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Mitosis, DNA, RNA, Protein Synthesis and Meiosis Review

Mitosis, DNA, RNA, Protein Synthesis and Meiosis Review. Name this structure. DNA molecule. Name the sugar found in DNA. Deoxyribose. What are the four bases of DNA? Adenine Thymine Cytosine Guanine. Where in a eukaryotic cell is DNA located? Nucleus. What is replication?

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Mitosis, DNA, RNA, Protein Synthesis and Meiosis Review

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  1. Mitosis, DNA, RNA, Protein Synthesis and Meiosis Review

  2. Name this structure. DNA molecule

  3. Name the sugar found in DNA. • Deoxyribose

  4. What are the four bases of DNA? • Adenine • Thymine • Cytosine • Guanine

  5. Where in a eukaryotic cell is DNA located? • Nucleus

  6. What is replication? • When DNA makes an exact copy of itself.

  7. During DNA replication, a DNA strand that has the bases ATC GTC G would produce a strand with what bases? • TAG CAG C

  8. What number represents the molecule coded directly from DNA? • 1

  9. Which model contains a genetic code? • D

  10. What is a mutation? • A change in the sequence of the bases in a DNA molecule.

  11. What process must be carried out by DNA in order for a cell to undergo mitosis or meiosis? • Replication of the DNA

  12. Name the sugar found in RNA. • Ribose

  13. Name the four bases of RNA • Adenine • Uracil • Cytosine • Guanine

  14. Name three similarities between DNA and RNA. • Both are nucleic acids • Both are made up of nucleotides – sugar, phosphate and base • Both contain A, C and G

  15. Name the three types of RNA. • mRNA • tRNA • rRNA

  16. Name the process that produces RNA molecules. • Transcription

  17. Codons are groups of ____ (how many?) • 3 bases

  18. What is the function of messenger RNA? • They carry information that determines the sequence of amino acids.

  19. The molecule labeled B in the diagram below is the product of what process? • Transcription

  20. What are the repeating units of the polymer RNA called? • Nucleotide

  21. Process A occurs where in the cell? • Nucleus

  22. Use the following DNA strand to determine the messenger RNA code: ATT AGC GCC ACT • UAA UCG CGG UGA

  23. A cell used information from messenger RNA to produce protein during the process of ___. • Translation

  24. The synthesis of enzymes would stop if the ____ was not functioning properly. • Ribosome

  25. Which amino acid would be transferred to the position of codon CAC? • Histidine

  26. Where would process B occur? • Ribosome

  27. Where would molecule 1 be found in a plant cell? • The nucleus

  28. ___ is the process that makes a copy of RNA from DNA. • Transcription

  29. ___ is the process that makes an exact copy of DNA. • Replication

  30. ___ is the process of making protein from mRNA. Translation

  31. Use the following DNA strand to determine the mRNA and then the amino acids: TGC GGA CTC CTC mRNA = ACG CCU GAG GAG

  32. Which variable is graphed on the X axis? • The independent variable

  33. Which variable is graphed on the Y axis? • The dependent variable

  34. Which substance is tested for using a brown paper bag? • Lipid

  35. Which solution is used to test for starches? • Iodine

  36. Which solution is used to test for monosaccharides? • Benedicts solution

  37. Which solution is used to test for proteins? • Biuret’s solution

  38. What is the monomer of a protein? • Amino acids

  39. What are the building blocks of a lipid? • Glycerol and fatty acids

  40. What are the building blocks of a carbohydrate? • Monosaccharides

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