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Authoring Tools Project – Design Documents This document contains a flowchart and storyboards for the Authoring Tools project. The projects will be done in a combination of tools including Flash Director Authorware HTML (as generated by Dreamweaver)
Authoring Tools Project – Design Documents • This document contains a flowchart and storyboards for the Authoring Tools project. • The projects will be done in a combination of tools including • Flash • Director • Authorware • HTML (as generated by Dreamweaver) • This multimedia piece will instruct users on the concept of Authoring tools and show examples objects created in each major tool. • All media referenced in this project can be found on the MathCS drive – MULT 209 folder. • Design Document created by Veronica Noone • Authors MULT 209 Class
Authoring Tools Project Flow Chart Index 1 Flash 1.a Director 1.b Aware 1.c External Links to examples External Links to examples External Links to examples
1 Authoring Tools Project f d a Introduction to Authoring Tools Introduction The Tools About this Project Green squares represent icons for the tools. Flash.jpg Director.jpg Authorware.jpg n/a f d a n/a • Lines represent copy as written on next page - SB# 1 copy Yes links are duplicated f graphic links to 1.a d graphic links to 1.b a graphics links to 1.c
Authoring Tools Project • SB# 1 copy • NOTES: • Underlined words are hyperlinked • To corresponding page in project • Flash links to 1.a • Director links to 1.b • Authorware links to 1.c • Blue words should have tool tip • WYSIWYG – • What you see is what you get • HTML – • Hypertext Markup Language Introduction to Authoring Tools Introduction The term authoring tool causes some confusion. For the purposes of this project we will refer to Authoring tools as a software applications that aides in the creation of interactive multimedia projects through the use of an easy to understand interface. These interactive multimedia projects may be delivered via the web or on CD-ROM. The Tools Popular Authoring tools include such applications as PowerPoint, Flash, Director, Authorware, Dreamweaver and ToolBook. There are many others ranging from WYSIWYGHTML authoring tools to complex timeline based scripting environments. This tutorial will focus on 3 Adobe (formally Macromedia) tools, Flash, Director and Authorware and show examples of each. Click on the icons below to learn more about these Authoring Tools. About this Project This site was actually created using Dreamweaver, an HTML Authoring Tool. It was developed as a class project for MULT 209 Multimedia Authoring II.
1.a Authoring Tools Project f d a Introduction to Authoring Tools Adobe Flash Example Green squares represent icons for the tools. Flash.jpg Director.jpg Authorware.jpg n/a Flash Piece 1.a.1 n/a • Lines represent copy as written on next page - SB# 1.a copy • Flash Example should be 550x400 f graphic links to 1.a d graphic links to 1.b a graphics links to 1.c
Authoring Tools Project SB# 1.a copy NOTES: Underlined words are hyperlinked To corresponding page in project Introduction to Authoring Tools Adobe Flash Flash may, arguably, be the most popular time-based Authoring tool of all time. Since its introduction in 1996, Flash technology has become a popular method for adding animation and interactivity to web pages; several software products, systems, and devices are able to create or display Flash. Flash is commonly used to create animation, advertisements, various web-page components, to integrate video into web pages, and more recently, to develop rich Internet applications. It has truly moved beyond Authoring tool status. Example Here is a simple example using this complex tool. For more complex examples of what this tool can do visit … links to example - TDB
1.a.1 Authoring Tools Project Earth.jpg Hello World n/a n/a • Line represents basic animation flow of the text Hello World • Flash Example should be 550x400 Clicking on the Earth will display SB# 1.a.2
1.a.2 Authoring Tools Project Square represents Hello.jpg Hello.wav n/a • Box represents graphic Graphic will be displayed for 3 seconds while Audio plays and then loop back to SB# 1.a.1
1.b Authoring Tools Project f d a Introduction to Authoring Tools Adobe Director Example Green squares represent icons for the tools. Flash.jpg Director.jpg Authorware.jpg n/a Director 1.b.1 n/a • Lines represent copy as written on next page - SB# 1.b copy • Director Example should be 550x400 f graphic links to 1.a d graphic links to 1.b a graphics links to 1.c
Authoring Tools Project SB# 1.b copy NOTES: Underlined words are hyperlinked Introduction to Authoring Tools Adobe Director Director is one of the older Authoring tools still popular today. It is a time-based environment allows the users to build applications built on a movie metaphor, with the user as the "director" of the movie. Originally designed for CD-ROMs and kiosks, it has become more popular for the use of online 3D game development. Director started out as MacroMind "VideoWorks", an application for the original Apple Macintosh. Its name was changed to "Director" in 1987, with the addition of new capabilities and the Lingo scripting language in 1988. A Windows version was available in the early 1990s. Example Here is a simple example using this tool. For more complex examples of what this tool can do visit … links to example - TDB
1.b.1 Authoring Tools Project Earht.jpg Hello World n/a n/a • Line represents basic animation flow of the text Hello World Clicking on the Earth will display SB# 1.b.2
1.b.2 Authoring Tools Project Square represents Hello.jpg Hello.wav n/a • Box represents graphic Graphic will be displayed for 3 seconds while Audio plays and then loop back to SB# 1.b.1
1.c Authoring Tools Project f d a Introduction to Authoring Tools Adobe Authorware Example Green squares represent icons for the tools. Flash.jpg Director.jpg Authorware.jpg n/a Authorware 1.c.1 n/a • Lines represent copy as written on next page - SB# 1.c copy f graphic links to 1.a d graphic links to 1.b a graphics links to 1.c
Authoring Tools Project • SB# 1.c copy • NOTES: • Underlined words are hyperlinked • Flash links to 1.a • Director links to 1.b • Blue text should contain tooltip • CBT – Computer Based Training • WBT – Web Based Training Introduction to Authoring Tools Adobe Authorware Authorware is an interpreted, flowchart based authoring tool. Authorware is used for creating interactive programs that can integrate a range of multimedia content, particularly e-learning applications. The flowchart model differentiates Authorware from other authoring tools, such as Flash and Director which rely on a visual stage, timeline, and script structure. Authorware is particularly well-suited to creating e-learning content, as it includes highly customizable templates for CBTs and WBTs, including student assessment tools. Working with these templates, businesses and schools can rapidly assemble multimedia training materials without needing to hire a full-fledged programmer. Example Here is a simple example using this tool. For more complex examples of what this tool can do visit … links to example - TDB
1.c.1 Authoring Tools Project Earth.jpg Hello World n/a n/a • Line represents basic animation flow of the text Hello World Clicking on the Earth will display SB# 1.c.2
1.c.2 Authoring Tools Project Square represents Hello.jpg Hello.wav n/a • Box represents graphic Graphic will be displayed for 3 seconds while Audio plays and then loop back to SB# 1.c.1