hofstra University, US
Submitted papers: 23
Invited speaker:
Deryn Watson, King’s College London, UK: Decades of Computers and Education - A Roller-coaster Relationship
Associated activity: Panel on Evolution of Computing in Spanish-Speaking Countries, with J. Arturo. Aráoz Durand, VE, B. Barán, PY, J. Lino Contreras V, CL, A. Pont Sanjuan, ES, R. Puigjaner, ES. J. Impagliazzo, US, moderator.
19. 19 WCC 2006 IPC TC10: Conference on Biologically Inspired Cooperative Computing - BICC 2006
Conference co-chairs: Mauricio Solar, Santiago, CL and Franz J. Rammig, Paderborn, DE
Program Committee Co-Chairs: Yi Pan, Georgia, US and Hartmut Schmeck, Karlsruhe, DE
Four streams:
Modelling and Reasoning about Collaborative Self-Organizing Systems (chair Charles Rattray, WG10.1)
Collaborative Sensing and Processing Systems (chair Kemal Ebcioglu, WG10.3)
Dependability of Collaborative Self-Organizing Systems (chair Jean Arlat, WG 10.4)
Design and Technology of Collaborative Self-Organizing Systems (chair Tiziana Margaria, WG10.5)
20. 20 WCC 2006 IPC TC10: Conference on Biologically Inspired Cooperative Computing - BICC 2006 (cont.)
Submitted papers: 31
Invited speakers:
Al Avizienis, UCLA, US and VMU, LT: Bio-inspired dependable computing
Mike Hinchey, NASA, US: Biologically Inspired Computing
Steve White, IBM, US: Autonomic Computing
21. 21 WCC 2006 IPC TC11: WCC 2006 Security Stream
Chair: Leon Strous, De Nederlandsche Bank, NL
Program co-chairs:
Marcos Kiwi, Universidad de Chile, CL
Enrique Chaparro, Fundación Vía Libre, Córdoba, AR
Ramon Alonso Jaramillo, CONAVI, CO
22. 22 WCC 2006 IPC TC11: WCC 2006 Security Stream (cont.)
Initial plan
Invited speaker: Ted Humphreys, XiSEC, UK: Information Security Management (standards: status and future)
Tutorial on Protecting Digital Content. Ernst L. Leiss, University of Houston Texas, US. Workshop on Formal Methods and Security. Workshop chair Gilles Barthe, INRIA Sophia Antipolis, FR.
Panel on Managing customer data security with global compliances, Vijay Masurkar, SUN, US.
Session on Critical Infractructure Protection. Sujeet Shenoi, University of Tulsa, US.
Session on Identity Management and Biometrics. Liesbeth de Leeuw, NL.
Session on Security patterns and secure systems design using UML, Eduardo Fernandez, Florida Atlantic University, US.
23. 23 WCC 2006 IPC TC12: International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Theory and Practice, AI 2006
Conference Chair: Rose Dieng, INRIA-Sophia Antipolis, FR; John Atkinson, Universidad de Concepción, CL; and John Debenham, University of Technology, Sydney, AU.
Program chair:
Max Bramer, University of Portsmouth, UK.
Invited speakers:
Rose Dieng, INRIA-Sophia Antipolis, FR
John Atkinson, Universidad de Concepción, CL
(John Debenham, University of Technology, Sydney, AU)
24. 24 WCC 2006 IPC Tutorials:
Chair: Claudia Bauzer-Medeiros, Universidade de Campinas, BR
Proposals submitted: 18
Proposing countries: BR, CA, CL, CO, DE, ES, FR, NL, PE, PT, UK
25. 25 WCC 2006 IPC Workshops:
Chair: John Atkinson, Universidad de Concepción, CL
2 accepted tutorials but just 1 has continued ahead: First International Workshop on Advanced Software Engineering, IWASE 2006.
Co-chairs: Sergio F. Ochoa, Universidad de Chile, CL and Gruia-Catalin Roman, Washington University, St. Louis, US.
26. 26 WCC 2006 IPC Other activities:
Workshop on Women and IT
IFIP proposed Prof. Ana Pont, Universitat Politčcnica de Valčncia, ES, to chair and organize this activity
HP proposed Prof. Alejandro Jofre, Universidad de Chile, CL to chair this workshop but he suggests Prof. Dalia Finkelstein to do this task and considers a good idea that the workshop be co-chaired with Prof. Pont.
27. 27 WCC 2006 IPC Other activities:
Workshop on advances of IT technologies
Suggested by Prof. Alejandro Jofre, Universidad de Chile, CL together with Bernardo Huberman, director one of HP labs in San Jose, California, US.
28. 28 WCC 2006 IPC Books:
March 15: Information to SSBM of the number of papers per conference and the number of pages per each type of paper.
April 7: All camera ready versions delivered to the editors.
April 30: Electronic and hard copy versions of the proceedings are sent by the editors to SSBM.
29. 29 WCC 2006 Parallel activities to be developed in parallel with WCC:
Annual meeting of the SCCC (Sociedad Chilena de Ciencias de la Computación)
Annual conference of CLEI (Conferencia Latino-Americana de Estudios en Informática), member of IFIP, with all its associated conferences.
30. 30 WCC 2006 Site Diego Portales Convention Center
Around 12 rooms ranging from 40 to 2000 people
Located at Santiago de Chile downtown and close to the official WCC hotels (for one of them you need just to cross the street)
31. 31 WCC 2006 IPC
Thank you for your kind attention
32. 32 WCC 2006 URL