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ACT as a brief intervention : 1 verus 7 sessions to treat phobia of enclosed spaces

ACT as a brief intervention : 1 verus 7 sessions to treat phobia of enclosed spaces. Vogel , Karen University of São Paulo Brazil Presenter : Saban , Michaele. Phobia enclosed spaces. Avoidance of restraint, confinement and asphyxiation situations.

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ACT as a brief intervention : 1 verus 7 sessions to treat phobia of enclosed spaces

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Presentation Transcript

  1. ACT as a briefintervention: 1 verus 7 sessions to treatphobiaofenclosedspaces Vogel, Karen Universityof São Paulo Brazil Presenter: Saban, Michaele

  2. Phobiaenclosedspaces Avoidanceof restraint, confinement and asphyxiation situations Fearofnotbeingable to leavethesituation

  3. Ourstudy: fearof MRI

  4. RandomizedControled Trial 26 participants 1 session N=13 7 session N= 13 Brief ACT Protocols from: Páez-Blarrinaet al. (2008)

  5. Results 1) ACT as a briefinterventionwaseffective to treat fearofenclosedspaces ! 2) 7 sessions: 92 % ofparticipantswereable to do a 30 minute exame withoutanesthesia. 3) More thanonesession is required for thetreatment. The 1 sessionprotocolresultswerenotsignificant.

  6. Thankyou! More informationaboutthisstudy: karen@ibmind.com.br Thanks MIKA for presentingatmyplace! Cheers to Ross andBeate! I wish I couldbewithyouguys!

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